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职场英语:都怕入错行 毕业前要看的职场调查





By Alexa Valiente

According to CareerCast.com, the website released its Jobs Rated List, a ranking of the 200 best and worst jobs of 2013. Which job might have people reconsidering their career path?

With low salary prospects, tight deadlines, and a 24/7 news environment, newspaper writing is a demanding job, with a negative employment growth. Newspapers have been closing by the dozens and those that are still open face continual contraction as revenue dwindles and ads migrate to the Internet. Even lumberjacks and soldiers, whose jobs were ranked as worse in past years, have improved in CareerCast's criteria compared with newspaper writers. For lumberjacks, the higher demand for lumber has given them a positive employment growth. As for the best job of 2013, actuaries can happily keep their day job. According to CareerCast, actuaries are in high demand, with a great work environment and high salary.


Worst Jobs in 2013


1. Newspaper Reporter 报纸记者

BLS(劳工统计局Bureau of Labor Statistics) National Salary Median: $36,000

Projected Job Growth: -6%

A job that has lost its luster dramatically over the past five years is expected to plummet even further by 2020. Someone even said, “The print model is not sustainable. It will probably be gone within the next 10 years.”


2. Lumberjack 伐木工人

BLS National Salary Median: $32,870

Projected Job Growth: 4%

The inherent danger of working with heavy machinery in remote locations, coupled with low pay and poor job prospects, ranks lumberjack as one of the worst jobs of 2013.


3. Enlisted Military Personnel 军人

BLS National Salary Median: $41,998 (E-7, 8+ years experience)

Projected Job Growth: Varies

Enlisted military personnel is the most stressful job of 2013, as the men and women who volunteer in the Armed Forces are routinely placed in dangerous situations.


The rest of the ten worst jobs in 2013 includes: Actor(演员)Oil Rig Worker(石油钻塔工人) Dairy Farmer(奶农)Meter Reader(抄表员)Mail Carrier(邮递员) Roofer(屋顶建筑工程)Flight Attendant(飞机乘务员)

Best Jobs of 2013


1: Actuary 精算师

BLS National Salary Median: $87,650

Projected Job Growth: 27%

Those skilled in mathematics and statistical analysis can find rewarding opportunities as an actuary. The career is challenging, and becoming an actuary requires passing a series of three exams. It’s also constantly evolving and a process of lifelong learning


2. Biomedical Engineer 生物医学工程师

BLS National Salary Median: $81,540

Projected Job Growth: 62%

Biomedical engineers work closely with physicians, researchers, manufacturers and sales associates. The profession will play a profound role in healthcare improvements in the coming years, which will fuel the profession’s astounding growth in job opportunities and compensation.


3 Software Engineer 软件工程师

BLS National Salary Median: $90,530

Projected Job Growth: 30%

Computer technology is always changing and becoming more sophisticated. The latest wave in the field is cloud computing, and companies need software engineers able to meet this and other adaptations in the most fundamental facet of 21st century business.


The rest of the ten best jobs in 2013 includes: Audiologist (听觉专家) Financial Planner (财务策划师) Dental Hygienist (洗牙师) Occupational Therapist (职业治疗师) Optometrist (验光配镜师) Physical Therapist (物理治疗师) Computer Systems Analyst (计算机系统分析师)


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