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【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-10





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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on September 10, 2021


CCTV: The 13th BRICS Summit was held via video link yesterday. Could you share with us China's initiatives and proposals for advancing BRICS cooperation? 


Zhao Lijian: President Xi Jinping put forward the following five proposals aimed to advance the high-quality development of BRICS practical cooperation.


First, strengthen public health cooperation in the spirit of solidarity. We need to support each other's COVID response, pursue practical cooperation on vaccines, including joint research and production and mutual recognition of standards, and facilitate an early launch of the BRICS Vaccine R D Center in virtual format. 


Second, strengthen international cooperation on vaccines in the spirit of equitable access for all. China has provided more than one billion doses of finished and bulk vaccines to over 100 countries and international organizations, and will strive to provide a total of two billion doses by the end of this year. On top of the US$100 million donation to COVAX, China will donate an additional 100 million doses of vaccines to fellow developing countries within this year.


Third, strengthen economic cooperation in the spirit of mutual benefit. China proposes to host a BRICS high-level meeting on climate change and a BRICS forum on big data for sustainable development. We look forward to active participation of BRICS countries in activities held by the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution innovation center launched in Xiamen. We welcome the substantive progress made in expanding the membership of the New Development Bank (NDB).


Fourth, strengthen political and security cooperation in the spirit of fairness and justice. We need to consolidate the BRICS strategic partnership, support each other on issues concerning our respective core interests, better coordinate our positions on major international and regional issues, and send out an even bigger, collective voice of BRICS countries. 


Fifth, strengthen people-to-people exchanges in the spirit of mutual learning. China suggests setting up a BRICS alliance for vocational education to organize vocational skills competitions. Going forward, China will host the BRICS seminar on governance and the BRICS forum on people-to-people and cultural exchanges. We look forward to welcoming athletes from BRICS countries and around the world to demonstrate their sporting skills and achieve excellent performance.


As China takes over the BRICS chairmanship next year, we look forward to working hand in hand with BRICS partners to deepen cooperation across the board, forge a closer and more results-oriented partnership, address common challenges and create a better future.


