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常春藤解析英语 78 From the Belly of a Beast 抹香鲸与龙涎香




From the Belly of a Beast 抹香鲸与龙涎香

There she blows!—there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!

From Moby Dick, by Herman Melville



by Lars Berry

The sperm whale, star of the classic novel Moby Dick, deserves its fame. This enormous creature is the largest toothed animal alive. Adult males can measure over 20 meters in length, and their long, white teeth, which weigh up to 1 kilogram each, are larger than _(1)_ of any creature now living on earth. To snack on octopus and giant squid, sperm whales sometimes dive over 2,000 meters in the sea. Their lungs are collapsible, helping them to dive to these tremendous depths, and they find their _(2)_ by sending concentrated streams of sound out into the deep, dark waters. Like other species of whale, sperm whales _(3)_ through a hole in the top of their heads—sometimes called a blowhole.

Ambergris (龙涎香) is a waxy substance produced by whales in order to safely _(4)_ the sharp beaks of their favorite snack—the giant squid. For centuries, this _(5)_ disgusting substance produced in sperm whales' intestines was used by perfumeries (香水制造商) to stabilize various scents. For _(6)_ reasons, the whales sometimes vomit large masses of this stinky substance into the sea, where it eventually floats to land.

Because of the _(7)_ of ambergris, it can be quite valuable, as one 82-year-old woman in New York State recently learned. She found a piece that weighed almost four pounds with a value of over $18,000. She _(8)_ trouble, though, when she tried to identify the ambergris. Most companies now use chemicals to fix perfume scents _(9)_ the rare whale vomit. Therefore, very few people in the world have the know-how to identify this rare substance. If this woman can determine that _(10)_ she found is indeed ambergris, she'll have a small fortune. If not, she'll have a curious lump that may or may not have come from the belly of a beast.

(A) what   (B) prey  (C) those  (D) ran into  (E) unknown

(F) rather  (G) rarity  (H) digest  (I) breathe  (J) instead of


1. ...and their long, white teeth, which weigh up to 1 kilogram each, are larger than those of any creature now living on earth.


a. 空格前有比较级形容词 larger(较大的)和连接词 than,后有介词 of,得知应置入名词或代名词,作为比较的对象。

b. 符合上述条件的选项有 (A) what(什么、所……的东西)、(B) prey(猎物)、(C) those(那些)、(G) rarity(稀有)和 (H) digest(摘要),但仅代名词 those 置入后符合用法,可用来代替前面句中的复数名词 teeth,表地球上其它生物的『牙齿』,故选之。


在比较句构中,比较对象要一致。为避免名词重复,单数名词或不可数名词改用 that,复数名词则改用 those。

例: Students of this school study harder than students of that school. (劣)

→ Students of this school study harder than those of that school. (佳)


2. ..., and they find their prey by sending concentrated streams of sound out into the deep, dark waters.


a. 空格前有及物动词 find(发现),因此空格内应置入名词或代名词作其受词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项有 (A) what(什么、所……的东西)、(B) prey (猎物)、(G) rarity(稀有)和 (H) digest(摘要),然仅 (B) 置入后符合语意,故选之。

c. prey n. 猎物(集合名词,不可数)

fall prey to...  成为……的猎物∕受害者

例: Elephants often fall prey to poachers' traps.


3. Like other species of whale, sperm whales breathe through a hole in the top of their heads─sometimes called a blowhole.


a. 本句尚缺动词,而空格后有介词词组 through a hole in the top of their heads(靠头顶上的孔洞),可知空格内应置入不及物动词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项有 (H) digest(消化)和 (I) breathe(呼吸),然仅 (I) 置入后符合语意,故选之。

4. Ambergris is a waxy substance produced by whales in order to safely digest the sharp beaks of their favorite snack─the giant squid.


a. 空格前有表『目的』的不定词 in order to(为了),空格后有名词 the sharp beaks(尖喙),得知应置入原形及物动词或原形及物动词词组。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (H) digest(消化),置入后亦符合语意,故选之。

c. digest vt. & vi. 消化 & n. 摘要

例: Some people cannot digest dairy products.


5. For centuries, this rather disgusting substance produced in sperm whales' intestines was used by perfumeries to stabilize various scents.


a. 空格后有形容词 disgusting(恶心的),因此空格应置入副词加以修饰。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (F) rather(相当、颇),置入后亦符合语意,故选之。

c. rather adv. 相当,颇

例: His remarks about the girl were rather offensive.


6. For unknown reasons, the whales sometimes vomit large masses of this stinky substance into the sea, where it eventually floats to land.


a. 空格前有介词 For(为了……),之后有名词 reasons(原因),可知空格内应置入形容词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (E) unknown(未知的),置入后亦符合语意,故选之。

c. for unknown reasons  因不明原因

例: For unknown reasons, my mother yelled at me this morning.


