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Derek Hough couldn’t be more proud of his wife Hayley Erbert.

The Dancing with the Stars judge, 38, said he is in “awe” of Erbert, 29, after her recent craniectomy as he discussed her health recovery at the Los Angeles premiere of This Is Me... Now: A Love Story, in which he stars opposite Jennifer Lopez, on Tuesday.

"She's unbelievable. When I married her, I knew she was strong, but I really didn't realize how strong she really was until now,” Hough told Entertainment Tonight. 

"I'm just, I really am in awe of her everyday," he continued. "She's incredible. She really is a miracle and I don't really throw that word around lightly, but she really is."

On Dec, 7, 2023, Erbert underwent an "emergency craniectomy" after suffering a cranial hematoma — a collection of blood cells within the skull — during the pair's Symphony of Dance tour stop in Washington, D.C. Erbert then underwent further surgery on Dec. 20 to “replace a large portion of her skull” that was removed during the craniectomy.

Speaking about his wife’s surgeries, Hough told ET, "It's been a crazy time, but I tell you what, it's been an amazing and beautiful time, because all the little wins, the triumphs, it's just incredible." "She's amazing," he added.

Erbert’s emergency surgery came just three months after tying the knot with Hough in August 2023. Following her craniectomy, Hough posted regular updates about her recovery on social media as he thanked fans for their support.

Earlier this month, Hough and Erbert spoke of having the “highest of highs to the lowest of lows” as they opened up about their experience and her recovery in an emotional video posted on Instagram.

“It’s been wild … But I have to say, throughout this experience this woman has been unbelievable and her perseverance and her acceptance of the whole situation, her strength, it’s been remarkable to witness firsthand,” Hough said. “She really is a miracle and it’s been miraculous and it’s still a journey.”

Speaking out for the first time since her craniectomy, Erbert shared, “To this day, I still have really good days and I have really bad days — emotionally and physically sometimes — but I’m doing so much better every single day,” Erbert added. “Truly there is so much progress every day and I’m so grateful for that.”


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