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BBC news:西班牙三连冠创世界足坛新历史




BBC News with John Jason

Tens of millions of Mexicans are voting for a new president in congress in elections dominated by the economy and the war on drugs. Thousands of police and soldiers have been deployed to guard against intimidation by drug cartels at polling booths. Will Grant reports.

Thirty-one thousand elections observers are in place to ensure the counting is reliable, and all candidates have promised to accept the outcome. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is standing again, but the race isn't expected to be as close as it was six years ago. The frontrunner is Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. His rising popularity comes as many Mexicans have grown tired of the constant violence of the drug war and they're concerned over the state of the economy under the current administration. The drug violence is also a concern for the electoral authorities with heavy security across the country and the military on the streets of major cities.

The Turkish military has revealed that it's sent six fighter jets to the border with Syria after Syrian helicopters flew too close. Turkey has warned it will treat any Syrian military unit approaching its border as a direct threat. James Reynolds reports from the Turkish side of the border.

Scrambling of the jets is a sign of continuing tensions between Turkey and Syria. A little over a week ago, Syria shot down a Turkish warplane. Syria says that the aircraft was flying inside Syrian airspace – a charge denied by Turkey. Turkey is keen to show that it's protecting its territory. The government allows its southern border region of Hatay to be used as a staging ground by Syrian opposition rebels, but it doesn't want this region to be an actual battleground.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has said the destruction of Islamic shrines in the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu is a war crime. The sites are being attacked by Islamist rebels of Ansar Dine for a second day. Risto Pyykko reports.

The attacks on the Timbuktu shrines began on Saturday. So far, at least seven have been destroyed. The Malian government has called for international help and warned that if the hardline Islamists of Ansar Dine aren't stopped, their attacks could spread throughout the countries(country). The first response came from Fatou Bensouda of the International Criminal Court. In an interview with a French news agency, she called the destruction of the shrines a war crime, and said her office was collecting information on the attacks. Mrs Bensouda warned the perpetrators they would be held accountable and that justice would prevail.

A Japanese nuclear power plant is back in action in spite a widespread protest across the country. Japan has been without nuclear power since May when the last of its fifty reactors were shut down for safety checks following the Fukushima disaster. The re-acted Ohi on the west coast was declared safe after stress tests, and is now likely to be fully operational within a week. The government is assessing whether to bring more plants back online in defiance of the demonstrations.

World News from the BBC

The campaign for the presidential election in Venezuela has officially begun. President Hugo Chavez, who's running for a third term in office, rallied his supporters on the top of a lorry in Carabobo state. Mr Chavez, who's been receiving treatment for a cancerous growth in his groin, has a clear lead in the polls. But for the first time since he came to power 13 years ago, the left-wing populist is facing a serious contender, Henrique Capriles, a lawyer who's representing dozens of opposition parties.

More than 20 people have been killed in a rebel's attack on an army base in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aid agencies say the region has become increasingly lawless because Congolese troops have been busy elsewhere. Martin Plaut reports.

The attack took place in the area of South Lubero in the troubled eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aid agencies say the fighting was typical of recent clashes. A mixture of army deserters and local rebels, known as the M*, attacked an army base. Three civilians were among those who were killed. Serious as the incident was, the aid workers said it was not out of the ordinary. The Congolese army has been moved to confront another rebel movement, the M23, which United Nations experts say is supported by the Rwandan government.

In the biggest protest in Hong Kong for nearly a decade, tens of thousands of people have demonstrated against the Chinese Communist Party, demanding that everyone is given the right to vote. The protest came hours after CY Leung was sworn in as the new leader of the former British colony on the 15th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule.

Spain has won the Euro 2012 Football Championship, beating Italy 4-0 in the final in Kiev. It was the biggest winning margin in the history of the tournament. Spain have now become the first side to win three major international tournaments in succession, following their success in Euro 2008 and the World Cup two years ago.

Tens of millions of Mexicans are voting for a new president in congress in elections dominated by the economy and the war on drugs. Thousands of police and soldiers have been deployed to guard against intimidation by drug cartels at polling booths. Will Grant reports.

数千万墨西哥人为议会的新总统选举投票,而经济和毒品战争都在左右着这次大选。数万名警察和士兵已被派来驻守,以防毒品卡特尔在投票厅进行恐吓。Will Grant报道。

Thirty-one thousand elections observers are in place to ensure the counting is reliable, and all candidates have promised to accept the outcome. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is standing again, but the race isn't expected to be as close as it was six years ago. The frontrunner is Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. His rising popularity comes as many Mexicans have grown tired of the constant violence of the drug war and they're concerned over the state of the economy under the current administration. The drug violence is also a concern for the electoral authorities with heavy security across the country and the military on the streets of major cities.

这里部署了3.1万名选举观察员,以确保点票结果值得信赖,所有候选人都承诺接受选举结果。安德烈斯·曼 纽尔· 洛佩兹·奥夫拉多尔再次参选,但这次不大可能像6年前那样。领先者是革命制度党的裴纳尼托,就在墨西哥人厌倦不断的毒品战、担忧现任政府管理下的国民经济 之时,他日益受到大众欢迎。毒品暴力也是选举当局的一大忧虑,于是在全国安置大量安全警卫,并在主要城市的街道上部署了军队。

The Turkish military has revealed that it's sent six fighter jets to the border with Syria after Syrian helicopters flew too close. Turkey has warned it will treat any Syrian military unit approaching its border as a direct threat. James Reynolds reports from the Turkish side of the border.