7. Because of the rarity of ambergris, it can be quite valuable...


a. 空格前有定冠词 the,之后有介词词组 of ambergris(抹香鲸的),因此空格应置入名词。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (G) rarity(稀有),置入后亦符合语意,故选之。

c. rarity n. 稀有;罕见

8. She ran into trouble, though, when she tried to identify the ambergris.


a. 空格之前有主词 She(她),空格后则有名词 trouble(困难、麻烦),得知空格应置入及物动词或及物动词词组。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅剩 (D) ran into(碰到),置入后符合语意,并形成下列固定用法:

run into trouble  遇到麻烦

例: Molly ran into trouble when her mom found out she had skipped class.


c. 根据上述,可知应选 (D)。

9. Most companies now use chemicals to fix perfume scents instead of the rare whale vomit.


a. 空格前是一完整的句构,空格后是名词词组 the rare whale vomit(稀有的鲸鱼呕吐物),可知空格内应置入介词词组,以形成副词词组修饰整句。

b. 符合上述条件的选项仅有 (J) instead of(而非……),置入后符合语意及用法,故选之。

c. instead of + N/V-ing  而非……

= rather than + N/V-ing/V

例: He decided to have spaghetti instead of pizza.


10. If this woman can determine that what she found is indeed ambergris, she'll have a small fortune.


a. 空格位于 that 子句中,且空格后已有述部 is indeed ambergris(当真是龙涎香),可知空格应置入复合关系代名词,引导 she found 作该 that 子句中的主词。

b. (A) what(所……的东西)为复合关系代名词,即等于 the thing which,what she found 表『她所发现的东西』,符合语意及用法,故为正选。


1. deserve vt. 应得;应受

deserve + N  应得∕值得……

deserve to V  应得∕值得……

例: Such a hardworking employee really deserves a raise.


例: Al deserved to win the singing contest because of his excellent performance.


2. alive a. 活着的;现存的

be alive with...  充满……


alive 修饰名词时,应置于名词之后。

例: The police found three people alive in the rubble of the building

(警方在残垣断壁中发现 3 名生还者。)

例: The oceans are alive with all kinds of saltwater creatures.


3. stabilize vt. 使稳定

例: The government took measures to stabilize housing prices.


4. vomit vt. & vi. 呕吐 & n. 吐出物

例: I vomited when I smelled the stinky tofu.

= I threw up when I smelled the stinky tofu.


5. identify vt. 认出,辨认

例: A witness identified the gunman as a terrorist.


6. determine vt. 确定,确认

例: The scientists analyzed the moon rock to determine its composition.



1. belly n. 腹部

2. sperm whale n. 抹香鲸

3. classic a. 经典的

classical a. 古典的

4. enormous a. 巨大的

5. toothed a. 有牙齿的

6. snack vi. 吃点心 & n. 点心

7. octopus n. 章鱼

8. squid n. 乌贼

9. collapsible a. 可折迭的

10. tremendous a. 巨大的

11. concentrated a. 集中的

12. stream n. 一道∕一束(音波、光等)

13. species n. 种类(单复数同形)

14. blowhole n. 喷水孔

15. ambergris n. 龙涎香

17. waxy a. 似蜡的

18. substance n. 物质

19. beak n.(鳖等的)喙状嘴;鸟喙

20. disgusting a. 令人作呕的

21. intestine n. 肠子

22. perfumery n. 香水制造商

23. scent n. 香味

24. mass n. 团,块

25. stinky a. 发臭的

26. float vi. 漂流

27. chemical n. 化学物质

28. know-how n. 实际知识;技能;窍门

29. indeed adv.(加强语气)真正地,确实

30. lump n. 团,块


抹香鲸是经典小说《白鲸记》中的巨星,的确受之无愧。这种巨大生物是现存体积最大的有齿动物。成年雄鲸身长超过 20 公尺,长而白的牙齿每颗重达 1 公斤,比现今地球上任何一种动物的都来得大。为了猎食章鱼及大型乌贼,抹香鲸有时会潜到 2,000 多公尺深的海中。牠们的肺脏能够收缩,有助牠们下潜到如此惊人的深度,牠们靠朝深邃幽暗的水中发出密集的音波来搜寻猎物。抹香鲸和其它种类的鲸鱼一样,是靠头顶上的孔洞(有时又称作喷水孔)呼吸。


纽约州一名 82 岁的妇人最近才晓得龙涎香的身价非凡,因为它极为罕见。她发现了一块重达近 4 英磅、价值超过 18,000 美元的龙涎香。不过她在作鉴定的时候遇到了棘手的问题。现在大部分公司都利用化学物质使香水不至走味,而非稀有的鲸鱼呕吐物。因此,世界上几乎没有人有辨识这种稀有物质的专业知识。如果这位妇人能确定她发现的就是龙涎香,就能发一笔小财。如果她无法确定的话,就只能得到一团不知是否真从动物肚子里吐出来的玩意儿了。

标准答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (I) 4. (H) 5. (F) 6. (E) 7. (G) 8. (D) 9. (J) 10. (A )


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