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听力每日练习 listen 2120 Revelations about inspection





1-- Good morning Mr. Liu. I am Tom from China Daily. We had an appointment. Here I come.
2-- Sure, come on in. Welcome to China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau. What can I do for you?
1-- Here's the thing. I am going to do a report on the import-export commodity inspection. So I am here to collect some information and materials. I hope you can help me on it.
2-- No problem. This is also our responsibility to make the public comprehend some knowledge about import-export commodity inspection
1-- That's really nice of you to say so. Shall we begin now?
2-- Sure, please go ahead.
1-- My first question is what significance it is to do the commodity inspection.
2-- Commodity inspection is done in order to protect the public interests and the lawful rights and interests of the parties involved in foreign trade. And the other great significance of commodity inspection is to promote the smooth development of economic and trade relations with foreign countries.
1-- Great.thank you. Then my next question is that is it the case that all import-export commodities should go through the inspection formality !
2-- Not really. The import and export commodities which meet the conditions for exemption of inspection provided for by the State may be exempted from inspection upon the examination and approval of an application from the consignee or consignor by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection.
1-- OK.I get it. Then how exactly the commodity is inspected, or I mean on what basic principles should the inspection be carried out?
2-- Import-export commodity inspection should be done on the basis of human health and safety, the life or heath of fauna and flora, environmental protection and public safety and prevent fraud.
1-- What will be done to the disqualified commodities?
2-- Imported commodities which do not go through the inspection formality are not allowed to sell or use; exported commodities which prove to be disqualified in the process of inspection are forbidden to be exporled.
1-- Thank you so much. The information you offered to me is really helpful to me. I appreciate it.


1-- 早上好,刘先生。我是中国日报的汤姆,我们约好了今天见面,我来了。
2-- 哦,是啊。快请进。欢迎你来到中国进出口商品检验局。我能为你做点什么?
1-- 事情是这样的。我要作一篇报道,是出口商品检验的报道,所以我来您这解一下情况并搜集一些有用的信息希望:您能给我提供一些帮助。
2-- 没问题啊。让公众了解一些关于进出口商品检验的有关问题也是我们的责任。
1-- 您能这样说真是太好了。我们现在开始好吗?
2-- 当然可以,开始吧。
1-- 我的第一个问题是进行商品检验的意义是什么?
2-- 进行商品检验首先是为了维护社会公共利益和进出口贸易有关各方的合法权益。其次商品检验的另一个重要意义在于它能够促进对外经济贸易关系的顺利发展。
1-- 很好,谢谢您。我的下一个问题是所有的进出口商品都要进行商品检验吗?
2-- 不完全是这样的。进出口商品中符合国家规定的免予检验条件的,由收货人或者发货人申请,经国家商检部门审查批准,可以免予检验。
1-- 好的,我明白了。那么,究竟是如何进行商品检验的呢?或者我的意思是说进出口商品检验是基于什么样的基本原则呢?
2-- 进出口商品检验应当基于保护人类健康和安全、保护动物或者植物的生命和健康、保护环境、防止欺诈行为、维护国家安全而进行。
1-- 不合格商品该怎样处理?
2-- 进口商品未经检验的,不准销售、使用出口商品未经检验合格的,不准出口。
1-- 非常感谢您刘先生。您给我提供的信息非常的有价值,再次感谢您。

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