2-- Really? Why?
1-- He had moved and held a party on July 1st.
2-- It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time.
1-- Even he's not coming back to school anymore, you still can call him and meet him on weekends.
2-- You're right! I will call him this weekend and meet him.
1.come back回来
3.on weekends在周末
1-- 你知道约翰不回学校了吗?
2-- 真的吗?为什么?
1-- 他搬家了。而且7月1日那天他组织了一场聚会。
2-- 很遗憾那时我在欧洲旅游。
1-- 虽说他不会回学校了,但周末的时候你还是可以打电话约他见面。
2-- 你说得对!我这个周末就打电话给他,约他见面。