土耳其军队称已派出6架战机到与叙利亚接壤地区,原因是叙利亚的直升机飞得离土耳其太近。土耳其警告过,称一旦有叙利亚的军事单位接近边境线,就会视之为直接的威胁。James Reynolds在土耳其边境报道。

Scrambling of the jets is a sign of continuing tensions between Turkey and Syria. A little over a week ago, Syria shot down a Turkish warplane. Syria says that the aircraft was flying inside Syrian airspace – a charge denied by Turkey. Turkey is keen to show that it's protecting its territory. The government allows its southern border region of Hatay to be used as a staging ground by Syrian opposition rebels, but it doesn't want this region to be an actual battleground.

多架飞机飞过,说明土耳其和叙利亚的紧张局势仍在继续。大约一周前,叙利亚击落了一架土耳其战机。叙利亚 称这架飞机当时飞在叙利亚领空上,土耳其对此表示否认。土耳其热衷于展示自己捍卫领土的行动,政府允许将南部边境地区哈塔伊省作为叙利亚反对派叛军的集结 地,但并不希望该地区成为真正的战场。

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has said the destruction of Islamic shrines in the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu is a war crime. The sites are being attacked by Islamist rebels of Ansar Dine for a second day. Risto Pyykko reports.

国际刑事法庭检察官称,摧毁马里古城廷巴克图伊斯兰圣地之举为战争罪。叛军“伊斯兰后卫”对这里发动的袭击已进入第二天。Risto Pyykko报道。

The attacks on the Timbuktu shrines began on Saturday. So far, at least seven have been destroyed. The Malian government has called for international help and warned that if the hardline Islamists of Ansar Dine aren't stopped, their attacks could spread throughout the countries(country). The first response came from Fatou Bensouda of the International Criminal Court. In an interview with a French news agency, she called the destruction of the shrines a war crime, and said her office was collecting information on the attacks. Mrs Bensouda warned the perpetrators they would be held accountable and that justice would prevail.

对廷巴克图圣地的袭击开始于周六,到目前为止,至少7座被毁。马里政府已呼吁国际救援,并警告说,如果 “伊斯兰后卫”不停止强硬路线,他们的袭击活动会蔓延到整个国家。国际刑事法庭的弗图·本苏达第一个对此作出回应,在接受法国新闻机构的采访中,她称破坏 圣地的行为为战争罪,称她的办公室正在收集有关袭击的信息。本苏达警告作恶者,称他们要对此负责,正义必胜。

A Japanese nuclear power plant is back in action in spite a widespread protest across the country. Japan has been without nuclear power since May when the last of its fifty reactors were shut down for safety checks following the Fukushima disaster. The re-acted Ohi on the west coast was declared safe after stress tests, and is now likely to be fully operational within a week. The government is assessing whether to bring more plants back online in defiance of the demonstrations.


World News from the BBC

The campaign for the presidential election in Venezuela has officially begun. President Hugo Chavez, who's running for a third term in office, rallied his supporters on the top of a lorry in Carabobo state. Mr Chavez, who's been receiving treatment for a cancerous growth in his groin, has a clear lead in the polls. But for the first time since he came to power 13 years ago, the left-wing populist is facing a serious contender , Henrique Capriles, a lawyer who's representing dozens of opposition parties.

委内瑞拉总统选举正式开始,竞选第三任期的总统雨果·查韦斯在卡拉沃沃州站在一辆卡车上召集了支持者们。 尽管查韦斯目前因腹股沟癌症正接受治疗,他在选举中却有着明确的导向。但自从他13年前开始执政以来,左翼民粹派遇到了一位实实在在的竞争者,他就是代表 几十个反对党派的律师恩里克·卡普里莱斯。

More than 20 people have been killed in a rebel's attack on an army base in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aid agencies say the region has become increasingly lawless because Congolese troops have been busy elsewhere. Martin Plaut reports.

在刚果民主共和国,叛军对一处军事基地发动袭击,导致20多人丧生。援助机构称,由于刚果军队在其他地区忙碌,该地区越来越失去法纪。Martin Plaut报道。

The attack took place in the area of South Lubero in the troubled eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aid agencies say the fighting was typical of recent clashes. A mixture of army deserters and local rebels, known as the M*, attacked an army base. Three civilians were among those who were killed. Serious as the incident was, the aid workers said it was not out of the ordinary. The Congolese army has been moved to confront another rebel movement, the M23, which United Nations experts say is supported by the Rwandan government.

袭击发生在刚果民主共和国麻烦不断的东部地区的卢贝罗,援助机构说,这场战斗在最近的冲突中很典型。一批 由军队逃兵和当地叛军组成的人员袭击了一处军事基地,死亡者中还有三名平民。尽管事态如此严重,援助人员说这很常见。刚果军队已被派去对付另一支叛军 M23,联合国专家称卢旺达政府在支持该组织。

In the biggest protest in Hong Kong for nearly a decade, tens of thousands of people have demonstrated against the Chinese Communist Party, demanding that everyone is given the right to vote. The protest came hours after CY Leung was sworn in as the new leader of the former British colony on the 15th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule.


Spain has won the Euro 2012 Football Championship, beating Italy 4-0 in the final in Kiev. It was the biggest winning margin in the history of the tournament . Spain have now become the first side to win three major international tournaments in succession , following their success in Euro 2008 and the World Cup two years ago.



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