Fire fighters, soldiers, doctors and civilians are racing against the clock to save the injured and contain fires 24 hours after two massive explosions at a warehouse in Tianjin Municipality, north China.
To race against the clock字面上理解为“与时钟赛跑”,其实就是我们常说的“争分夺秒”,也可以用race against time表示。
A total of 3,500 residents have been relocated to 10 nearby schools after their homes suffered damages mainly due to the blast shockwave.
Relocate一词由表示“再次、重新”的前缀re和locate构成,指“重新安置”,近几年的热门话题“拆迁”就可以用demolition and relocation表示。
The city has set up 17 monitoring stations for air, and another five for water. Three sewage outlets to the sea have been closed.
Sewage outlets指“排污口”,喜欢购物的同学们对outlets这个词应该不陌生,这就是商家常说的“奥特莱斯”,也就是廉价销售有瑕疵或者过季货品的折扣店。
事故发生后,现场搜救(search and rescue)往往是首要任务。目前,国家核生化应急救援队(nuclear and chemical specialists)已进入爆炸现场展开救援,国家卫计委派出的医疗专家(medical experts)也已抵达天津对伤者展开救治。医护人员表示,多数伤者为玻璃或碎片划伤(glass or shrapnel cuts)、头部受伤(skull injuries)或者骨折(fracture)。
报道称,发生爆炸的仓库主要存放氰化钠(sodium cyanide)和甲苯二异氰酸酯(toluene diisocyanate)等有毒化学品(toxic chemicals)。救援人员准备使用过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide)对有毒物质进行处置。
目前,仍有30多名消防员和涉事公司十几名员工失联(missing/accounted for)。