Prospective tenants visit the public rental housing at the Xinyue apartments in Shanghai, on May 15, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]
Land and housing authorities are encouraging large cities across China to set up housing projects for tenants using collectively owned land parcels, in one more measure to increase supplies for the residential leasing market.
集体建设用地(collectively owned land parcels)就是所有权归集体所有的土地,分为三大类:宅基地(homesteads)、公益性公共设施用地(land for nonprofit public facilities)和经营性用地(profit-oriented land)。
第一批开展利用集体建设用地建设租赁住房试点的13个城市都是特大城市(megacities),或是人口净流入快速增加的大城市(large cities with fast and growing net population inflows)。
根据部委下发的通知,集体租赁住房只租不售(none of the rooms in the rental projects can be sold),承租人不得转租。
租赁住房项目试点将主要集中在近郊区和城中村(suburban and rural areas)。分析指出,这将有效促进人口城市化的进程,让大量新市民住有所居。