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人教版英语高一unit 1 Friendship Reading 说课稿



  标题:人教版英语高一unit 1 Friendship Reading 说课稿

  Unit 1 Friendship Reading

  1.Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

  知识① 本句是一个祈使句,包含一个由why 引导的定语从句,why=for which, 在从句中做原因状语。

  知识② make a list of 相当于list,意为“列单子”。List 作名词,意为“表,目录,名单”;也可作动词,意为“列表”。

  You should make a list of things you must do.

  The secretary lists her boss's arrangements for the week,



  make an answer = answer make a change = change

  make an arrangement = arrange 安排 make a wish = wish 祝愿


  If you can ______ several names of his good friends, we will find out if he gets on well with others.

  make B.take C.list D.change


  reason n.“理由;原因;理性”。先行词为reason时,定语从句的引导词不一定用why,这取决于它在从句中所做的成分:若引导词在从句中做主语、宾语或表语,用which或that(做宾语时,关系词可省去);若引导词在从句中做状语,用why 或for which。

  We aren't going for the simple the reason that we can't afford it.

  I can list a few reasons about why I was late for school.

  【注意】reason 做主语时,后面的表语从句只能由that引导,不能用because,即:The reason (why...) is that...【必记】

  --- What is the reason for your absence?

  --- The reason for my absence is that I was ill.


  for some reason.....处于某种原因

  He didn't tell me the answer for some reason.淘(课件网 wWw.taokeJIan.com

  reason for ( doing/ to do) sth 做。。。的原因

  She has a good reason for doing it. = She has a good reason to do it.


  I don't know the reason _______ you were absent from the meeting, but I am sure it's for some reason ______ you don't want people to know.

  A.why; that B.that; why C.that; which D.which; that

  Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?

  知识① 本句中whom 引导定语从句,whom在从句中做介词to 的宾语,此时也可换成who或that。但若把to 提前,则只能用whom。

  I don't know to whom I ought to say the request.

  【注意】 ① whom 做宾语,有时可用who 或that代替,通常可以省略。

  He is the person who/ whom I lived with for four years in university.

  ② 在定语从句中,当先行词指人做主语时,关系代词要用who/ that,而且不能省略。【必记】

  ③ 当定语从句前有介词或在非限制性定语从句中时,who或that都不能用来代替whom。


  I've become good friends with several of the students in my school ______ I met in the English speech contest last year.

  who B.where C.when D.which

  Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through?淘@课件网 wWw.taoKejan.com

  知识① 本句是主从复合句,第一个or 承接上句表示选择关系,第二个or链接would laugh。。。和would not understand。。。两个并列谓语。That 从句做形容词afraid的宾语,what you are going through做understand的宾语。

  知识② go through 有很多含义:


  Our parents went through a hard life when they were young.


  They went through our luggage at the customs.


  Your suggestion didn't go through.

  The rope is too thick to go through the hole.


  We spent several days going through all related reference materials.


  I can't go through with this performance, I'm so nervous.


  与go 相关的短语

  go away 离开 go over 复习,检查一遍 go by 逝去,过去

  Go on 继续 go after 追赶 go against 违背,对。。不利


  My grandfather, who _______ the World War II, likes to talk to us about his experience.

  go through B.go out

  C.came out D.went through

  She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.

  知识① hide away/ out /up 躲藏起来;把。。。藏起来

  Where is the birthday gift hidden away?

  知识② before 在本句中做连词,引导时间状语从句。Before在引导时间状语从句时,常与时间段连用,且时间段要在主句中出现。Before的主要用法如下:


  And before she could speak again, I began to talk.

  The war had lasted for two years before the USA took part in.

  用在“It +be +时间段+ before 从句”中,意为“过多久就/ 才”;“It+ be 的否定形式+时间段+before从句”意为“用不了多久就....”。

  It was a long time before I got to sleep again.

  It will be five years before we meet again.

  It was not a long time before I offered the bike.


  I warned him of the slippery road,but he fell on floor_______ I finished my words.

  as B.before C.until D.since

  John thinks it won't be long______ he is ready for his new job.

  when B.after C.before D.since

  She said, " I don't want o set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this dairy itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty."

  知识① 本句是有but 和and 连接的三个并列分句。As引导方式状语从句,表示“和。。。一样”,as 引导状语从句,有时也可以用逗号与句子隔开,类似于一种独立成分。


  1)set down 相当于write down, take down, 意为“记下,登记”。

  Set down your feeling to the film and read it at class.

