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Gizelle Bryant and Jason Cameron are still going strong, even if they haven't quite yet put a label on their relationship yet.


PEOPLE caught up with Bryant ahead of Sunday's season 8 premiere of The Real Housewives of Potomac, where she talked about her ongoing romance with the Winter House.


"We're the same, we're great," Bryant, 53, says. "We're still dating, still having fun. It's just casual and fun and easy. I'm super happy."


"He is a breath of fresh air in my life," she continues. "I feel like he's a great confidant and just somebody that I know I can trust and I can tell things to and it's going to stay right there. I love the fact that he's in my life."


Bryant may love the fact that Cameron is in her life, but that's the only use of the L word she's using now.


"I said I love that he's in my life — take it easy, now, take it easy," Bryant says. "No, we don't use the L word. We're not using that word. But I feel like I'm very happy. I'm just happy with where things are. No pressure, no stress."


The two were together at BravoCon 2023 in Las Vegas over the weekend, where both were asked about their pairing on their respective panels.

上周末,两人在拉斯维加斯的BravoCon 2023上齐聚一堂,在各自的小组讨论中,两人都被问及了他们的配对。

"We have a special connection. and we make the most of the time we're together," Cameron said on Friday, noting again that the two haven't defined the relationship.



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