Same-sex marriage supporters pose for a photograph at Dublin Castle in Dublin, Ireland on May 23, 2015. Irish voters appear to have voted heavily in favor of allowing same-sex marriage in a historic referendum in the traditionally Catholic country, government ministers and opponents of the bill said on Saturday.
Ireland has become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.
same-sex marriage 或 gay marriage 表示,指生理性别或性别认同相同的两人之间的婚姻关系。同性婚姻支持者们争取的是“婚 姻平等”( marriage equality ),获得法律认可(legal recognition)。Marriage指的是男性和女性结成的自 然婚姻,男同性恋的婚姻叫gayriage(gay+marriage), 而女同性恋的婚姻叫lesriage(lesbian+marriage).在基督教传统较悠久的国家,婚姻除了具有法律意义上的“民事婚姻”(civil marriage)概念,同时具有宗教意义上的“宗教婚姻”(religious marriage)概念。爱尔兰这个传统的天主教国家一直把同性恋定性为犯罪,直到1983年才将同性恋行为(homosexuality)非罪化,2010年通过了承认同性民事伴侣关系(civil partnerships)的法案。
此次公投(referendum/popular vote),62%的爱尔兰人投票支持修改国家宪法(constitutional amendments),成为全球第20个允许同性婚姻的国家。