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BBC News with Gaenor Howells

Air-raid sirens have sounded in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv as rockets were fired towards the city by Palestinian militants for the first time in more than two decades. There were no casualties. The Israeli government has given the go ahead for the army to call-up 30,000 reservists, and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak said the militants would be made to pay the price for their actions. Our defense and diplomatic correspondent, Jonathan Marcus reports.

This is the first time that Israel largest population centre has been threatened by rocket fire since the 1991 Gulf War. The radical Palestinian group Islamic Jihad says that it fired a Fajr-5 missile at Tel Aviv. This Iranian supplied missile is the only weapon in the Palestinians arsenal with a sufficient range of around 75km. Israel had claimed to destroy the bulk of Palestinians Fajr-5 missiles in their hiding places. Targeting Tel Aviv could be a significant red line in this conflict, potentially opening the way to a much deeper Israeli military involvement on the ground.

The Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil is to visit Gaza on Friday. The BBC understands that Cairo is actively trying to mediate between Israel and Hamas over the fighting. Egypt's President Mohammed Mursi has condemned the Israel's actions and said they'd affect stability in the region.

The British energy company BP has agreed to pay $4bn to the US authorities in connection with a huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill two years ago. The US Attorney General, Eric Holder said three BP employees had been indicted by a grand jury in connection with the disaster. Jonny Dymond reports from Washington.

It is the largest single criminal fine in US history, $1.25bn just part of the $4bn criminal settlement that BP has made with the American Department of Justice. BP will plead guilty to 14 criminal charges taking responsibility for the deaths of 11 men killed when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and for the environmental disaster that followed. Two of BP's workers from the rig will be charged with manslaughter, and the former vice-president of exploration will be charged with obstruction of Congress. This is not the end of the BP's troubles. There is still a civil suit outstanding with the Federal Government, one that could cost the BP billions more.

The BBC has agreed to pay nearly $300,000 in damages to a former senior British political figure, Lord McAlpine, after broadcasting a report which resulted in him being wrongly identified as a child abuser. A BBC statement said the settlement reflected the gravity of the false allegations. The BBC television report had not directly named Lord McAlpine, but it resulted in him being identified. Lord McAlpine's lawyers have said the legal action will be taken against those who used social networking sites to name him.

World News from the BBC

Fresh fighting has broken out in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo between government troops and rebels. A BBC correspondent at the scene says the army has deployed tanks and helicopter gunships. He says the clashes about 30km north of the provincial capital Goma are the most serious in months. Nearly half a million people have been displaced since soldiers mutinied in April to set up the rebel group - the M23. The United Nations accuses Rwanda and Uganda of backing the rebels, allegations they both deny.

Nigeria says that it expects to deploy troops to northern Mali within the weeks to fight the Islamist militant there. The head of the Nigeria's armed forces Admiral Ola Ibrahim said it was necessary to defeat the Islamists to ensure that instability didn't spread to other parts of West Africa. Will Ross reports.

Ola Ibrahim said once the United Nations Security Council has given the green light for the mission, Nigerian troops would be on the ground in Mali within one or two weeks. West African leaders are still hoping peace talks can be held with the Islamist militants who control northern Mali, but dialogue seems unlikely to succeed, and there are plans for more 3,000 West African soldiers to be deployed to oust the militants.

The Colombian security forces have arrested three men they suspected of shooting dead ten farm workers last week. The killing was one of the worst targeted attacks in Colombia in years. Police say the suspects belong to a criminal gang whose leader ordered the attack from behind bars.


President Obama has visited several areas in New York city devastated by a huge storm Sandy which hit the east coast of the US two and a half weeks ago. Mr Obama promised ongoing Federal's support for the victims and said the hardest areas would need a long term recovery plan. In the states of New York and New Jersey, there are still people without electricity 17 days after the storm.

BBC News


Nick Kelly为你播报BBC新闻。


“我 认为每个人都在尽自己所能来保护平民,尤其是被困在猛虎组织手中的泰米尔人。事实是这样的,政府坚决不惜一切代价要结束这场战争,甚至不惜牺牲平民,这一 点是很明确的。我不准备听联合国或任何强国所说的话,也不会作出回答,事实是,这篇匆忙作出的报告并没提到这一点。没有一个大国准备阻止杀戮。”

在西方国家中,法国第一个正式承认周日成立的新的叙利亚反对派集团。法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德称法国认为该联盟是代表叙利亚人民的合法代表。Sebastian Usher报道。

奥 朗德的声明清楚表明,西方现在将希望放在叙利亚反对派身上,希望他们能作为统一并有效的组织代替总统阿萨德。奥朗德说最重要的是,一旦反对派成立合适的流 亡政府,就会考虑对其提供武装的问题。新的反对派领导人称这是当务之急。美国和英国都谈到联盟的合法性问题,但并未完全认可,两国都希望该联盟能先证明其 合法性。




国 防部正在审查将军与吉尔·凯利多达数万页的通讯记录,吉尔·凯利是他和前将军大卫·彼得雷乌斯共同的朋友,彼得雷乌斯在绯闻曝光后已于周五辞去中情局局长 一职。到目前为止,国防部一直认为这些邮件可能有不当信息,但尚不清楚是否违反安全的问题。白宫发言人杰伊·卡尼说总统信任艾伦将军,认为他在阿富汗表现 不错。



中 国在全球名列最前,二氧化碳排放量比美国多大约50%,而美国由于发电用天然气替代煤炭,二氧化碳排放量有所减少。印度排名第三,其次是俄罗斯和日本。报 告在很大程度上与年初国际能源机构的分析相吻合,该机构称二氧化碳排放量的增加主要来自发展中国家,而发达国家已经减少了很多排放量。


肯尼亚总统Mwai Kibaki下令部署军队到本国北部偏远地区,周末武装分子发动突袭,杀死42名警察。总统声明称军队将协助警方逮捕袭击者,追回被盗的牛和武器。警察是在追捕一群盗牛者的过程中遇袭的,这些盗牛者有杀死13人的嫌疑。


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