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Mark Wahlberg's daughter is setting her goals high.


In a new interview with E! News, The Family Plan actor, 52, spoke about his 13-year-old daughter Grace's love for horses and how she has a specific goal in mind when it comes to her journey as an equestrian.


"My daughter, believe it or not, is more disciplined than me," Wahlberg told the outlet. "I didn't adopt that kind of discipline until I was in my 30s, and I had to do it because of work."


"And now, she does it on her own because she wants to be an Olympian," he added.


Wahlberg's comments come as he and wife Rhea Durham have continued to update fans on social media about their daughter's passion, most recently posting about a major event she was part of — and earned new ribbons at.


"Last day of showing at the Nationals," Durham, 45, wrote on Instagram this month of Grace and her horse. "So proud of you Grace and Bernadette! You guys went double clear in the children’s mini Grand Prix today and dad and I almost threw up but we made it through."


The proud parents have also shared plenty of clips and photos of their teen on horseback over the past several months, including a cute custom horse cake they arranged for her birthday back in January.


Wahlberg and Durham are also parents to sons Brendan, 15, and Michael, 17, plus daughter Ella, 20.


Back in June, the actor opened up to PEOPLE about Grace's love of horses during his Boston pop-up shop for his MUNICIPAL brand. At the time, he revealed that his teenage daughter was "most like me."


"She works out now. She’s an equestrian. She now wants to go up in meters and to be a Grand Prix Jumper. She’s got to train," Wahlberg said.


"She's doing things that my other kids are kind of now starting to think, 'Well, we've got to start doing something because she's got it all figured out, what she wants to do and how she wants to do it," he added. "And she's doing the work."


Wahlberg also revealed that, on that day in particular, he called her at 10 a.m. to "catch her before she left to go to the barn," but she was already there on horseback.


"She does not mess around. If you've even think about getting her there late or missing something, it’s a big problem," Wahlberg said.



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