中国国际电视台记者:9月8日,王毅国务委员兼外长出席了首次阿富汗邻国外长会。我们注意到,会后各方发表了联合声明。国内外高度关注阿富汗邻国首次发出共同声音。发言人能否介绍联合声明对外释放了哪些信号? CGTN: On September 8, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the first Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Afghan Issue among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan. We noted that a joint statement was issued after the meeting. There is keen attention, both in and outside China, on this joint voice from Afghanistan's neighboring countries. Could you tell us what messages have been extended in this joint statement? 赵立坚:9月8日,首次阿富汗邻国外长会以视频方式举行。这是阿邻国外长首次共商涉阿事务,势在必然,正当其时,作用积极。作为阿富汗的接壤邻国,没有国家比我们更不愿看到阿富汗重现战乱、再起祸端,没有国家比我们更期盼阿富汗恢复和平、实现发展。 Zhao Lijian: On September 8, the first Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Afghan Issue among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan was held via video link. This is the first time that the foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighboring countries have jointly discussed Afghanistan-related matters, which is necessary and timely and has positive effects. As neighbors who share a border with Afghanistan, we are more eager than anyone else to see Afghanistan get out of war and chaos, and resume peace and development. 
联合声明是邻国外长会的重要成果,反映了六国共识和共同意志,向国际社会发出了积极、有力、明确的声音。其核心要义有: The joint statement is an important outcome of the Foreign Ministers' Meeting. It reflects the consensus and common will of the six countries, and sends a positive, strong and clear message to the international community. The core essence includes the following:
军事手段不能解决阿富汗问题。我们呼吁阿组建开放包容政治架构,实施温和稳健内外政策,奉行睦邻友好周边政策,同一切恐怖组织划清界限,不允许“东伊运”等恐怖组织在阿立足。  There is no military solution to the Afghan issue. We call on the Afghan side to form an open and inclusive political structure, practice moderate and sound internal and external policies, adopt friendly policies towards its neighbors, make a clean break with all terrorist organizations and not allow terrorist organizations including ETIM to maintain a foothold on Afghanistan's territory.
阿富汗邻国将与阿富汗人民团结与共,支持阿主权独立和领土完整,致力于帮助阿富汗实现和平、安全、民族和解、稳定与发展。我们愿保持同阿富汗口岸开放,承诺继续向阿人民提供医疗物资和技术等援助,帮助阿抗击新冠肺炎疫情。我们将在禁毒、难移民等问题上继续开展协调合作,继续支持阿富汗及地区经济发展与互联互通,呼吁国际社会帮助阿富汗和平重建,同意今后继续举行阿邻国外长会并设立相关机制。 Afghanistan's neighboring countries will stand united with the Afghan people, support Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and stay committed to helping Afghanistan achieve peace, security, national reconciliation, stability and development. We are ready to keep ports open for Afghanistan and committed to continue providing medical supplies as well as technical and other assistance for the fight against COVID-19. We will continue our coordination and cooperation on drug control, immigration and other issues and continue to help strengthen economic and trade connectivity in Afghanistan and the region, call on the international community to help with Afghanistan's peace and reconstruction, and agree to hold more Foreign Ministers' Meetings among Afghanistan's neighboring countries and set up relevant mechanisms.
本次外长会是阿富汗邻国合作应对阿富汗局势变化的首次尝试,也标志着阿富汗邻国协调合作机制的正式成立。这一机制与业已存在的多种涉阿多边机制并行不悖,可以相互补充,形成合力。与会各方都支持把这个独具特色的机制继续办下去,通过这个平台分享政策主张、协调彼此立场、应对共同挑战。 This Foreign Ministers' Meeting is the first trial by Afghanistan's neighboring countries to work closely in response to the evolving situation in the country. It also signifies the establishment of a coordination and cooperation mechanism of its neighboring countries. This mechanism and other existing multilateral mechanisms related to the Afghanistan issue are not mutually exclusive, and can form synergy by complementing each other. All participating parties support the continued operation of this unique mechanism so that countries can share policy propositions, coordinate their positions and jointly address challenges through this platform. 
国际舆论均重视这次会议和联合声明,认为此举标志阿富汗邻国在寻求解决阿富汗问题上取得“最大公约数”,向国际社会发出了明确信息,即有关邻国支持构建和平、稳定、繁荣和友好的阿富汗,有望为阿富汗和平重建营造良好的外部环境。 International public opinion attaches great importance to this meeting and the joint statement. It believes the move marks that Afghanistan's neighbors have found the greatest common denominator in seeking a solution to the Afghan issue and sends a clear message to the international community that the neighboring countries support the building of a peaceful, stable, prosperous and friendly Afghanistan, and will hopefully create a favorable external environment for Afghanistan's peace and reconstruction.


印度广播公司记者:你刚刚提到了昨天举行的金砖国家领导人第十三次会晤,此次会晤由金砖主席国印度主持。你对印度担任主席国的一年中,金砖国家达成的倡议、各类共识以及金砖伙伴关系的发展有何评论?  Prasar Bharati: You have just talked about the 13th BRICS Summit held yesterday under India's chairmanship. Would you like to comment on the initiatives, BRICS partnership and different agreements of these countries under India's chairmanship in the last one year? 赵立坚:我刚才介绍了金砖国家领导人第十三次会晤的有关情况。我们对印度主办此次会晤及在过去一年中担任主席国所作贡献表示肯定,对印方表示感谢。  Zhao Lijian: I just briefed you on the 13th BRICS Summit. We recognize and appreciate India's contributions during its chairmanship in the past year, including hosting this summit.

