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英文原版对话1000个:739 Good Qualities




Todd: So, Matt, we're talking about adjectives this week and, or qualities about people, so let's talk about what makes people good at what they do. First of all, what do you think makes a good student? We're both teachers so in your mind what's a good student?

Matt: I think somebody who is motivated, self-motivated and somebody who takes an interest in what they are doing and works at it, and I mean, as a teacher I always enjoy people who are outgoing and have a personality, but I know reality is that not every student can be like that so you just try to... as a student I think that the most important thing is to show interest and participate and work outside of class.

Todd: Right, I totally agree. OK, so now how about work. What makes a good boss?

Matt: I've had so many different jobs and so many different bosses. I think a good boss is somebody who knows his... the people who work for him, and he knows the strengths and he can communicate or she can communicate what they really want for each worker and somebody who can delegate responsibility, but that shows that they know and that they care about what their minions are doing for them.

Todd: Right. OK, now moving on, how about what makes a good friend?

Matt: A good friend? I think somebody who just can listen and kind of unconditional love almost or like anything that you do, anything that you do can't tarnish the relationship and somebody who is loyal and who is honest basically.

Todd: OK, and this is the last one. What makes a good parent?

Matt: A good parent! Not that I would know from firsthand experience, but I think, you know, just somebody who is there always and who takes care of the child and, you know, spends time I think, spends quality time. People who work hard can tend to forget about their child if they're too focused on other things and parents who really are there and listen and talk to the kid usually have the greatest success.

Todd: OK, thanks a lot Matt. I appreciate your time.

Matt: Yeah.


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