1-- Where are you feeling the pain?
2-- I can’t stand up! My stomach is killing me!
1-- Can you put your hand where it hurts the most?
2-- It hurts smack in the middle of my gut!
1-- Did this just come on suddenly?
2-- I felt OK until an hour or so ago, and then I just doubled over.
1-- Have you exercised strenuously or played sports recently?
2-- No, and I don’t usually get a lot of stomachaches.
1-- We need to get you to an emergency room to see what the problem is.
2-- I think that that is the best way to figure out what is causing this. Thank you.
2.stand up站立
1-- 你在哪里感到疼痛?
2-- 我站不起来了!我的胃快饿死了!
1-- 你能把手放在最疼的地方吗?
2-- 它正好在我的肚子中间痛!
1-- 这是突然发生的吗?
2-- 直到大约一个小时前,我感觉还可以,然后我就翻了个身。
1-- 你最近有没有剧烈运动或运动?
2-- 不,而且我通常不会经常胃痛。
1-- 我们需要把你送到急诊室看看问题出在哪里。
2-- 我认为这是找出原因的最好方法。非常感谢。