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【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-19





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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on July 19, 2021


The Paper: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid a visit to Syria on July 17. Could you share more information on it, including the outcomes reached?

赵立坚:叙利亚是此次王毅国务委员兼外长出访中东地区国家的首站。此访期间,王毅国务委员同叙利亚总统巴沙尔举行会见,同外长米格达德举行会谈并出席有关双边合作文件签署仪式。 Zhao Lijian: Syria was the first stop on State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's Middle East trip. During the visit, he met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and held talks with Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad, with whom he also attended the signing ceremony of bilateral cooperation documents.
正如王毅国务委员指出,中方坚定支持叙方维护国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严,反对任何在叙利亚实施政权更迭的企图,坚定支持叙利亚探索符合本国国情的发展道路,坚定站在叙利亚人民一边。中方认为,全面解决叙利亚问题,关键在于落实联合国安理会确立的“叙人主导、叙人所有”原则,各方形成合力,切实推进叙利亚问题的全面解决。为此,中方提出了四点主张,即坚持尊重叙利亚国家主权和领土完整,让叙利亚人民自主决定国家前途命运;坚持民生为先和加快重建,立即解除所有对叙利亚的单边制裁和经济封锁;坚持有效打击恐怖主义,不搞双重标准,反对借反恐操弄民族分裂;坚持包容和解的政治解决方向,通过对话协商弥合各派分歧。 As State Councilor Wang Yi pointed out, China firmly supports Syria in safeguarding sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity, opposes any attempt at regime change in Syria, and supports Syria in seeking a development path suited to its national conditions. China stands firmly with the Syrian people. The key to fully resolving the Syrian issue, China believes, lies in implementing the "Syrian-led, Syrian-owned" principle established by the UN Security Council, which will galvanize efforts from all sides for concrete progress. To this end, China proposed four points. First, respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity and allow the Syrian people to decide their nation's future independently. Second, put people's wellbeing first, accelerate reconstruction and immediately lift all unilateral sanctions and economic blockade on Syria. Third, effectively combat terrorism, reject double standards, and oppose manipulation towards national division in the name of counter-terrorism. Fourth, adhere to the direction of inclusive political resolution with reconciliation and bridge differences through dialogue and consultation.
中叙建交65年来,两国友谊经历了国际和地区风云考验,历久弥新、历久弥坚。双方始终相互信任、相互支持,不仅捍卫了两国正当权益,也维护了国际公平正义。展望未来,中方将继续在抗疫、反恐、农业、经贸、“一带一路”等领域同叙方加强合作,愿同叙方一道按照两国元首战略指引,发扬友好传统,推动互利合作,造福两国人民。 Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 65 years ago, the friendship between China and Syria has withstood the test of the changing international and regional landscape, and has grown stronger with new vitality as time goes by. With mutual trust and support, the two sides have defended the legitimate rights and interests of both countries and also safeguarded international fairness and justice. Going forward, China will further strengthen cooperation with Syria in such areas as COVID-19 response, counter-terrorism, agriculture, economy, trade and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China stands ready to work together with Syria to act on the strategic guidance of our two heads of state, carry forward the traditional friendship and promote mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of the two peoples.


