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原版英语对话1000个:832 Health



Todd: Jeff, I thought we would talk about healthy lifestyles. Now, you are one of the healthiest people I know. You are very lean. You are very fit, so what is it that keeps you healthy?
Jeff: Many things, but I think discipline is one of the most important things. You need to be a disciplined person. A little-bit disciplined person, but saying that, it's not hard to be disciplined because you do things that you like to do, for example I do yoga, and I enjoy yoga so every day I get up in the morning and I do an hour of yoga and this is very good for your body. It's easy to do because I do it in my house, so I don't have to pay expensive gym fees and I don't have to get on a bus and travel thirty minutes to a gymnasium or a fitness center. I can do it right in my house, the front room of my house on a little mat, and I also get up with my girlfriend every morning a five a.m. and we go for a walk for an hour, a nice brisk walk and that's easy to do as well. Just a pair of sneakers and you can walk anywhere.
Todd: And now you actually live in a city area, correct?
Jeff: Yeah, I live in the city. Yep, in Tokyo, a big, big city, so when I say you've got to be disciplined, you can't use that an excuse. "Oh, I live in the city so I can't walk." It's not true. We walk every day in the world's biggest city, Tokyo.
Todd: Well, so basically, one of the pillars of your way of staying healthy is to have discipline to exercise regularly but it doesn't have to be strenuous, just little things.
Jeff: A little bit of exercise every day. Something simple. Something easy. Something you like to do, whether it's walking or whether it's riding your bicycle to work instead of taking the subway, or yeah, doing some yoga. Just a little bit of exercise a few days a week and it will help you stay fit and healthy.

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