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Florida authorities have determined the cause of death for Bobbie Jean Carter, the sister of Backstreet Boys member Nick Carter and late singer Aaron Carter.

Bobbie Jean's death at 41 on Dec. 23 resulted from "intoxication by the combined effects of fentanyl and methamphetamine," according to a report by the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Department reviewed by PEOPLE. The manner of death was listed as accidental.

The medical examiner didn't immediately respond to EW's request for comment.

According to the report, Bobbie Jean's roommate last saw her at 6:30 a.m. and found her unresponsive around 7 a.m. She was pronounced dead at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa at 8:02 a.m. The document also listed schizophrenia under Bobbie Jean's medical history.

Bobbie Jean's mother, Jane Carter, confirmed her death to TMZ last year and said in a statement, "I am in shock from learning of the sudden death of my daughter, Bobbie Jean, and I will need time to process the terrible reality of this happening for the third time." Bobbie Jean's death came a year after Aaron's death at 34 in an accidental drowning, while their sister Leslie Carter died at 25 from an overdose in 2012.

Days after Bobbie Jean's death, Nick, 43, remembered his sister in a heartfelt Instagram post. "It may take a lifetime to fully process the loss my family has endured over the years — most recently, with the sudden passing of our sister Bobbie Jean," he wrote. "I am completely heartbroken. Thank you for all your love and kind words. We are reminded again that life is precious, fleeting and to cherish the time we have with the ones we love. I know she is finally at peace with God. I love you BJ."

Bobbie Jean had worked as a makeup artist and stylist on her brother Aaron's tours in the 2000s, and also appeared on the family's E! reality series House of Carters in 2006.


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