1-- Hello, Anna here.
2-- Hi, Anna. I'm Jack. Are you still thinking about renting a room?
1-- Yes, I need a room badly.
2-- Can I ask you a few questions?
1-- I'm an open book.
2-- I want to make sure that we get along okay.
1-- I'm with you. We both need to live in harmony.
2-- Do you like to drink and party?
1-- I hate noise, and I hate loud people.
2-- Excellent. Now, do you leave a trail of trash wherever you go?
1-- A place for everything, and everything in its place.
2-- Do you keep normal hours?
1-- I'm usually asleep before the 11 o'clock news.
2-- You don't have a cigarette habit, do you?
1-- Cigarette smoking is the dumbest habit in the world.
2-- I like your answers. Now, are there any questions you'd like to ask me?
1-- Yes, is the parking off street, or on street?
2-- You're not going to like this. It's street parking only.
1-- That figures, nothing is perfect. But, I'll take it.
2-- You know, I think we're going to hit it off. Call me when you're coming over.
1-- I can get all packed tonight and be there tomorrow.
2-- Just come on over anytime. I'll be here the whole day.
1.live in harmony和睦相处
1-- 你好,我是安娜。
2-- 你好,安娜。我是杰克。你还在考虑租房吗?
1-- 是的,我急需一个房间。
2-- 我能问你几个问题吗?
1-- 我是一本开放的书。
2-- 我想确保我们相处得很好。
1-- 我支持你。我们都需要和谐相处。
2-- 你喜欢喝酒和聚会吗?
1-- 我讨厌噪音,也讨厌大声喧哗的人。
2-- 杰出的现在,你走到哪里都会留下垃圾的痕迹吗?
1-- 一个容纳一切的地方,一切都在它的位置。
2-- 你保持正常工作时间吗?
1-- 我通常在11点的新闻之前就睡着了。
2-- 你没有抽烟的习惯,是吗?
1-- 吸烟是世界上最愚蠢的习惯。
2-- 我喜欢你的回答。现在,你有什么问题想问我吗?
1-- 是的,停车是在街外,还是在街上?
2-- 你不会喜欢这样的。这只是街道停车场。
1-- 这个数字,没有什么是完美的。但是,我会接受的。
2-- 你知道,我想我们会一拍即合的。你过来的时候给我打电话。
1-- 我今晚可以收拾行李,明天就到。
2-- 随时过来。我会在这里呆一整天。