Nightview of Sanya bay in Hainan province. [Photo/VCG]
Hainan has announced a strict, islandwide quota policy to curb speculation in the housing market and better promote building the island into a pilot international free-trade zone.
今年3月31日,海南省住建厅发布《关于做好稳定房地产市场工作的通知》,规定五指山、保亭、琼中、白沙4个中部生态核心区(central ecological core areas)市县建设的商品住宅只能销售给本市县居民(only open for purchase by local residents);非本省户籍居民家庭在海口、三亚、琼海实行限购的区域购房,须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南省累计60个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明(tax records or social security payments for the past 60 months in Hainan from at least one member of the applicant's family)。
此次出台的全域限购政策(islandwide quota policy)规定,除上述区域之外,非本省户籍居民家庭购买住房的,须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南累计24个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明;自本通知发布后,户籍新迁入本省的居民家庭(household registration newly transferred to Hainan)只能购买一套住房,并须提供至少一名家庭成员在海南省累计24个月及以上个人所得税或社会保险缴纳证明。
同时,海南省还规定了严格的限贷和限制转让(restrictions in loan and transfer)措施。非本省户籍居民家庭在海南省购买住房,申请商业性个人住房贷款首付款比例不得低于70%(a minimum 70 percent down payment);居民家庭或企事业单位、社会组织在海南省购买的住房,取得不动产权证满5年后方可转让。
在限制买方市场的同时,新规定对卖方市场也做出了明确要求。对取得预售许可证的商品住宅项目(commercial housing projects with pre-sale permits),房地产开发企业要公开全部房源并明码标价(clearly mark the prices of the houses),一次性对外销售(put up all the houses for sale),不得分期分批销售。商品住宅价格备案后,6个月内不得调高备案价格(recorded price can't be increased within 6 months);调整备案价格的须重新备案。此外,海南省将大幅减少直至停止供应外销商品住宅项目用地。
首付 down payment
按揭贷款 mortgage
房产估值 assessed value
预售条款 due-on-sale provision
固定利率贷款 fixed-rate mortgage
验房 home inspection
贷款发放 loan origination
房屋限购 purchase limits for real estate