新华社记者:据报道,17日,古巴政府在首都哈瓦那组织保卫革命、捍卫社会主义大规模群众集会。古共中央第一书记、古巴国家主席迪亚斯-卡内尔发表重要讲话,号召全体人民团结起来反对外来干涉,捍卫革命成果,谴责美国对古封锁。中方对此有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: According to media reports, the Cuban government organized mass public rallies in Havana on July 17 to reaffirm the revolution and defend socialism. Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, delivered important remarks, calling on the entire nation to stand in solidarity against external interference, defend revolution outcomes and condemn US blockade on Cuba. Does China have any comment? 赵立坚:中方始终认为,应当尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利。中方坚定支持古方探索符合本国国情的发展道路,坚决反对外部势力干涉古巴内政,坚定支持古方抗击疫情、改善民生、维护稳定,坚定不移深化中古友好关系。 Zhao Lijian: It is China's consistent belief that every country's right to independently choose their social system and development path should be respected. China firmly supports Cuba's exploration for a development path consistent with its national realities, opposes external interference in Cuba's internal affairs, supports Cuba in fighting COVID-19, improving people's livelihood and maintaining stability, and remains committed to deepening China-Cuba friendship.
中方一贯主张维护以国际法为基础的国际秩序,捍卫国际公平正义,反对以军事、政治、经济或其它手段对他国实施单边制裁。据古方统计,近60年来,美国封锁已导致古巴累计损失超过1441亿美元。近期联合国大会第29次以压倒性多数通过“必须终止美国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁”决议,这体现了国际社会的普遍呼声。我们敦促美方立即全面取消对古巴封锁,希望美方按照《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则及国际关系基本准则同古巴改善关系。这符合美古两国人民的共同利益,也利于整个美洲地区的和平稳定。 China stands for upholding the international order based on international law, defending international fairness and justice, and opposing unilateral coercive measures by military, political, economic or other means. According to statistics from the Cuban side, US embargo over the past 60 years or so has caused over $144.1 billion in accumulative losses to Cuba. Not long ago, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted the resolution called "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba" for the 29th consecutive year, which reflects the shared voice of the international community. We urge the US to immediately and fully lift its embargo against Cuba and hope it will improve relations with Cuba in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations. This is in line with the common interests of the people in both countries as well as peace and stability in the entire Americas.



Beijing Daily: Australian Prime Minister Morrison spoke at the APEC Informal Leaders' Retreat on July 16, saying that to achieve economic recovery, it's important to respect the rule of law, maintain regional stability and security, respect the law of the sea, respect human rights, and ensure that no country can be subject to economic coercion. I wonder if China has any comment? 


Zhao Lijian: APEC is a forum for discussing economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The theme of this meeting is to collaborate to accelerate economic recovery amid the COVID-19 epidemic. To introduce a topic unrelated to the theme of the meeting is obviously irrelevant, and runs counter to the spirit of promoting regional economic integration and openness and cooperation that APEC stands for. We hope certain economy can proceed from the common interests of the Asia-Pacific region, participate in APEC cooperation with a constructive attitude, and make positive contributions to meeting the challenges posed by the epidemic and promoting prosperity and development in the region.


Regarding maritime issues, human rights issues and so-called "economic coercion", I have made clear China's position on many occasions. Certain country should reflect on itself, rather than being all talk and no action.



CCTV: Another question on APEC. At the recent APEC Informal Leaders' Retreat, some APEC members, including the US, Japan and Australia, beat the drum for "Indo-Pacific" in their speeches. What is China's comment?


Zhao Lijian: As the name implies, APEC is a forum for discussing economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. At present, there are many problems in the Asia-Pacific region that need to be solved through cooperation. All parties should focus on finding solutions rather than play with words, uphold the spirit of openness and inclusiveness rather than seek enclosed small cliques targeting a third party for geopolitical gains. China will work with all parties concerned to uphold the vision of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future, and build it into a region for mutually beneficial cooperation that serves the interest of people in the region.


路透社记者:世界卫生组织提出应就新冠病毒溯源在中国展开第二阶段调查,调查对象应包括武汉所有的实验室和市场,呼吁中方有关部门保持透明度。中方是否会允许开展第二阶段调查?如果允许,是否有一个时间表?是否会开放所有相关实验室? Reuters: The World Health Organization on Friday proposed a second phase study into the origin of the coronavirus in China, including all the laboratories and markets in Wuhan. And they called for transparency from the Chinese authorities. Will China permit this second phase specifically? If so, does it have a timeline? Will it make an audit on the laboratories as part of this second phase?


