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BBC News with Stewart Macintosh

The first of a large group of South African miners accused of murder after recent protests have been released by a court. Karen Allen reports from Johannesburg.

Celebrations as the protesting mine workers were released from custody, and a sense of triumphalism that murder charges which had prompted a public outcry have been withdrawn – for the time being, at least. In a move that prompted public outrage, 290 miners from the Marikana mine were initially charged with the murder of their colleagues using an apartheid-era law after a protest during a wage dispute ended with 34 mine workers shot dead. TV footage at the time appeared to show the police fired the fatal shots.

The funeral of one of Italy's most popular and controversial church figures, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, has taken place in Milan. In a posthumously published interview, the cardinal had criticized the church for being 200 years behind the time. David Willey reports.

The cardinal, an impressive churchman, died last Friday at the age of 85. Over 200,000 people filed past his coffin during the weekend as he lay in state in the cathedral where he'd been archbishop for more than two decades. Among the mourners at the crowded recurring mass, were leaders from all walks of Italian public life, including Prime Minster Mario Monti. Cardinal Martini, a Jesuit, was seen as one of the last progressives in a church increasingly dominated by conservatives headed by Pope Benedict.

Armenia has warned its neighbor and traditional enemy Azerbaijan that it's ready for war if it has to fight one. President Serzh Sarkisyan made a statement after Azerbaijan gave a hero's welcome to an Azeri officer who'd served eight years in a Hungarian jail for hacking an Armenian colleague to death during Nato language course in Hungary. Budapest sent him back to Azerbaijan last week to serve the rest of his sentence there. But Azerbaijan pardoned him, promoted him and paid him eight years back wages.

Opposition activists in Syria say more than 30 people have been killed in a government airstrike on al-Bab, a town in the north of the country. They said several children and women were among those who died. Opposition groups also said more than 100 others were killed in different parts of the country. The Syrian information minister said the campaign against the rebels would continue irrespective of any political moves to halt the violence.

The larges rebel group in Colombia, the Farc, has confirmed that exploratory talks are underway with the Colombian government on reaching a peace deal. The Farc leader, Rodrigo Londono, said the rebels were coming to the table without rancor or arrogance. It was the first official statement by the Marxist guerrilla group since the Colombian president first announced that preliminary talks with the rebels had been held. The Farc have been fighting the government for almost five decades.

You're listening to the World News coming to you from the BBC.

The Mexican President Felipe Calderon has delivered his final state of the nation address before leaving office in December. He admitted errors had been made tackling Mexico's drug cartels as Will Grant reports.

President Calderon also recognized his own mistakes and limitations, but overall, he suggested his government to put the foundations in place for improved security in Mexico. 'To protect Mexicans from criminality has been a legal, political and moral imperative for my government', he said. The policies had begun to bear fruit, but the real results were still to come, he said. Beyond the country's drug violence, Mr Calderon was met with applause for his economic record when he said he'd created nearly two million new jobs in Mexico despite the global economic crisis.

Police in Madagascar say villagers have killed more than 80 cattle thieves in separate attacks in the south of the island. Richard Hamilton reports.

The incident occurred on Friday night near the southern town of Fort-Dapuhin. Police said they'd sent reinforcements to prevent reprisals. Cattle rustling is common in Madagascar, particularly in the arid south of the island, although the casualties are not normally this large. At the center of the conflict are the local humped cattle known as zebu, which have become the target of a bombing criminal trade. The zebu(s) are coveted as symbols of wealth and social standing. In some communities, a young man even has to steal an animal to prove his manhood and win the favor of his in-laws. The stolen zebu then has to be returned to its owner.

Several outfits worn by the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have soared at auction for more than $115,000. A jade-colored business suit she wore when she was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 fetched almost $40,000. Baroness Thatcher, who's 86, was noted for choosing her clothes to convey power and authority.

BBC News with Stewart Macintosh


The first of a large group of South African miners accused of murder after recent protests have been released by a court. Karen Allen reports from Johannesburg.


Celebrations as the protesting mine workers were released from custody, and a sense of triumphalism that murder charges which had prompted a public outcry have been withdrawn – for the time being, at least. In a move that prompted public outrage, 290 miners from the Marikana mine were initially charged with the murder of their colleagues using an apartheid-era law after a protest during a wage dispute ended with 34 mine workers shot dead. TV footage at the time appeared to show the police fired the fatal shots.

人们在庆祝被监禁的抗议矿工获释,感到获得了胜利。这起谋杀指控一度引起群情激愤,目前指控被撤回,至少 眼前如此。这件事之所以引起公愤,是因为Marikana矿工因薪酬问题进行抗议,结果34名矿工遭到杀害,检察官援引种族隔离时期的法律,指控另外 290名矿工谋杀了同事。而当时的电视视频显示是警察开枪打死了矿工。

The funeral of one of Italy's most popular and controversial church figures, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, has taken place in Milan. In a posthumously published interview, the cardinal had criticized the church for being 200 years behind the time. David Willey reports.


The cardinal, an impressive churchman, died last Friday at the age of 85. Over 200,000 people filed past his coffin during the weekend as he lay in state in the cathedral where he'd been archbishop for more than two decades. Among the mourners at the crowded recurring mass, were leaders from all walks of Italian public life, including Prime Minster Mario Monti. Cardinal Martini, a Jesuit, was seen as one of the last progressives in a church increasingly dominated by conservatives headed by Pope Benedict.

