A meeting of a top Party reform group, chaired by President Xi Jinping, said officials must strengthen supervision over fraudulent data and ensure independent investigation and reporting over statistics, organizations and personnel.
Statistics既可以指“统计数字(资料), facts obtained from analysing information expressed in numbers”,也可以指“统计学,a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers”,“国家统计局”的英文表述就是National Bureau of Statistics。
“统计造假”就可以用fake statistics、fraudulent data或者manufactured statistics来表示。这三个表述中,manufactured从字面上来看人为痕迹最重,表示“(人为)捏造”,invent information that is not true;fraudulent则强调了这种虚假数据的欺骗性,deliberately deceitful;fake则是很直白的造假,可能涉及“篡改、动手脚”等行为。
Independently ensure that supervision authorities are not infringed upon, ensure that all types of cases of manufactured statistics are inspected in a timely and effective manner, ensure statistics are truthful, accurate, complete and timely.