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原版英语对话1000个:830 Fun Elsewhere



Todd: Well, what is something unique that friends like to do for fun in Japan?
Tini: Well, of course, they also like to have parties but parties.... after parties, they usually go to karaokes.
Todd: Karaoke.
Tini: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Todd: OK, can you explain what karaoke is?
Tini: Well, singing, basically. You know, you have like a big screen TVs and then you put a bit of songs with like the lyrics going on and then you just follow the lyrics and you just sing, and it's actually one of the most popular, how do I say, activities in Japan.
Todd: Now, this is popular with university students?
Tini: No, high school students as well.
Todd: Oh, really.
Tini: Of course.
Todd: Oh, I had no idea.
Tini: Of course. Oh, and one more thing. I just remembered. You know what purikura is?
Todd: No. Purikura?
Tini: Purikura?
Todd: Purikura. What's that?
Tini: It's.. well, people start to have the image that purikura has become a part of Japanese teenager's culture.
Todd: Uh-huh. And can you explain what it is exactly?
Tini: Well, it's actually picture taking. You have... you know you have those small booths and then you just go in and then you just put in like around four-hundred yen and then you take the picture with your friend and after that, after taking the picture, you can actually decorate the picture and it will come out in like very small size of like pictures and then you can just stick it onto your cell-phone or onto your notebook.
Todd: Oh, that's pretty cool.
Tini: Mm.
Todd: Now do you have that in Vietnam?
Tini: Well, we do but it's not that popular.
Todd: OK, well thanks a lot, Tini.

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