A helicopter is landing at China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, Aug 29, 2017. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/China Daily]
China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing inaugurated a multi-storey parking facility to help alleviate parking problems, as well as to provide better air rescue services.
新建成的这个立体停车楼(multi-storey parking facility)是一栋四层的建筑,配备了智能停车系统(automatic system which allows smart-parking)。除了顶层供救援直升机(ambulance helicopters)使用的停机坪(parking apron),楼内共有369个停车位。
停机坪还配备了专业的助航导航照明系统(navaid and navigation illuminating system),即使在夜间也能保障直升机安全起降,实现了停机坪24小时随时启用。
随着中国扩大低空空域开放(With the opening up of low-attitude airspace in China),直升机在航空医疗救援(air medical rescue)特别是急救中的作用越来越重要。