4 《环球时报》记者:9月9日,阿富汗塔利班驻多哈政治办事处发言人沙欣接受采访时表示,目前很多“东伊运”成员已离开阿富汗,剩余成员中的任何人未来都没有可能留在阿富汗的任何地方。阿塔不允许“东伊运”等组织在阿富汗有任何训练场、资金募集机构和士兵招募场所。同时,对于有关是否会将在阿的“东伊运”成员引渡给中国的提问,沙欣并没有明确回应。中方对此有何评论? Global Times: Suhail Shaheen, spokesman for the Taliban Political Office in Qatar, said in an interview on September 9 that many East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) members have left Afghanistan and he did not see that "anyone, in any place" will be able to stay in Afghanistan. He also said "First, we will not allow any training on our territory. Second, we will not allow any fundraising for those who intend to carry out a foreign agenda. Third, we will not allow the establishment of any recruitment center in Afghanistan." However, he did not answer directly whether the Taliban will extradite ETIM members to China. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到了《环球时报》的独家采访,也注意到阿富汗塔利班在“东伊运”问题上的进一步表态。“东伊运”是被联合国安理会列名的国际恐怖组织,对中国国家安全和领土完整构成直接威胁,是影响地区安全稳定的一大祸害,也是寄生在阿富汗肌体上的一颗毒瘤。坚决反对、全力遏制、重拳打击、彻底消灭“东伊运”,是包括阿富汗在内国际社会的共同责任。  Zhao Lijian: We noted these further statements by the Afghan Taliban on the ETIM issue in the Global Times exclusive interview. The ETIM is an international terrorist organization designated by the UN Security Council. It is a direct threat to China's national security and territorial integrity, a scourge affecting regional security and stability and a tumor festering in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and the rest of the international community share the responsibility to firmly reject, curb, crack down on and eradicate the ETIM.
中方多次就“东伊运”问题向阿富汗塔利班方面表明严重关切,阿塔对此是重视的,也是有郑重的承诺的。我们希望阿塔言出必行,同“东伊运”等恐怖组织彻底切割,在境内采取有效措施予以坚决打击,同时加强与邻国的协调合作,避免跨境外溢效应,使阿富汗不再成为恐怖势力的滋生地、庇护所和扩散源。 China has expressed serious concerns over the ETIM to the Afghan Taliban on multiple occasions. The Afghan Taliban attaches importance to this and has made solemn pledges. We hope they will honor their words, make a clean break with the ETIM and other terrorist groups, and take effective measures to resolutely crack down on these terrorist organizations within its territory. In the meantime, they should step up coordination and cooperation with neighboring countries to forestall spillover effects, and prevent Afghanistan from becoming a hotbed, harbor or source of terrorist forces. 


中新社记者:澳大利亚防长达顿日前在面向澳大利亚美国商会演讲中表示,当前地区环境比二战以来任何时候都更复杂和难以预测,有上世纪30年代的影子。他还声称中国“零和博弈”更具“胁迫性”,损害别国主权,挑战以规则为基础的国际秩序。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton, when speaking to the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia, said that the world is "grappling with a regional environment far more complex and far less predictable than at any time since the Second World War"; the geopolitical climate had "echoes of the 1930s"; China has grown increasingly "coercive", driven by a "zero-sum mentality", and is undermining the sovereignty of other nations and the global rules-based order. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:澳大利亚政府官员公开鼓吹中国威胁论,对华无端指责攻击,这充分暴露了其冷战思维和意识形态偏见,也有违当今世界和平、发展与合作的潮流,有损地区和平稳定与澳大利亚自身利益。这些言论是极其危险和不负责任的,中方对此坚决反对。  Zhao Lijian: The Australian government official openly hyped up the so-called China threat, and wantonly criticized and attacked China. This fully exposed his Cold War mentality and ideological bias. It runs counter to the trend of peace, development and cooperation in today's world, and is detrimental to regional peace and stability as well as Australia's interests. China firmly rejects his extremely dangerous and irresponsible remarks.
中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,致力于在和平共处五项原则基础上同各国发展友好合作关系,始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。中方坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,但反对将少数国家制定的规则强加给国际社会。 China is committed to the path of peaceful development and to developing friendly cooperative relations with other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence. We always contribute to world peace and development and uphold international order. We firmly uphold the UN-centered international system and basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. That being said, we oppose the imposition of rules set by a few countries on the international community. 
当前中澳关系出现困难局面,责任完全在澳方。中方从未损害过澳方主权,反倒是澳大利亚屡屡违背国际法和国际关系基本准则,粗暴干涉中国内政,挑起紧张,制造对立,唯恐天下不乱。究竟谁受“零和博弈”思维驱使,谁在搞“胁迫”,国际社会看得很明白。我们奉劝澳方政客不要渲染“中国威胁”、将中国树立为“假想敌”,这只能搬起石头砸自己的脚。 The responsibility for the current difficulties in China-Australia relations rests solely with the Australian side. China has never infringed upon Australia's sovereignty. It is Australia that has time and again violated international law and basic norms of international relations and grossly interfered in China's domestic affairs, provoking tension and confrontation as if it wished for nothing more than trouble. The international community can see plainly who is driven by "zero-sum mentality" and being coercive. We hope Australian politicians will stop sensationalizing the so-called China threat and seeing China as the "imagined enemy", or else the stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet.


