Football is famous for the glamorous wives and girlfriends(WAGs) who throng the sidelines at big ticket matches and international tournaments.
But while the women's game doesn't get quite the same level of press coverage, it too is no stranger to partners who cheer on the players from the stands.
Let's take a closer look at the players' HABS (husbands and boyfriends) at the Women's World Cup, which kicked off in Edmonton, Canada on Saturday.
英格兰队门将西沃恩((Siobhan Chamberlain)与未婚夫Leigh Moore
美国队员劳伦·霍利迪(Lauren Holiday)与篮球队员Jrue Holiday两年前结婚
美国队员、奥运金牌得主阿莱克斯·摩根(Alex Morgan)与同为足球运动员的老公Servando Carrasco
加拿大队中场队员凯琳·凯尔(Kaylyn Kyle)的男友是美国足球运动员Gabriel Farfan
美国队员勒鲁斯(Syndney Leroux)跟同为足球运动员的老公Dom Dwyer
荷兰队前锋梅利斯(Manon Melis)与未婚夫Ties Theeuwkens
美国队员朱莉·约翰斯顿(Julie Johnston)和同为足球运动员的男友Zach Ertz
美国队中场球员梅根·拉皮诺埃(Megan Rapinoe,左)与创作歌手Sera Cahoone相恋