  If you set down your promise, we will believe it.

  set down 的其他含义:放下,搁下,让某人下车,确定(日期),制定(规则)

  The young lady set down a large vase on the table.

  Please set me down by the side of the next post office.

  Monday has been set down for the next meeting.



  set about 开始 set forward 提出 set off / out 动身,出发

  set an example 树立榜样 set up 成立 set out to do出发,着手做

  set aside 留下,把。。。置于一边 set about (doing) sth 着手(做)某事


  The police asked her to _______ the facts just as she remembered them.

  set up B.set off C.set out D.set down淘*课件网 wWw.taoKeJIan.com


  a series of 意为“一连串的,一系列的,一套”,其后常跟复数名词,series 是一个单复同形的名词。

  There will be a series of football games next month.

  Two series of lectures are scheduled.

  【注意】"a series of + 单数名词"做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。【必记】


  A series of good program are on Channel 10 this week

  Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.


  Made her diary her best friend 是“make+宾语+宾补(名词)”结构。这一结构中make为使役动词,“make+宾语+宾补(名词)”结构的几种常见的形式:

  make+名词/ 代词+省略to的不定式. 记住:该结构用于被动态时,to要还原。

  Every day my parents make me have an egg.= Every day I am made to have an egg by my parents.

  make +名词/ 代词 + 过去分词。构成过去分词的动词与宾语(名词/代词)之间是被动关系,且该动作已经完成。注意:该结构中不能用现在分词作补语。

  His actions made him universally respected.

  make + 名词/ 代词+ 形容词。 表示“使某人或某物变得。。。。”。

  We must make the rivers clean.

  make + 名词/ 代词 +名词。表示“使某人或某物成为。。。”。如果宾补是表示独一无二的职位或头衔的名词,则其前不用冠词。

  Make your enemy your friend.

  We made Tom captain.

  当宾语是不定式或从句时,多用it作形式宾语,把真正的宾语后置,即:make+ it + 宾补 + 真正的宾语。

  The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out.


  My parents have always made me ______ about myself, even when I was twelve.

  feeling well B.feeling good

  C.feel well D.feel good

  The fact that she was foreign made ______ difficult for her to get a job in that country.

  so B.much C.that D.it

  I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

  知识① 本句是主从复合句,if 引导宾语从句,it's ....that...是强调句结构,because引导的原因状语从句是被强调的部分;to do with nature做后置定语,修饰everything.

  知识② it's...that...是强调结构。强调句的结构为“it is /was +被强调成分+ that / who +其他成分”。强调句可以用来强调除谓语的各种成分。

  He bought the book in this shop yesterday.

  --- It was he that / who bought the book in this shop yesterday.(强调主语he )

  --- It was the book that he bought in this shop yesterday.(强调宾语the book

  ---It was in this shop that he bought the book yesterday.(强调地点状语in this shop)

  ---It was yesterday that he bought the book in this shop.(强调时间状语yesterday)




  It was not until...that...是一种特殊的强调时间状语的句型,后面用肯定句,整个句子翻译成“直到。。。才。。。”。

  知识链接 强调句型的特殊形式有:

  一般疑问式 Is /Was it + 被强调部分+that/who +其他 Is it Jim that buys the book?

  特殊疑问式 特殊疑问词+ is /was it that +其他 What is it that he wants to see?

  not until强调形式 It is/ was not until ... That + 其他 It was not until yesterday that I knew it.


  It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _____ benefit our work most.

  who B.which C.that D.what

  Was it on a lonely island _______ he was saved one month after the boat went down?

  where B.that C.which D.what


  We went to see him in Wuhan last week.



  When did you graduate from high school?


  They did not start until the rain stopped.


  --- Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

  --- Of course, I have. It was in our village _______ it was made.

  that B.where C.when D.which



  强调句型的考点主要集中在用与构成强调句型的基本元素that / who 上,我们要明确的一点是,这两个词是不作成分的。

  强调句型不用于强调谓语、表语和让步状语从句,强调谓语时要用“do/ does/ did+ 动词原形”,强调表语时可考虑用倒装句型。

  注意区分强调句型与结构相似的含有that引导的定语从句的主从复合句(It is/ was ...that..);区分的方法也很简单,就是it is /was 和 that 是不是在句中作成分,作成分则不是强调句。

  This is the first time we ______ a film in the cinema together as a family.淘_课件网 wWw.taoKEJIan.com

  see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen

  知识③ grow crazy about..为固定短语,意为“对。。。十分狂热,十分痴狂”,其中grow可以换位be动词。

  She is / grows about beautiful clothes.

