Web glow refers to the perfect look one appears in online photos, while in real life, they are probably not so attractive as they diaplayed. Normally, they will use digital tools of face beautification before posting any photos online. That's where the term "web glow" comes, the glow only exixts on the Internet.
Web glow(网络美颜)指网络发布的照片中完美无瑕的容颜,而在现实生活中,照片中的人物可能并没有那么漂亮。一般来说,这些人在网上发布照片之前都会用图片美化工具对照片进行处理。所以,才会有web glow这个说法的出现,因为这种美丽的容颜只存在于网络上。
For example:
John: Hey dude, did you hang out with that girl Katie from Facebook?
Mike: Yea but I regret it, it was all web glow. She's really only a 4.