Zhao Lijian: The work plan on the second phase origins study proposed by the WHO Secretariat is at odds with the position of China and many other countries on the issue. At the briefing of WHO member states on July 16, China and many other countries have elaborated their views on this issue. Here, I would like to stress the following points:


First, a resolution of the 73rd session of the World Health Assembly clearly requests the WHO Director-General to continue to work closely with countries to identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population. The next phase of origins study should comply with this request and be led by member states. We hope that the WHO will have full communication and consultation with member states, listen to and take the advice of all parties, and ensure that the drafting process of the work plan is open and transparent.


Second, in January this year, international experts from the WHO and Chinese experts formed a joint team and conducted joint research for 28 days in China. On March 30, the WHO issued a joint report, which came to clear conclusions and provided science-based recommendations for the next-phase global origins study. It concluded that lab leak is extremely unlikely, and recommended conducting further research around earlier cases globally and further understanding the role of cold chains and frozen foods in the transmission of the virus. The conclusions and recommendations of the report should be respected and upheld, and fully reflected in the work of the next-phase origins study. The joint letter of 54 countries to the WHO Director-General the other day also stressed this point.


Last but not least, origins study is a serious scientific issue that requires cooperation of global scientists. We are concerned about certain countries' politicization of the issue. We hope the WHO can adhere to the spirit of science, professionalism and objectivity and work with the international community to jointly uphold the scientific integrity of origins study, resist the headwind of politicization and safeguard the sound atmosphere of global anti-epidemic cooperation.


HRTN: Could you offer more information about State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's official visit to Egypt on July 18?

