"Rates of Type 2 diabetes in China have exploded in the last couple of decades," said Bernhard Schwartlander, the WHO representative in China.
About 110 million adults in China live with diabetes, according to the World Health Organization.
An increasing number of children in China face an elevated risk of developing diabetes, mainly because of unhealthy diets and a lack of physical exercise, experts warned on Thursday, which was World Health Day.
This increase has been largely driven by unhealthy lifestyles - diets that are too high in sugar and fat, and people not getting enough physical activity."
Liang Xiaofeng, deputy chief of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said a modern sedentary lifestyle contributed to the sharp rise in diabetes in China.
Diabetes is incurable and can lead to heart disease, kidney failure and blindness if not properly managed, according to the WHO.
insulin 胰岛素
body weight 体重
obesity 肥胖症
metabolic diseases 代谢疾病
overweight 超重
sedentary 久坐的