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常春藤解析英语 87 An Icy Island Warms Up




An Icy Island Warms Up 暖化的格陵兰冰原

by Kevin Lustig

Cold Greenland is experiencing global warming.


Greenland has always maintained a unique culture with its own language, music, and social customs. This is because explorers from Norway were the first Europeans to _(1)_ Native Americans, and they did so on the island that they later named Greenland. Since _(2)_, Greenland has been home to an interesting mixture of Europeans and natives.

Greenland is also a unique location for natural reasons; it is covered with ice all year, _(3)_ regions on the coastline. In fact, the Greenland ice sheet is the second largest area of ice on land in the world. Due to global warming, however, the ice sheet is beginning to _(4)_. Since living conditions in Greenland are made difficult by the icy countryside, it might seem that a temperature increase would be a positive thing. Is global warming really good for Greenland?

Actually, it _(5)_ whom you ask. For Greenland's native majority, life revolves around hunting. The country's Northern European immigrants, on the other hand, are farmers and businesspeople. Global warming is proving to be very positive for the _(6)_ group. The smaller ice sheet means that there is more _(7)_ for crops. Furthermore, Greenland has valuable natural resources like oil and gas that are becoming easier to access. However, warmer ocean waters and a changing landscape are causing the animals the natives hunt to become scarcer. This is harming not only the Greenlanders' diet _(8)_ their culture.

In the end, global warming's _(9)_ may prove to be more important for Greenland. With increased wealth from natural resources, Greenland might even become a self-sufficient, independent nation. Yet, Greenlanders will have to work to _(10)_ their native way of life. If they don't, global warming might make it disappear along with the ice sheet.

(A) room (B) preserve (C) melt (D) benefits (E) except for (F) latter (G) encounter (H) then (I) but also (J) depends on


1. This is because explorers from Norway were the first Europeans to encounter Native Americans, and they did so on the island that they later named Greenland.


a. 空格前有不定词 to,之后有名词词组 Native Americans(美洲原住民),可知空格内应置入原形及物动词。

b. 选项中为原形及物动词的有 (B) preserve(保存)、(C) melt(使融化)和 (G) encounter(遇到),但仅 encounter 置入后符合语意,表挪威的探险家是最早『遇到』美洲原住民的欧洲人,故选 (G)。

c. encounter vt. 遇到;偶遇

例: I encountered an old friend at the coffee shop.

= I bumped into an old friend at the coffee shop.


2. Since then, Greenland has been home to an interesting mixture of Europeans and natives.


a. since 作介词时,表『自从……、自……之后』,之后接明确的时间、名词、动名词或 then(since then 即等于 since that time),形成副词词组,修饰完成式或完成进行式的主要子句。

例: I wrote to Jane a month ago, but I haven't written her since then.


b. 空格前有 Since,而主要子句为现在完成式 has been home to(一直是……的所在地),故根据上述,可知空格应置入 (H) then。

3. Greenland is also a unique location for natural reasons; it is covered with ice all year, except for regions on the coastline.


a. 空格前有 all(整个的),可知空格可置入 except for(除了……以外)与其搭配使用。

except for...  除了……以外


except for 常与表完全概念的词类 all, every, any, no 等并用。

例: The poor man had nothing except for a dog.


b. 根据上述,可知应选 (E)。

4. Due to global warming, however, the ice sheet is beginning to melt.


a. 空格前有不定词 to,且其后无受词,可知空格应置入原形不及物动词。

b. 选项中为原形不及物动词的仅有 (C) melt(融化),置入后亦符合语意,表大冰原由于全球暖化而开始『融化』,故选之。

5. Actually, it depends on whom you ask.


a. 空格前有主词 it,后有疑问代名词 whom 引导的名词子句,可知空格内应置入第三人称单数及物动词或词组动词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项有 (D) benefits(有益于) 和 (J) depends on(视……而定),惟 (J) 置入后符合语意,表这问题的答案其实要看你问什么人而定,故为正选。

c. depend on...  视……而定

例: His decision depends on the costs involved.