赵立坚:访问埃及期间,王毅国务委员兼外长同塞西总统会见,同舒克里外长举行会谈并共同签署建立中埃两国政府间合作委员会协定,出席中埃新冠疫苗合作生产项目实现100万剂量产“云见证”仪式。 Zhao Lijian: During his visit to Egypt, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and held talks with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. The two foreign ministers signed an agreement on establishing the China-Egypt inter-governmental cooperation committee and attended an online ceremony marking the joint production of one million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
王毅国务委员表示,中方坚定支持埃方继续探索符合自身国情的发展道路,愿加强“一带一路”倡议同埃及“2030愿景”对接,支持埃方疫苗本地化生产,并同埃方深化发展战略对接,拓展在产能、基础设施、新能源、航空航天、高新技术等领域合作,开辟两国互利合作新前景。中方期待同埃方一道,落实好两国元首达成的重要共识,推动中埃关系以两国建交65周年为契机再上新台阶,朝着构建中埃命运共同体目标共同努力,将两国关系打造成中阿、中非命运共同体先行先试的样板。 State Councilor Wang Yi stated China's firm support for Egypt's continued exploration for a development path in keeping with its national realities as well as China's readiness to further dovetail the BRI with Egypt Vision 2030. China will support Egypt's local vaccine production, seek greater synergy between the two sides' development strategies and expand cooperation in the fields of industrial capacity, infrastructure, new energy, space and aviation, and cutting-edge technology to break new ground in our mutually beneficial cooperation. China looks forward to working together with Egypt to act on the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, build on the momentum of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic ties to elevate relations to a new height, strive to forge a China-Egypt community with a shared future, and build this relationship into a prototype of China-Arab and China-Africa community with a shared future.
埃方表示,坚决反对外部势力借涉港、涉疆、涉台、涉藏等问题干涉中国内政,感谢中方帮助埃生产疫苗,支持中方在病毒溯源问题上的立场,愿在共建“一带一路”框架下同中方加强经贸、工业、科技等领域合作,扩大人文交流。 The Egyptian side said it firmly opposes foreign interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of issues relating to Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Taiwan and Tibet, appreciates China's help in producing vaccines, supports China on the origins study, and is ready to enhance cooperation and exchanges with China in such areas as economy and trade, industries, science and technology, and people-to-people and cultural ties under the Belt and Road framework.
王毅国务委员同埃及外长舒克里还就巴勒斯坦问题深入交换意见。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also had in-depth exchanges with Foreign Minister Shoukry on the Palestinian question.
王毅国务委员就推动落实“两国方案”提出三点思路:一是应增强巴勒斯坦民族权力机构的权威,赋予其在安全、财政等领域行使国家主权职能的权力,实现对自治及被占领土的有效管控;二是应支持巴勒斯坦各派加强团结,通过协商对话实现内部和解,就解决巴问题形成统一谈判立场;三是应鼓励巴以双方以“两国方案”为基础重启和谈。中方呼吁举行由联合国主导、安理会常任理事国和中东和平进程各攸关方参与的国际和会。 State Councilor Wang Yi put forward three proposals for the implementation of the two-state solution. First, the authority of the Palestinian National Authority should be enhanced, and it should be authorized to exercise sovereign functions in security, finance and other areas, so as to gain effective control over the autonomous and occupied territories. Second, the Palestinian factions should be supported for greater unity, whereby they can achieve internal reconciliation through consultation and dialogue, and come to a unified position on talks for the settlement of the Palestinian question. Third, Palestine and Israel should be encouraged to resume peace talks based on the two-state solution. China calls for the holding of an international peace conference led by the UN with the participation of the permanent members of the UN Security Council and all stakeholders in the Middle East peace process.
埃方赞同中方提出的有关思路。中埃双方商定,将联合向加沙地带巴勒斯坦民众援助50万剂疫苗,以解决当地民众当务之急。 Egypt agreed with the proposals put forward by China. China and Egypt agreed to work together to offer 500,000 doses of vaccines to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip to address the urgent needs of the local people.
访问埃及期间,王毅国务委员还会见了阿盟秘书长盖特,就中阿关系及地区和国际问题深入交换意见。双方发表联合声明,强调将加强中阿长期合作,筹备好首届中阿峰会,努力打造中阿命运共同体;强调应坚持不干涉内政原则,坚持多边主义,反对将人权问题政治化,反对单边主义,推动构建新型国际关系;强调应在“两国方案”基础上公正、全面、持久解决巴勒斯坦问题,支持一切旨在防止核及其他大规模杀伤性武器扩散的努力,主张加强反恐努力,铲除恐怖主义根源。 During his visit to Egypt, State Councilor Wang Yi also met with Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit and had an in-depth exchange of views with him on China-Arab states relations as well as regional and international issues. The two sides issued a joint statement, stressing that they will strengthen China-Arab states long-term cooperation, prepare for the first China-Arab states summit and strive to build a China-Arab community with a shared future. In the joint statement, the two sides also stressed the need to adhere to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, uphold multilateralism, oppose politicizing human rights issues, oppose unilateralism, and promote the building of a new type of international relations. They stressed the importance of a just, comprehensive and durable solution to the Palestinian question on the basis of the two-state solution, supported all efforts aimed at preventing the proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, and advocated more robust counter-terrorism efforts and the eradication of the root causes of terrorism.


路透社记者:追问一下新冠病毒溯源第二阶段调查的问题,刚才你说中方与世卫组织的意见不同。你的意思是否是说,中方不同意在中国开展第二阶段研究,而认为应在世界其他地方开展;还是说中方会允许在华开展某种形式的第二阶段研究? Reuters: I just want to ask a follow-up question on the World Health Organization second phase. You said China's position was inconsistent with that brought up by the World Health Organization on the second phase investigation. Are you saying China feels that the second phase investigation should not take place in China but should fall in other places globally, or are you saying that China would permit in some form of a second phase investigation in China?


Zhao Lijian: I have just elaborated on China's position. As for the work plan on the second-phase origins study proposed by WHO, relevant experts on the Chinese side are studying it carefully.



Bloomberg: The US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has expressed doubts about the trade deal that China and the US signed, saying it didn't address fundamental problems that the US had with China. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this? Second question, do you have any information to offer about negotiations for Wendy Sherman, the US Deputy Secretary of State, to visit China later this week?


