1-- We'd like to have you help straighten out the trouble concerning the bicycles.
2-- OK, can you give me the facts?
1-- We have here a copy of the inspection certificate issue by the Commodity Inspection Bureau and a set of photos. The inspection certificate states that the bikes were found rusty when they were unpacked and the photos taken on the spot back up the findings.
2-- Are all our bikes like this?
1-- Not all, there are 5 of them that have rust stains.
2-- This is very unfortunate. Our manufacturer has always attached great importance to the quality of their products. But maybe the rust stains are due to dampness at sea. If that's the case, the liablity should rest with the insurance people.
1-- But our experts are of the opinion that the rust stain are not due to dampness but to poor workmanship. Please look at the picture. They surely prove that the derusting of the bikes before plating was not thoroughly done.
2-- Well, it seems that manufacturers have not lived up to their standard in this case.
1-- On the strength of this evidence, the responsibility rest with the producer and not with the insurance people. It's obvious that the manufacturers didn't strictly observe the proceeding requirements as stipulated in our contract.
2-- Well, I'm very sorry for this. We'll replace the defectively bikes with new ones.
1-- Thank you for sorting out the matter for us.
1.inspection certificate检验证明书
3.strictly observe严格遵守
1-- 我们希望您能帮我们解决有关自行车产品的麻烦。
2-- 当然,能讲讲情况吗?
1-- 这是商检局开具的检验证明书副本和一组照片。检验证明书上说,开箱时发现自行车已经生锈,这些当场拍的照片能证明这点。
2-- 我们的自行车都这样吗?
1-- 不是全部,五辆有锈斑。
2-- 真是太不幸了。我们的厂家对他们的产品质量向来很重视,也可能这些锈斑是海上受潮造成的。如果那样的话,就应该由保险公司负责。
1-- 但是我们的专家认为,锈斑并不是由于受潮所致,而是由于手工艺粗糙造成的。请看照片,可以肯定证明,电镀之前,自行车的除锈工作搞得不彻底。
2-- 嗯,看来这次厂家没有达到他们的操作标准。
1-- 证据表明,责任是生产商方面的,不在保险公司方面。很显然,厂家没有严格遵照我们合同中规定的加工要求做。
2-- 对此,我深感抱歉,我们有毛病的自行车都换成新的。
1-- 谢谢您把这事解决了。