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Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have welcomed their first child together, PEOPLE reports.

The Kardashians star, 44, and Blink-182 musician, 47, announced that they were expecting a baby boy at a reveal party in June. Kardashian posted about the event one week after she revealed that she and Barker were expecting by recreating a sign from the band's "All the Small Things" music video at one of their summer concerts.
这位44岁的卡戴珊明星和47岁的Blink-182乐队的歌手在6月的一个公开派对上宣布他们期待一个男孩。卡戴珊在透露她和巴克怀孕的一周后发布了关于这次活动的消息,她在乐队的一场夏季演唱会上重现了乐队《All the Small Things》音乐录影带中的标志。

Representatives for Kardashian and Barker did not immediately respond to EW's request for comment.

In September, Kardashian revealed that she had undergone emergency fetal surgery that saved their child's life just days after Blink-182 announced that they had to postpone several European concerts due to an "urgent family matter."

"I will be forever grateful to my incredible doctors for saving our baby's life," she wrote on Instagram. "I am eternally grateful to my husband, who rushed to my side from tour to be with me in the hospital and take care of me afterwards, my rock. And to my mom, thank you for holding my hand through this."

She continued, "As someone who has had three really easy pregnancies in the past, I wasn't prepared for the fear of rushing into urgent fetal surgery. I don't think anyone who hasn't been through a similar situation can begin to understand that feeling of fear. I have a whole new understanding and respect for the mamas who have had to fight for their babies while pregnant."

"Praise be to God," Kardashian concluded. "Walking out of the hospital with my baby boy in my tummy and safe was the truest blessing."

Kardashian and Barker, who tied the knot in 2022, spoke openly about their desire to have children together and chronicled their IVF experience on the Hulu reality series The Kardashians.

The couple are already parents to six children. Kardashian is the mother of three kids — sons Mason and Reign, plus daughter Penelope — whom she shares with ex Scott Disick. From his previous marriage to Shanna Moakler, Barker has a son, Landon; a daughter, Alabama; and a step-daughter, Atiana De La Hoya.


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