Zhao Lijian: On your first question, China-US trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature. A trade war will only lead to a lose-lose situation. We hope that the US side can grasp the trend of the times, follow its domestic public opinion, and work with China in the spirit of mutual respect and equal-footed consultation to properly handle problems in bilateral trade and ensure its sound and steady development.


On your second question, I have no information to share at this point.



China Daily: US Congresswoman and African-American activist Cori Bush wrote on the US Independence Day, "When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free". In response, Fox News co-host Jesse Watters said, "This land wasn't stolen...We won that territory on the battlefield. It was an ugly, brutal battle, but we won it. We're not just gonna give everything back to the indigenous people of this country". Watters' comments have drawn widespread criticism in the US, with Native Americans and African Americans denouncing them as blatant and outrageous reference to the country's looting history. What is China's comment?

赵立坚:原住民也是人,黑人的命也是命。你提到的情况反映了美国社会一个深刻的事实,那就是原住民的身份认同、文化认同、种族认同至今仍在美国遭到系统性抹除。原住民正逐渐成为美国“看不见的群体”和“正在消失的种族”。 Zhao Lijian: Indigenous lives matter, and so do black lives. What you mentioned reflects a profound fact that the ethnic and cultural identity of indigenous people are still being systematically erased in the US society. As a result, the indigenous people are gradually becoming the "invisible" community and a disappearing minority.
美国的发迹史就是原住民的血泪史。美国通过西进运动等政策,或威逼利诱原住民签署条件不平等的土地转让协议,或发布行政令强迫原住民迁徙,或直接动用武力屠杀、驱赶。通过种种不光彩的手段,美国政府从原住民手中夺去了约600万平方公里的土地,约占美国国土的三分之二。时至今日,在广袤的美国国土上,原本属于原住民的家园已经无迹可寻,只剩零星的“保留地”见证着他们遭受歧视、被边缘化的悲惨遭遇。  The US history is a record of blood and tears of the indigenous people. The US pursued the Westward Expansion policy, threatened or induced indigenous people to sign unequal land transfer agreements, issued executive orders to force them out of the land, and used force to slaughter and expel them. Through these disgraceful means, the US government snatched six million square kilometers of land, or two thirds of the US territory, from the indigenous people. Today, the land that used to belong to the indigenous people is no where to be found on the vast American territory. What is left is just some scattered Indian reservations that bear witness to the miserable experience of the indigenous people being discriminated against and marginalized.
有美国原住民活动人士曾直言,对原住民及其历史的抹除,是美国的原罪。通过掠夺印第安人家园并犯下滔天反人类罪而发迹的美国,整天基于谎言和虚假信息抹黑他国的民族政策,出于不可告人的目的对他国造谣污蔑。他们有什么资格这样做?在数以千万计被残害的印第安人的灵魂面前,那些散布谣言的美国政客将永远受到正义和良知的谴责。 A US indigenous activist said bluntly that the erasure of Native people and histories is a foundational sin of the US. As a country that is built on plundering the land of native Indians and committing crimes against humanity, how come the US feels it is in the position to smear the ethnic policies of other countries by citing lies and disinformation and slander others for its hidden agenda? When questioned over the tens of millions of Indian Americans who were persecuted, those US politicians who spread rumors will always feel the weight of justice and conscience.



China News Service: On July 14, a blast was reported from a bus carrying Chinese workers on their way to a project at the Dasu Dam site in Khyber Pakhunkhwa Province. The incident resulted in Chinese and Pakistani casualties and no organization or individual has claimed responsibility. I noticed an analyst saying that this incident is linked to the bomb explosion at a hotel in the Pakistani city Quetta on April 21 and may have been conducted by Taliban. Taliban claimed to be responsible for the April 21 terrorist attack, which took place when the Chinese ambassador was about to arrive at the hotel. This analyst seems to have confused Pakistan Taliban with the Afghan Taliban though. He also mentioned Afghan Taliban's friendly remarks toward China recently, saying that Taliban may be using both hard and soft tactics on China. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: China is highly concerned about and strongly condemns the bus blast in Pakistan on July 14. China's cross-departmental joint working group to Pakistan is working intensively with the Pakistani side. We believe that China and Pakistan will find out the truth and bring the perpetrators to justice. China will continue to firmly support Pakistan's anti-terrorism efforts and earnestly protect the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan.


