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BBC News with Julie Candler.

The head of the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has made a rare appearance at a huge protest in Beirut against the amateur video made in the US mocking the Prophet Muhammad. Jim Muir was at the demonstration.

Hassan Nasrallah interacting with the huge crowd, cramming the streets where the protest was staged. They were clearly thrilled . It was highly unusual for him to appear in public. He normally addresses them by video link. It was a classic Hezbollah rally.The movement certainly knows how to mobilize the masses at a short notice .But there was not a hint of the violence that's mocked angry demonstrations by militant Sunni groups in Lebanon and elsewhere around the region.

Pakistan has blocked access to the international video-sharing website YouTube after it refused to remove excerpts of the amateur film. Pakistan's prime minister apparently ordered the site to be blocked because of YouTube's refusal. Two years ago, the government banned both Facebook and YouTube after the sites carried drawings of the prophet Muhammad, which were considered by many Muslims to be blasphemous .

The British royal family has begun court action in France over the publication of topless pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge on the day that an Italian magazine printed new ones taken during holiday with her husband Prince William. Here's Christian Fraser.

The lawyer representing the couple, Aurelien Hamelle, arrived in (at) the civil court with a request for an interim injunction . In his opening statement, he said the balcony where the couple(s) were relaxing was not visible with a naked eye, but only on a long-lens. He asked the three magistrates to put themselves in the position of the Duchess and her parents. 'She is a young woman', he said, 'not an object'. He's not requesting the magazines already on the shelves be withdrawn, but for the printing of last Friday's edition to stop now, together with a ban on the further syndication of the photos by the Mondadori group here in France. Delphine Pando, the lawyer representing Closer magazine denied their try to make money from selling the images, and she questioned what the outcry was all about.

The military in Nigeria says it's killed a senior member of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram. The joint military task force in the northern city of Kano said it stopped a car carrying suspected militants at a checkpoint. Will Ross reports from Lagos.

A military source said a car approached a roadblock in Kano and refused to stop. Shots were fired at the vehicle, and there are unconfirmed reports that Boko Haram's spokesman Abu Qaqa was killed. Earlier this year, it was announced that the spokesman for the militants had been arrested, but this proved to be untrue, as Abu Qaqa continued to be the only link between Boko Haram and the media. Although it's not been officially announced by the military, there are also reports that two members of the Islamist group were captured at the same roadblock .

World News from the BBC

A former Chinese police chief at the center of a major political scandal has gone on trial for defection and abuse of power in the southwestern city of Chengdu. A defense lawyer said the trial of Wang Lijun began in closed session a day earlier than expected because it involved state secrets.Mr Wang surrendered to the authorities in March after seeking refuge at the American consulate in Chengdu.He made allegations that led to the dismiss of his boss a Politburo member, Bo Xilai. Mr Bo's wife Gu Kailai was later convicted of murdering a British businessman.

The United Nations says production in Bolivia of coca leaves, the raw ingredient for cocaine, has dropped significantly over the last year. Bolivia is one of the biggest producers of cocaine, but the area use for cultivation of coca is now down by 12%. Mattia Cabitza reports.

The much awaited annual report is good news for the government of Bolivia. The United Nations said that last year, the area under coca cultivation in the Andean country was around 27,000 hectares – down from 31,000 in 2010. It's a first drop in coca production, some of which is legal in Bolivia unlike cocaine since Evo Morales came to power in 2006. Despite the drop in coca fields, critics say that the Bolivian government is not doing enough to end cocaine production and trafficking .

The military in South Sudan now says almost 40 soldiers died in a friendly fire incident last week. Earlier, it said at least ten were killed in the incident when the security forces mistakenly sank one of their own vessels on the River Nile.

Burma has released more than 500 prisoners, including a number of the country's remaining political prisoners. The government has not released the list of the names, but opposition groups say at least 58 political detainees were freed.

BBC News


Julie Candler为你播报BBC新闻。

在反对在美国制作的嘲笑真主默罕默德的业余视频的抗议中,一向鲜有露面的黎巴嫩真主党领袖哈桑·纳斯鲁拉出现了。Jim Muir在游行现场报道。

哈 桑·纳斯鲁拉与人群互动交流,抗议所到之处,大街都被挤得水泄不通,抗议者非常激动。他能出现在公众面前实属罕见,他通常是借助视频链接发表讲话的,这是 真主党典型的集会方式。该运动当然明白如何在短时间内动员大批人。但在黎巴嫩等地区,没有迹象显示武装逊尼派组织有嘲弄愤怒游行的暴力活动。

巴 基斯坦关闭了国际视频共享网站YouTube,原因是该网站拒绝移去那段业余视频的片段。由于YouTube的拒绝,巴基斯坦总理显然下令封锁该网站。两 年前,政府同时禁止了Facebook和YouTube,原因是这两个网站上有先知穆罕默德的画像,这在很多穆斯林看来是一种亵渎。


代 表这对夫妇的律师Aurelien Hamelle到达法庭,请求实行诉前临时禁令。他在开庭陈词中称,威廉夫妇度假用的阳台用肉眼是看不清的,只能用长焦镜头看得到。他请求三名法官为公爵 夫人及其父母考虑,他说,“她是个年轻女子,不是件物品。”他并没有请求撤回已经上架的杂志,但请求停止印刷上周五的那版,同时禁止法国蒙达多利集团继续 发表这些照片。代表Closer杂志的律师Delphine Pando否认出售照片以获利,她对抗议表示质疑。


来 自部队的消息称,一辆汽车开到卡诺一处检查站,但拒绝停下。部队对这辆汽车开枪,据未经证实的消息称,博科圣地组织的发言人Abu Qaqa被杀。今年早些时候,据悉该军事组织的这位发言人被捕了,但这次证明并非属实,因为Abu Qaqa仍是博科圣地组织与媒体之间的唯一的关联人。尽管军方尚未正式宣布此消息,有报道称该伊斯兰组织另外两名成员也在同一地点被捕。

天 朝一名前警局局长在西南城市成都因叛国罪和滥用职权受审,他是一场重大政治丑闻的核心人物。辩护律师称对W的审判比料想的提前一天,且是秘密审判的,原因 是涉及到国家机密。三月份W在成都美国使馆寻求庇护后向当局自首,他的指控导致上司,一名高官B的倒台。B的妻子G后来因谋杀一名英国商人获罪。

联合国称去年波利维拉的古柯叶产量大幅度下降,古柯叶是可可因的原材料。玻利维亚是可可因的最大产地,但种植可可的土地减少了12%。Mattia Cabitza报道。

这 份等待已久的年度报告对玻利维亚政府来说是个好消息,联合国称,去年这个安第斯山脉国家的可可种植从2010年的3.1万公顷减少为大约为2.7万公顷。 这是可可产量的首次下降,自从埃沃·莫拉莱斯上台以来,与可可因不同,可可的部分生产成为合法的。尽管可可种植有所减少,批评家称玻利维亚政府在结束可可 因生产和走私方面做的仍不够。




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