Salary reform for executives at state-owned companies has been underway for over a decade. Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security says detailed guidelines are expected to come out at the end of this month.
薪酬改革即salary reform,央企负责人(executives at China's major State-owned enterprises/SOEs)薪酬今年1月起执行新方案,统一薪酬组成包括:基本年薪(basic salary)、绩效收入(performance-based payment)、任期激励(incentive income during the tenure)。基本年薪是央企在岗职工平均工资的2倍;绩效收入不超过基本年薪的2倍。任期激励不能超过基本年薪绩效工资的30%。
2014年8月,中共中央政治局(the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee )召开会议,审议通过了《中央管理企业负责人薪酬制度改革方案》(a reform plan for the payment packages of executives of central SOEs )。此方案1月份开始实施。
李克强在政府工作报告中指出,薪酬改革是央企改革的一部分,中国还将完善现代企业制度(improve the modern enterprise system),改革经营者激励约束机制(reform the incentive and restraint mechanism for managers),加强国有资产监管,防止流失(strengthen the supervision of State-owned assets to prevent their loss)。