Your understanding of the Pakistan Taliban and the Afghan Taliban is objective. These two are different. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is a terrorist organization designated by the Pakistani government and the international community universally, which admits that it was behind terrorist attacks including the bomb blast of the hotel in Quetta. The Afghan Taliban is a self-styled political and military organization which openly states that it prohibits any organization or individual from taking advantage of Afghanistan's territory to threaten other countries. It has maintained dialogue and contact with the Afghan government and the international community in recent years.


Terrorism is a common enemy of mankind. China stands ready to work with the international community to step up anti-terrorism cooperation and uphold world peace and tranquility.



NHK: Will China send anyone to attend the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games this Friday on behalf of President Xi Jinping?

赵立坚:中方支持日本成功顺利举办东京奥运会。中方已经公布了东京奥运会中国体育代表团名单。至于你提到的具体问题,我目前没有需要发布的信息。 Zhao Lijian: China supports Japan in hosting the Tokyo Olympic Games and making it a success. China has released the full list of athletes in its sports delegation for the Tokyo Olympic Games. As for the specific question you mentioned, I have no information to release for the moment.



Global Times: In June this year, a group of Chinese netizens drafted a joint open letter to ask the WHO to investigate the Fort Detrick lab. On July 17, they entrusted the Global Times with posting the letter to solicit a public response to call on the WHO to investigate Fort Detrick lab and other labs in the US that have the risk of virus leak. Do you have any comment?

赵立坚:我注意到有关报道。截至今天下午三点,超过75万的网民参与了联署,呼吁彻查美国德特里克堡生物实验室,以便搞清楚新冠病毒的真相。此时此刻,参与签名联署的人数正在快速增长。我还注意到,针对下一阶段病毒溯源最该去哪里,环球网也发起了网络民调。目前已有超过九成的受访者认为下一步应赴美国开展溯源研究,建议大家去看看。 Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports. As of 3 p.m. today, over 750,000 Chinese netizens have signed the letter, calling for a thorough probe into Fort Detrick lab to find the truth of coronavirus. The number of co-signers is soaring as we speak. I also noted that huanqiu.com conducted an online survey about where the next-stage investigation should be. Over 90 percent of the respondents believed the next-phase investigation should be carried out in the US. You may have a look at that.
这些民众、媒体自发的行动,实际是问出了国际社会长期无法得到回答的问题,而美方一些人始终讳莫如深。请美方回答几个问题:德特里克堡生物实验室同“电子烟疾病”等不明原因呼吸系统疾病到底有何关联?美方为何至今还不邀请世卫组织赴美彻查德堡?在溯源问题上,中国去得,美国为什么去不得?美方应展现透明,有问必答,回应外界关切。 These actions initiated by the pubic and media in fact have raised those questions long hovering over the mind of all, which the US has kept in dark. Here are questions for the US to answer: What is the link between Fort Detrick and the unexplained outbreaks of respiratory disease including EVALI? Why hasn't the US invited the WHO in for an investigation into Fort Detrick? Why can't origins study be conducted in the US just as in China? The US should show transparency and tell as much as they know about all the questions and respond to the concerns of the outside world.
近期54个国家就溯源问题向世卫组织总干事致函呼吁,坚持科学溯源,反对政治操弄。病毒溯源是一项科学任务,要靠科学家在全球范围内多点多地进行考察研究。任何出于一己私利,背弃科学和真理,甚至鼓吹“情报溯源”、威胁、打压专家学者的行径,只会严重干扰和破坏全球抗疫合作,只会激起国际社会的强烈不满和反对,绝不会得逞。 In recent days, 54 countries sent a letter to the WHO Director General on the issue of origin-tracing, stressing the importance of adopting science-based approach and rejecting political manipulation. Origin-tracing is a scientific matter, the second phase of which requires study in multiple places around the world by scientists. Any attempt to peddle intelligence-led origin-tracing in disregard of science and truth, and coerce experts and scholars in pursuit of one's selfish interests will only disrupt global anti-epidemic cooperation, meet with strong opposition from the international community, and lead to nowhere.
民意不可违,人心不可欺。美方企图搞政治操弄、向中国甩锅推责,这早已路人皆知。美方应正视包括中国人民在内的国际社会的呼声,对公开信和网络民调内容作出令人满意的交代。 Nothing will prevail over the will of the people. It has long been known to all that the US is trying to engage in political manipulation and shift blame to China. The US should heed the calls of the the Chinese people and the rest of the international community, and respond squarely to the open letter and the online poll.



