The Ministry of Education in China has announced a new regulation that bans any paid make-up classes organized by primary schools or middle schools.
“有偿补课”可以用 paid make-up classes表示。Paid表示付费的,有偿的,如带薪休假(paid leave),待遇优厚的工作(a well-paid job),未付税款(unpaid tax)。
部分学校以课外活动(extra-curricular activity)的形式进行有偿补课,但有些老师强迫学生参加有偿补课(force students to take these paid classes)。根据规定,对于违反规定的中小学校,或将给予撤消荣誉称号(be stripped of any honours or titles )等处罚。规定将在寒暑假期间(during summer and winter breaks )严格执行(be strictly enforced)。同时,教育部还设立了群众举报热线(set up a public complaints hotline)。