For the last decade, a new type of fraud is particularly expanding amongst major size companies: the so called CEO impersonation fraud or CEO fraud.
过去十年,一种新型的诈骗在大公司中特别猖獗,也就是冒充老板进行诈骗(CEO fraud)。
CEO impersonation fraud is an organized scam which purpose is to fraudulently impersonate a CEO who orders an employee to transfer consequent amounts of money to a third party bank account.
除了冒充老板的诈骗电话,还有类似的诈骗电邮,称为“bogus boss”email scam。下面给大家列出几种常见的骗术:
1. Someone poses as a boss of a company instructing staff to make a wire transfer into the fraudster's account
2. Fraudsters pose as the IT services department of a bank saying they want to make a test transfer - but it's not a test
3. Fraudsters claim to be a supplier and ask for outstanding invoices to be paid into a new bank account
4. Employees click on links within phishing emails containing malware which authorises many small payments to the fraudster's account