注重形象的人出门前需要花很多时间打理自己的发型,不过有些人的发型,怎么打理也总是像鸟窝一样,比如伦敦市长Boris Johnson。不论怎么打理,总有那么一小撮不听话的头发立在那里。这一撮头发有个可爱的名字——奶牛舔。
Do you ever fight with your hair? You wash it and comb it and try to get it to look perfect. Just when you think you've succeeded — boing! — an unruly clump of hair stands up as if to shout “Look at me!”
Don't worry. You're not alone. Almost everyone has at least one cowlick.
Sometimes they're barely noticeable, but sometimes they're a defining feature.
A cowlick — sometimes called a "hair whorl" — is a small group of hair that either stands straight up or lies in the opposite direction of the way a person wants to comb his or her hair.