1-- Look at this room, John! Look! We can be a family again. But you wanna risk it all, disrespect us, and for what, for vengeance?
2-- He betrayed me…
1-- I don't care!
2-- He betrayed us. I'm sorry you will never understand what happens… when you're in prison.
1-- But you could go back to prison.
2-- I swear to God, I'd rather die than go back.There's no going back. Never, ever again.
1-- Christ saved you, John. Don't turn your back on him. Don't turn your back on us.
2-- I…
3.turn one's back on 背弃
1-- 看看这个家,John! 看!我们本可以一家团聚。但是你却要毁了它,毫不在意我们的感受,为了什么?复仇?
2-- 他出卖了我……
1-- 我不管。
2-- 他出卖了我们。你永远都不会明白在监狱是什么感受。
1-- 但是你有可能会再进去的。
2-- 我发誓,我宁愿死也不会再回去。没有下一次,永远没有。
1-- 基督救过你,John, 别辜负他。别辜负我们。
2-- 我……