A campaign to capture corrupt officials who have fled abroad, carrying the name "Sky Net", will be launched next month, the top anti-graft authority said on Thursday.
“天网”行动(Sky Net)是继去年的猎狐行动(Fox Hunt)之后的又一次大规模追逃行动。据悉,从今年4月开始,“天网”行动将集中力量劝返一批外逃官员(fugitive officials),清理一批违规证照(illegal certificates), 打击一批地下钱庄(underground banks),追缴一批私吞资产(misappropriated assets)。
“天网”行动由多个专项行动组成,分别由中央组织部(the Organizational Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee)、最高人民检察院(the Supreme People's Procuratorate)、公安部( the Ministry of Public Security)、人民银行(the People's Bank of China)等单位牵头开展。
此次行动旨在堵住贪官的最后退路(block the last route of retreat),中国政府惩治腐败决心坚定,世界上没有腐败分子的“避罪天堂”(safe haven)。