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Serena Williams and her daughter Olympia are tapping into the force.


The 23-time grand slam tennis pro, 42, and her 6-year-old daughter appeared to take a trip to the Galaxy’s Edge at one of Disney’s theme parks, where they got to create and activate their own Star Wars lightsabers.


She shared a glimpse of their adventures on her Instagram Story, including them walking into the lightsaber workshop and the lightsaber master giving them a tutorial on how to build their own laser swords right out of the iconic Star Wars franchise. He showed a red kyber crystal, which he said belonged to “Darth Vader and now Kylo Ren,” to which Williams proudly proclaimed, “That’s mine.”


The next clip showed Williams picking out her red kyber crystal as one of the workers held out the various crystals for her to choose. Her daughter could be heard saying, “You got red like me, because that one is, like, the darkest.” 


The tennis pro also shared a shot of her station and the various parts of the lightsaber that she had assembled. After she completed the process, she shared a shot of her hand on the lightsaber before stepping back as one of the workers placed her lightsaber in a machine.


“Are you ready?,” the lightsaber master asked them to which Olympia proudly exclaimed, “Yes!” Williams showed her little girl placing her hands around the sword and turning it as it activated — her daughter’s lightsaber red, while Williams’ turned blue. 


The Olympian panned the camera to her daughter, who looked a little disappointed when Williams waved her own blue lightsaber up, saying, “I thought you got red.” The pair then waved their lightsabers around.


While Williams — who shares Olympia and three-month-old Adira with tech entrepreneur husband, Alexis Ohanian — can often be seen having fun with her daughters, she is also not afraid to get candid about the difficulties of being a mom. 


Earlier this week, Williams shared a light-hearted TikTok clip opening with her posed in the black sequin gown with puff sleeves she wore to the recent 2023 CFDA Awards before switching to an image of her pumping breast milk and letting out a deep sigh.


“What my life is really like… It’s not as glamorous as you think,” the mother-of-two wrote in her caption.


However, there have been some positives to being a family of four, as she revealed in an interview with Entertainment Tonight at the CFDA Award that Olympia is successfully “navigating” being an older sister to Adira.


"She loves it," Williams said. "Adira's like a tiny little baby, so Olympia just calls her her 'little sis.' "


As for her own worries about welcoming another child, Williams admitted, “I was like, 'OK, I don't know if I can like anyone as much as I love Olympia.’ I was really nervous about that. But I feel like it all worked out."



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