Food swamp refers to an area that has an abundance of fast food restaurants and other low-nutrition food options.
乍看之下,“食品荒漠”(food desert)和“食物沼泽”都与食物相关,其实两者里提到的食物却截然不同。“食品荒漠”里的食物是健康食品,即新鲜蔬菜、瓜果、肉类和奶制品,而食物沼泽中出现的食品却是高热量、低营养的“垃圾食品”。因此,在学记时一定要区分清楚,谨防搞混。
For example:
The authority has mapped the entire city to measure access to healthier food within walking distance, and found many neighbourhoods would qualify as food swamps, with many more less healthy food stores than healthier ones.
Food swamps are also found in both high and lower income neighbourhoods throughout the city, and there was no significant correlation between a neighbourhood's income and its chance of healthier food access.