1-- You have stress cardiomyopathy.
2-- Cardiomyopathy? What does... can you tell me what that is?
1-- It's Ted.
2-- Ted?
1-- Ted. Not just the neighbor you barely knew, was he?
2-- I don't know what you're talking about.
1-- 'Cause every year on the day he died, you get a rush of adrenaline cause by stress. Your pressure rises. You have chest pains. And you end up here.
2-- 27 years. I loved the man next door, and he loved me. I know how this is gonna sound but Ted was my soul mate. And then he just died!
1-- It's grief. Your heart stops because you're grieving for Ted.
2-- So... what do I do next? ... I mean how do you treat it?
1-- I wish I knew.
2.soul mate 灵魂伴侣
3.grieve for 为……而伤心
1-- 你有压力心肌炎。
2-- 心肌炎?能告诉我那是什么吗?
1-- 是Ted。
2-- Ted?
1-- Ted。他不仅仅是一个你几乎不认识的邻居,对吗?
2-- 不知道你在说什么。
1-- 因为每年在他死去的那天,你的肾上腺素都会因压力而极具增加。你的血压上升,胸口疼痛。最后你来医院。
2-- 27年了。我爱那个隔壁的男人,他也爱我。我知道这个听起来像什么……但是,Ted是我的灵魂伴侣。可是,他就这么死了。
1-- 真难过。你的心脏停止,是因为为Ted哀悼。
2-- 那么……我接下来该做什么?我是说,怎么治?
1-- 真希望我知道。