Unanswered emails. Texts you must respond to. Facebook messages piling up. Those little red notifications and alerts constantly going off. We always owe someone at least one correspondence. But is it getting to be too much? When you find yourself with hundreds of "friends" maintaining those relationships can feel like a burden. Maybe it's time to declare "social bankruptcy." Social bankruptcy refers to the condition of being so overwhelmed by social media that the only solution is to close all one’s accounts.
未回的邮件、必须回复的短信、越积越多的脸书消息、那些不断发出提示音的小小红色通知和提醒图标······我们总是欠着谁至少一个回复。不过这些需要回复的东西是不是太多了?当你发现自己有成百上千个“好友” 时,维持这些“好友”关系可能让你觉得是个负担。或许是时候宣布“社交破产”了。社交破产指因为社交媒体而不堪重负、只好关闭所有的社交媒体账号的状态。
For example:
As part of the social bankruptcy process, I’m reassessing each connection in my social network as if it’s a brand new connection opportunity that just showed up for the first time. I’m letting go of past social baggage with certain people and asking myself if it makes sense to include them in my social map today.