1-- I'm really looking forward to getting to grips with the...
2-- I'm gonna put you in IT. Because you said your CV you had a lot of experience with computers.
1-- I did say that on my CV, yes. I have lots of experience with the whole computer thing... you know, emails, sending emails, receiving emails, deleting emails... I could go on.
2-- Do!
1-- The Web... Using mouse... mice, using mice. Clicking, double clicking, the computer screen, of course, the keyboard... the ... bit that goes on the floor down there...
2-- The hard drive?
1-- Correct.
2-- Well, you certainly seem to know your stuff. That settles. Got a good feeling about you Jen! And they need a new manager.
1-- Oh, fantastic!
1.get to grips with 认真对待
2.know your stuff 精通本行
3.That settles一言为定
1-- 我希望能够认真地……
2-- 我会把你放到IT部门,因为你在简历里面提到你在电脑方面非常有经验。
1-- 我是这么说来着,没错。我是又很多跟电脑打交道的经验……你知道的,比如电子邮件,发邮件,收邮件,删邮件……我还能继续说下去呢。
2-- 说吧。
1-- 上网……鼠标……用鼠标点击……双击……显示屏,当然了,还有键盘和那个,那个放地上的东西……
2-- 硬盘?
1-- 没错。
2-- 嗯,你对这领域很熟悉。那就好,我看好你啊,Jen。他们是时候需要一个新主管了。
1-- 哦,太棒了。