Shenzhen TV: The head of Taiwan's so-called foreign affairs department Joseph Wu wrote that China's mainland has pressured the UN and its agencies to exclude Taiwan by misusing and misinterpreting the Resolution 2758 (XXVI) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1971 as a legal basis. He added that only Taiwan's democratically elected government can represent its people on the international stage. Do you have any response to that?


Zhao Lijian: What Joseph Wu said is purely "Taiwan independence" remarks. There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. China's representation at the UN certainly includes Taiwan. On the issue of the Taiwan region's participation in activities of international organizations, China's position is consistent and clear. It must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle, which is an important principle established by UNGA Resolution 2758. This Resolution has already recognized the representatives of the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations in political, legal and procedural sense, so there is no such issue of "misusing and misinterpreting" whatsoever. We urge the DPP authorities to stop pushing for de jure independence and political manipulation, otherwise they are just inviting further humiliation.



Beijing Daily: Recently several Indian media outlets got a slap in the face for running fake news. Some of them cited video game images and video clips and photos of US fighter jets as evidence of a "full-fledged Pakistani invasion" of Afghanistan, drawing criticism from foreign media and the Indian people. Indian media's concoction of fake news had been exposed time and again. Does China have any comment on this?


Zhao Lijian: China always holds that news reporting should show respect for facts. We firmly oppose fabrication of fake news in breach of professional ethics in the name of press freedom. The international community should strengthen cooperation in combating disinformation to jointly safeguard a healthy, rational and objective environment for public opinion.


凤凰卫视记者:今年9月11日是“9•11”事件20周年。中方对此有何评论?对当前国际反恐形势有何看法? Phoenix TV: The coming September 11 will mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 incident. Do you have any comment? What's your view on the current international counter-terrorism situation? 赵立坚:今年9月11日是“9•11”事件20周年。20年来,国际反恐合作取得重要进展,但当前国际反恐形势依然复杂严峻。恐怖主义是人类社会的公敌,打击恐怖主义是国际社会的共同责任,各国必须勠力同心、综合施策,发挥联合国在国际反恐合作中的中心协调作用,重视消除恐怖主义滋生的根源,着力解决恐怖分子滥用新兴技术等突出问题,同时警惕恐怖势力利用新冠肺炎疫情煽动恐怖活动。 Zhao Lijian: Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 incident. In the past two decades, important progress has been made in international counter-terrorism cooperation. However, the situation remains complex and grave. Terrorism is a common scourge that afflicts the entire human society. To combat it is the shared responsibility of the international community. All countries must join forces for the same purpose, coordinate policies, give full play to the UN's central coordinating role in international counter-terrorism cooperation, attach importance to eradicating the breeding ground of terrorism, tackle prominent issues such as terrorists' abuse of new and emerging technologies, and also stay on high alert to terrorist forces' instigation of terrorist activities by taking advantage of COVID-19.
打击恐怖主义必须摒弃“双重标准”。恐怖分子就是恐怖分子。根据政治私利划定谁是恐怖分子,实质是在纵容恐怖活动。严重损害国际反恐合作大局。打击恐怖主义也不能以意识形态划线,我们坚决反对打着保护少数民族和宗教自由的幌子,攻击抹黑他国反恐和去极端化的正当举措,并通过纵容甚至利用恐怖组织谋求地缘私利。 Double standard must be abandoned to crack down on terrorism. Terrorists are terrorists, period. To designate terrorists based on selfish political interests is to condone terrorist activities and hamstring international counter-terrorism cooperation. Ideology cannot be the criteria when it comes to fighting terrorism. We firmly reject attacks and smears against other countries' legitimate counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures under the pretext of protecting ethnic minorities and religious freedom. We also reject the pursuit of selfish geopolitical gains through condoning or using terrorist organizations. “9•11”事件后美国发动的阿富汗战争持续20年,不仅没有消除恐怖主义威胁,阿富汗境内的恐怖组织和外国恐怖分子还大量增加。美国是阿富汗问题的始作俑者,应深刻汲取教训。美国军事干预的结束应是真正承担责任的开始。美国比任何国家都更有义务向阿富汗人民提供经济、民生和人道主义援助,在尊重阿富汗主权独立的前提下,帮助阿富汗实现维稳防乱,遏制恐怖主义威胁,走向良性发展。
The Afghan war waged by the US after 9/11 lasted 20 years. But it has not only failed in removing the terrorist threat, but has actually witnessed the dramatic increase of Afghanistan-based terrorist organizations and foreign terrorists. As the culprit of the Afghan issue, the US should learn some hard lessons. The end of US military intervention should mark the beginning of the US earnestly assuming its due responsibilities. The US is more obligated than any other country to provide the Afghan people with economic, livelihood and humanitarian assistance, help Afghanistan realize stability and prevent chaos on the basis of respecting its sovereignty and independence, curb the threat of terrorism and achieve sound development.