这位有影响力的主教上周五去世,终年85岁。周末,在他担任大主教20多年的大教堂,有超过20万人缓缓 经过他的灵柩。在拥挤的吊唁者人群中,有意大利公共生活各个行业的领导人,其中就有总理马里奥·蒙蒂。主教马蒂尼是耶酥会会士,在这个以班尼迪克教皇领导 下保守派日益占主导地位的教堂,他被视为最后的进步派。

Armenia has warned its neighbor and traditional enemy Azerbaijan that it's ready for war if it has to fight one. President Serzh Sarkisyan made a statement after Azerbaijan gave a hero's welcome to an Azeri officer who'd served eight years in a Hungarian jail for hacking an Armenian colleague to death during Nato language course in Hungary. Budapest sent him back to Azerbaijan last week to serve the rest of his sentence there. But Azerbaijan pardoned him, promoted him and paid him eight years back wages.

亚美尼亚警告邻国和宿敌阿塞拜疆说,如果有必要,将做好迎战的战备。总统谢尔日·萨尔基相发表这个声明, 是因为一名在匈牙利上北约语言课程时杀死一名亚美尼亚同事并在匈牙利监狱服刑8年的阿塞拜疆官员在该国得到英雄般的欢迎。上周布达佩斯将此人送回阿塞拜疆 继续服刑。但阿塞拜疆宽恕了他,还提拔他,付给他8年的工资。

Opposition activists in Syria say more than 30 people have been killed in a government airstrike on al-Bab, a town in the north of the country. They said several children and women were among those who died. Opposition groups also said more than 100 others were killed in different parts of the country. The Syrian information minister said the campaign against the rebels would continue irrespective of any political moves to halt the violence.


The larges rebel group in Colombia, the Farc, has confirmed that exploratory talks are underway with the Colombian government on reaching a peace deal. The Farc leader, Rodrigo Londono, said the rebels were coming to the table without rancor or arrogance. It was the first official statement by the Marxist guerrilla group since the Colombian president first announced that preliminary talks with the rebels had been held. The Farc have been fighting the government for almost five decades.

哥伦比亚大叛军组织Farc确认,目前正与哥伦比亚政府进行探究式的对话以达成和平协议。该组织领导人 Rodrigo Londono说,叛军是不带敌意和傲慢来到谈判桌上的。这是自哥伦比亚总统首次宣布与叛军举行初步谈判以来这个马克思主义游击队发出的第一个官方声明。 Farc组织与政府已作战了近50年。

You're listening to the World News coming to you from the BBC.

The Mexican President Felipe Calderon has delivered his final state of the nation address before leaving office in December. He admitted errors had been made tackling Mexico's drug cartels as Will Grant reports.

墨西哥总统Felipe Caldero发表12月离职之前的最后一次国情咨文,他承认在打击墨西哥贩毒团伙的斗争中犯了错误。Will Grant报道。

President Calderon also recognized his own mistakes and limitations, but overall, he suggested his government to put the foundations in place for improved security in Mexico. 'To protect Mexicans from criminality has been a legal, political and moral imperative for my government', he said. The policies had begun to bear fruit, but the real results were still to come, he said. Beyond the country's drug violence, Mr Calderon was met with applause for his economic record when he said he'd created nearly two million new jobs in Mexico despite the global economic crisis.

总统Caldero还承认了自身的错误和局限,但总体上说,他表示政府为改善墨西哥的安全打下了基础。 “保护墨西哥人免受犯罪活动侵害是我们政府在法律上、政治上和道德上都必须做的事情。”他说,实施的政策得到了成果,但真正的果实还在后面。除了该国的毒 品暴力,Calderon说,尽管有全球经济危机的影响,他还是给墨西哥创造了近200万的新就业机会,他的经济成就给他赢得了掌声。

Police in Madagascar say villagers have killed more than 80 cattle thieves in separate attacks in the south of the island. Richard Hamilton reports.


The incident occurred on Friday night near the southern town of Fort-Dapuhin. Police said they'd sent reinforcements to prevent reprisals. Cattle rustling is common in Madagascar, particularly in the arid south of the island, although the casualties are not normally this large. At the center of the conflict are the local humped cattle known as zebu, which have become the target of a bombing criminal trade. The zebu(s) are coveted as symbols of wealth and social standing. In some communities, a young man even has to steal an animal to prove his manhood and win the favor of his in-laws. The stolen zebu then has to be returned to its owner.

这件事发生在周五,地点是南部的Fort-Dapuhin镇。警方称已经派出警力预防报复行为。盗牛在马 达加斯加司空见惯,尤其是在该岛荒芜的南部地区,不过伤亡情况都不如这次严重。这场冲突的核心是当地一种名叫瘤牛的高峰牛,这种牛成了犯罪贸易的对象。瘤 牛被视为财富和社会地位的象征。在一些社区,年轻人甚至需要偷动物来证明男子气概,并赢得姻亲的青睐。这种被盗的瘤牛必须要归还主人。

Several outfits worn by the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have soared at auction for more than $115,000. A jade-colored business suit she wore when she was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 fetched almost $40,000. Baroness Thatcher, who's 86, was noted for choosing her clothes to convey power and authority.


And that's the latest BBC News.


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