过去的这个冬天特别寒冷,西方甚至还诞生了一个关于天气的新词:来自东方的野兽(the Beast from the East)。
到了上周,有关冬天的智慧都集中在颇有韵律的词汇:the Beast from the East,此时,北极漩涡经俄罗斯“侵入”欧洲,人们对此给出了有趣的昵称。
Easterly winds from Siberia will bring increasingly #cold conditions to northern Europe later this week and during the weekend. Nicknamed the ‘beast from the east’, the coldest air will arrive in the UK by the start of next week.
— Met Office (@metoffice) February 20, 2018
这个气象昵称听起来有些熟悉,让我们查看一下《牛津英语辞典》(the Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)帮助我们回忆。根据OED记录,英国《每日快报》曾在2011年2月报道横扫俄国和斯堪的纳维亚的严寒天气时使用过该词。于是,OED发推文说道:
Followers shivering in sub-zero temperatures in the UK might like to know that #BeastFromTheEast has been in use since at least as early as Feb 2011, when it was used in a Daily Express story about a similar rush of cold air and wintry weather from Russia & Scandinavia that year
— The OED (@OED) March 1, 2018
《每日快报》的记者们可能是受到俄国拳击手Nikolai Valuev的绰号的启发。英国媒体并未让Beast from the East一词成为一次性词汇。媒体在2012年使用该表达方式,当时在社交媒体上传播开来,英国气象办公室也采用该表达,甚至还专门发了博文,让读者不要和美国Dokken重金属乐队1988年发布的专辑名称混淆了。
几天后,英国气象办公室还尝试用Pest from the West(来自西方的害虫)形容从大西洋吹来的强降雨和强风,但这次并没有流行起来,随后就出现Storm Emma(艾玛风暴)。现在看来,将来的冬天我们能够期待更多的昵称或绰号啦。