1-- Hi, I would like to speak with someone in the Housing Department.
2-- You have reached the right area. Can I help you with something?
1-- I think that I may have experienced discrimination in trying to rent an apartment.
2-- Can you be specific as to what type of discrimination?
1-- I felt that he didn’t like me because I wasn’t the same race that he was.
2-- How come you feel it was race that was the issue?
1-- When I showed up on his doorstep, he seemed bothered by my appearance.
2-- Is there anything else that made you feel he was using race as a factor in who he rented to?
1-- As I walked through the apartment building all I saw were people who were the same race as the manager.
2-- It is not easy to prove racial discrimination, but please go to our website which can help you file a formal complaint.
1-- 嗨,我想和房屋署的人谈谈。
2-- 您已到达正确的区域。我能帮你做点什么吗?
1-- 我想我可能在租房时遇到过歧视。
2-- 你能具体说明什么类型的歧视吗?
1-- 我觉得他不喜欢我,因为我和他不是同一个种族。
2-- 你怎么会觉得是种族问题?
1-- 当我出现在他家门口时,他似乎被我的外表所困扰。
2-- 还有什么让你觉得他把种族作为租给谁的因素吗?
1-- 当我穿过公寓楼时,我看到的都是和经理同种族的人。
2-- 要证明种族歧视并不容易,但请访问我们的网站,它可以帮助您提出正式投诉。