  知识④ everything / something /anything to do with表示“与。。。有关的一切、某事”,其中do with 也可以单独使用,意为“处理,对付”,常与疑问词搭配,不用于被动态。相关的搭配还有:

  have nothing to do with...与。。。无关

  have a lot to do with...与。。。有很大关系


  Deal with 作“对待,处理”讲时,常与how连用【必记】;此外,还可意为“与。。。交易:,此时不可用于被动态。

  She didn't know how to deal with strangers.

  People has dealt with the cancer for many years.


  The truth is that most of us don't know ______ the waste.

  what to do with B.how to with

  C.what to deal with D.how deal with

  I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

  知识① 本句中that引导从句作remember的宾语,该从句中含有when引导的定语从句,先行词是a time, 而定语从句含有“keep +宾语+ 宾补(形容词)”结构。淘_课件网 wWw.taoKEJIan.com

  知识② “keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构如下:

  Keep + 宾语 + 1)形容词 / 副词/ 名词(表状态)




  I'm sorry that I have kept you waiting for long .

  The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.

  Don't keep the door open.

  His father kept him away from school.

  We must keep our teacher informed of what is going on in our class.

  【注意】“keep + 宾语 + 宾补”结构中,宾补不能是不定式。与make +宾语 +宾补 对比:前者不接不定式作宾补,而接现在分词作宾补,后者接不定式(省略to)做宾补,而不接现在分词作宾补。


  Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself______ of his own dreams.

  reminding B.to remind C.remind D.remind ed

  They use computers to keep the traffic _______ smoothly.

  being run B.run C.to run D.running

  For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.

  知识① stay awake 为系结构,stay“保持”为系动词,后接形容词或名称做表语,表示主语处于某种状态,不能用于被动态和进行时态。

  The weather stayed too hot in summer in the city.



  变化类:become, go, get, grow, fall, turn

  感官类:feel, smell, taste, look, sound

  显现类:appear, seem, look

  状态类:keep, stay, come, run, remain, stand, lie, prove, sit, rest, continue


  Emergency operation must always _______calm and make sure that that get al the information they need to send help.

  grow B,可以.appear C.become D.stay

  知识② on purpose 是固定短语,在句中常用做状语,可以放在句中或句末,后可接不定式,相当于purposely。

  He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.

  He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.



  with the purpose of 以。。。为目的

  for the purpose of (doing sth)做某事的目的是。。。

  Yi Jianlian joined the NBA with the purpose of further improvement.

  For the purpose of this study, the three groups have been combined.


  ---Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it _______purpose.

  --- That may be right. But perhaps it was broken ______ accident.

  on; by B.by; by C.on; on D.by; on

  知识③ in order to, 后接动词原形,引导目的状语从句,可放在主句之前或之后,其否定形式为“in order not to...”。

  I put my glasses in order to see it clearly = In order to see it clearly, I put on my glasses.

  Tom studies very hard in order not to fall behind others.

  【注意】in oder to 做目的状语从句,不定式的逻辑主语和句子的主语通常要一致,是同一个人或物。



  so as to也表示“为了。。。”,引导目的状语,可以与in order that 互换,但 so as to 不能用于句首引导目的状语,只能用于句中。【必记】

  in order that 引导目的状语时,可用于句首或句中,用在句中时,可与 so that 互换。从句中谓语动词前常有may, might, can, could等情态动词。当复合句中主从句的主语一致时,in order that / so that 才能与 in order to 或so as to 互换。

  We got up early so that / in order that we could catch the first bus.

  = We got up early in order to / so as to catch the first bus.淘(课件网 wWw.taokeJIan.com

  = In order to catch the first bus, we got up early.


  ________ meet Mr Wang, chairman of trade union, he waited at the gate of the factory.

  In order that B. So that C. So as to D. In order to

  But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn't dare open a window.

  知识① dare 在本句中做实义动词,有人称,时态和数的变化,意为“胆敢,敢”,后接to do sth,to 可以省略。

  He would never dare ( to) come.

  知识② dare 也可以作情态动词,意为“胆敢,敢”,常用在否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中,没有人称和数的变化,时态只有现在时和过去时。

  妙辩异同:dare 做情态动词和做实义动词的区别:

  I dare make friends with him. / I dare to make friends with him.