Macau Monthly: A group of 13 Republican lawmakers represented by Cathy Rodgers, a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, on September 9 raised concerns about US approval for Chinese telecommunications company Huawei to buy chips for its auto components business in a letter. They asked US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg if he was concerned "Huawei will ... gather information on Americans and our transportation infrastructure". Does China have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: These thieving US politicians have the nerve to call others thieves. The Chinese people are indignant! When it comes to stealing and gathering information, the US is the true world champion. Global tapping scandals such as the PRISM program have proven that the US deserves the title empire of hacking more than any other country. It is not the US that should be concerned, but rather other countries.


Chinese businesses maintain a good record on information security. Huawei has openly announced to the whole world its readiness to sign no-backdoor agreements and to launch cybersecurity assessment centers in any country to receive external testing. I wonder if US companies dare to do the same. We urge the US lawmakers to actually serve their constituencies instead of smearing others and engaging in political manipulation.



Bloomberg: I just like to ask about the telephone call between President Xi Jinping and US President Biden. Could you offer some more details? Also in relation to the working groups meetings going forward, they said there would be a step up in that activity. Could you help us understand that a little bit more concretely? What should we be looking out for in the coming weeks and months to show that today's telephone call actually has yielded some results?


Zhao Lijian: China and the United States are respectively the biggest developing country and the biggest developed country. Whether they can handle their relationship well bears on the future of the world. It is a question of the century to which the two countries must provide a good answer. When China and the United States cooperate, the two countries and the world will benefit; when China and the United States are in confrontation, the two countries and the world will suffer. Getting the relationship right is not an option, but something we must do and must do well.

当前,国际社会面临许多共同难题。中美应该展现大格局、肩负大担当,坚持向前看、往前走,拿出战略胆识和政治魄力,推动中美关系尽快回到稳定发展的正确轨道,更好造福两国人民和世界各国人民。 With the international community facing many common challenges, China and the United States need to show broad vision and shoulder great responsibilities. The two countries should look ahead and press forward, demonstrate strategic courage and political resolve, and bring China-U.S. relations back to the right track of stable development as soon as possible for the good of the people in both countries and around the world. 在此次通话中,双方一致认为,中美元首就中美关系和重大国际问题深入沟通对引领中美关系正确发展非常重要,同意继续通过多种方式保持经常性联系,将责成双方工作层加紧工作、广泛对话,为中美关系向前发展创造条件。 Both presidents agreed that in-depth communication between them on China-U.S. relations and major international issues is very important for steering the bilateral ties in the right direction. They agreed to maintain frequent contact by multiple means and instruct officials at the working level to intensify the work, conduct extensive dialogue and create conditions for the further development of China-U.S. relations.
关于你提到的具体问题,我没有可以补充的信息。 As to the specifics you asked for, I have nothing more to add.


《南华早报》记者:美国总统拜登在通话中表示,美方无意改变一个中国政策。中方对此有何评论?对美方表述是否满意? SCMP: President Biden said that the US side has no intention to change the one-China policy. Do you have any comment on this statement? Are you satisfied with it? 赵立坚:台湾问题始终是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的问题。一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础。习近平主席在通话中强调,中美应在尊重彼此核心关切、妥善管控分歧的基础上,继续接触对话,推进协调合作,为两国关系增添更多积极因素。拜登总统在通话中表示,美方从来无意改变一个中国政策。 Zhao Lijian: The Taiwan question is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations. The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. As President Xi stressed during the call, on the basis of respecting each other's core concerns and properly managing differences, China and the US should continue engagement and dialogue to advance coordination and cooperation to inject more positive dynamics into the relationship. President Biden said during the phone call that the US side has no intention to change the one-China policy.


Today is Teacher's Day in China. Respecting teachers and valuing education is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. Students will always be grateful to their teachers and keep with them the guidance wherever they go. To all teachers: Happy Teacher's Day!

以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-10的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!


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