6. Global warming is proving to be very positive for the latter group.


a. 空格前有定冠词 the,后有名词 group(团体;群),可知空格内应置入形容词。

b. 选项中为形容词的仅剩 (F) latter(后者的),置入后亦符合语意,表全球暖化证明对『后者』是件好事,故选之。

c. latter n. & a.(两者间)后者(的)

例: Lily and Lucy are sisters. The former is a nurse, and the latter is a dentist.


7. The smaller ice sheet means that there is more room for crops.


a. 空格前有 there is(有)和形容词 more(比较多的),可知空格应置入不可数名词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (A) room(空间),置入后亦符合语意,表有更多耕种作物的『空间』,故选之。

c. room n. 空间(不可数)

make room for...  为……腾出空间

例: I am trying to make room for this big table.


8. This is harming not only the Greenlanders' diet but also their culture.


a. 空格前有 not only,可知本空格测试下列固定用法:

not only...but also...  不仅……而且……

例: The fire destroyed not only the house where it started but also the store next door.


b. 根据上述,可知应选 (I)。

9. In the end, global warming's benefits may prove to be more important for Greenland.


a. 空格前有所有格 global warming's(全球暖化的),可知空格内应置入名词。

b. 选项中为名词的仅剩 (D) benefits(益处),置入后亦符合语意,故选之。

c. benefit n. 好处,利益 & vt. 有益于

for the benefit of...    为了……的利益

= for the good of...

= in the interest of...

例: The fund-raising concert was held for the benefit of the new orphanage.


例: The new tax law doesn't benefit workers.


10. Yet, Greenlanders will have to work to preserve their native way of life.


a. 空格前有不定词 to,后有名词词组 their native way of life(他们的原始生活方式),可知空格内应置入原形及物动词。

b. 选项中为原形及物动词的仅剩 (B) preserve(保存),置入后亦符合语意,表努力『保存』他们的原始生活方式,故选之。

c. preserve vt. 保存,维护;保护

例: We should try to preserve endangered species.



conserve vt. 保护(自然资源);节约使用(能源)

例: Countries the world over are trying to conserve energy due to oil shortages.



1. warm up  暖和起来;做暖身运动

例: You should warm up before jogging.


2. be home to...  是……的所在地∕栖息地

例: The waters off Australia are home to the feared great white shark.


3. be covered with...  被……覆盖

例: Jeff was covered with whipped cream after the pie-throwing contest.


4. revolve vi. 以……为中心;旋转

revolve around...  环绕着……

例: Mary's life revolves around her children.


5. on the other hand  另一方面


on the other hand 可单独使用,亦可与 on the one hand 并用,形成 "on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)..."(一方面……另一方面……)的用法,其中括号内的 the 和 hand 均可省略。on the one hand 则不可单独使用。

例: On one hand, I want to go to the beach this weekend. On the other, maybe I should go to the mountains.


6. access vt. & n. 接近,使用

have access to...  接触到……;利用……

例: Students have access to the library only during the daytime.


7. independent a. 独立的,自主的

be independent of...  从……独立;不依赖……

例: He has been independent of his parents since he was eighteen.

(他从 18 岁起就不再依赖父母。)

8. along with...  连同……一起

= together with...

例: The new president has decided to tax tobacco along with alcohol.



1. mixture n. 混合

2. location n. 地点;位置

3. coastline n. 海岸线

4. ice sheet n. 大冰原,冰盖

5. living condition  生活条件

6. positive a. 正面的;积极的

negative a. 负面的;消极的

7. immigrant n. 移民(由外移入者)

8. businesspeople n. 商人

9. crop n. 作物

10. valuable a. 珍贵的;有价值的

11. resource n. 资源

natural resources  自然资源

12. landscape n. 风景,景色

13. scarce a. 不足的,缺乏的

14. self-sufficient a. 自给自足的





标准答案: 1. (G) 2. (H) 3. (E) 4. (C) 5. (J) 6. (F) 7. (A) 8. (I) 9. (D) 10. (B)


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