  Dare he speak to her? / Does he dare to speak to her?

  He daren't speak to her. / He didn't dare to speak to her.


  He dared to climb that tall tree,_______?

  daren't he B.did he C.didn't he D.dare he

  The dark,rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the firsr time in a year and a half that I 's seen the night face to face.

  知识① entirely adv. = competely 主要用于修饰动词,形容词和分词。entire 为其形容词词根。淘课$件网 www.TaoKEjian.coM


  Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not ______.

  widely B.thoroughly C.entirely D.extensively

  知识② power n. 能力,力量,权利

  She lost her power of speech.

  Knowledge is power.


  be in power执政

  come to power 开始掌权/执政

  beyond one's power (某人)力所不能及

  within one's power 在某人控制范围之内

  妙辩异同 power, energy, force 与 strength

  单词 用法 例句

  power 指做某事需要的能力、功能;人或机器等食物潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量;人所具有的职权、权利等。 The president has the power to veto bills.总统有权否决议案。

  energy 指物理学上的功能概念或生理上的精力 They devoted all their energies to the job.

  force 主要指自然界的力量或暴力、势力以及法律、道德或感情上的力量、军事力量等。 The robber used force to get into the house.

  strength 常指固有的潜力;指人时着重指“力气”;指物体时着重指“强度”。 He hasn't got enough strength to remove that cupboard.


  用power,force,strength 或energy填空

  Young people usually have more______ than the old.

  He opened the window by_______.

  Policemen have the ________ to arrest criminals.

  The little boy raised the big stone with all his ____________.

  知识② 句中包含一个time 常见句型“It is /was the first time + that 从句”:

  可换成This / That

  that 从句


  It is/ was the first time


  可换成second,third等序数词。 that 引导定语从句时,常可以省略。


  the first time 是名词词组,表示“第一次”,可以用作连词引导时间状语从句。

  The first time I met her, I fell in love with her.

  for the first time“第一次”,常在句中作状语。

  I have been here for the first time.

  " It is (high, about) time + that 从句"意为“该做某事了”。其中,that从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用一般过去式或“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。

  It is time that the children went to bed.

  It's time (for sb)to do sth 意为(某人)该做某事了。

  It is time for us to start out.


  This is the first time we ______ a film in the cinema together as a family.

  see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen


  ________ ________ ________(第一次)I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.

  It is the first time that he________ ______ _______ ________________(上学迟到}

  It's time _______ ________ ______ _________(打扫)the classroom.

  知识③ face to face“面对面地”,相当于副词,常用来修饰动词,在句中作状语,常用with搭配。


  face- to- face 为复合形容词,“面对面的”,在句中作前置定语。淘*课件网 wWw.taoKeJIan.com

  We must have a face- to-face struggle against enemy.


  Heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地

  Back to back 背对背地 hand in hand 手拉手地

  Arm in arm 胳膊挽着胳膊地 step by step 逐步地


  They had a wonderful party last Saturday. First, they danced______ and then they had a ______ talk.

  face to face; face- to -face B.face to face; face to face

  C.face- to -face;face- to -face D.face-to-face; face to face

  It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.

  知识① 本句是一个复合句,主句为It's no pleasure looking through these any longer. 其中it 为形式主语,真正的主语是looking through these ; because 引导原因状语从句,说明no pleasure的原因,原因状语从句还含有一个由that引导的定语从句,用来限定thing。淘课件网

  知识② It is no pleasure doing sth为固定句型,“做某事没有乐趣”。



  It's no use doing....做。。。毫无用处

  It is no use crying over failing the test.

  It's no good doing...做。。。没有好处

  It's no good smoking so I would like you to give it up.

  It's no point doing...做。。。没有意义

  It's no point discussing with him about the problem.

  Why did Anne no longer just like looking at nature out of the window?

  知识① no longer= not...any long “不在。。。。”,副词短语。

  These conditions no longer obtain= These conditions don't obtain any longer.


  no longer / not...any longer 与 no more / not any more

  no longer 或not...any longer 强调时间上“不再”,表示状态不再延续。

  They no longer live here.= They don't live here any longer.

  no more 或 not...any more强调数量、程度上“不再”,或动作不再延续。

  There is no more water.= There isn't water any more.

  Time lost will return no more.= Time lost will not return any more.


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