AFP: Can you confirm whether Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi was in Beijing on Sunday? Reports say he was here for some kind of emergency briefing. And also is there any update on what the Chinese investigation team that it sent to Pakistan has found about the bus blast?

赵立坚:关于你提到的第一个问题,我没有可以发布的信息。 Zhao Lijian: On your first question, I have no information to release.
关于你提到的第二个问题,外交部牵头的跨部门联合工作组于16日凌晨抵达伊斯兰堡。几天以来,工作组马不停蹄开展工作,同驻巴大使一道全面做工作,推动巴方救治伤员,彻查事件,加大对中方项目人员安保,并连同巴方高层看望伤员,吊唁遇难同胞,赴现场勘查,慰问营地员工等,并现场指导企业加强安全防范,工作成效显著。 On your second question, a cross-departmental joint working group to Pakistan led by the Foreign Ministry arrived in Islamabad on the early morning of July 16. In the past few days, the working group has been working non-stop together with the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, pushed Pakistan to treat the injured, carried out investigation, and strengthened security for the personnel of Chinese projects. They also visited the injured and mourned the deceased together with high-level Pakistani officials, conducted on-site investigation, visited the staff on the ground, and guided the company to strengthen safety precautions. All this work has achieved effective outcomes.
前期巴方为事件处置做了大量工作,妥善保管遇难者遗体,及时转移伤员,并为伤员提供了最好的救治。工作组抵达后,巴方为工作组提供了全力协助,表示将不遗余力开展调查,同时加强了所有在巴中方项目安保措施。 The Pakistani side has done a lot of work to deal with the incident, properly keeping the bodies of the victims, transferring the injured in time and providing the best treatment to the injured. After the working group arrived, the Pakistani side offered full assistance to it, and said it would spare no effort to carry out the investigation and strengthen security measures for all Chinese projects in Pakistan.

关于调查的进展,巴方有关部门正全力调查事件,并已向中方通报了初步调查情况。中巴有关技术专家还共同勘查了现场。目前事件正在进一步调查中。 As for the progress of the investigation, competent Pakistani authorities are making full efforts to investigate the incident and have informed the Chinese side of the preliminary investigation. Relevant technical experts from China and Pakistan have also jointly inspected the site and are still in the process of further investigation.
该事件造成27名中方人员受伤。巴方为伤员提供了最好的医疗救治。1名重伤人员已接受开颅手术,目前正在医学观察之中。其他26名受伤人员正在治疗恢复过程中。中国驻巴使馆和赴巴的跨部门工作组正在同巴方协商妥善处理9名遇难同胞遗体事宜。 Twenty-seven Chinese personnel were injured in the incident, and Pakistan has provided the best medical treatment to them. One seriously injured person has undergone craniotomy and is under medical observation. Twenty-six others are recovering from the injuries. The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and the cross-departmental joint working group in Pakistan are working with the Pakistani side to properly handle the matter concerning the bodies of the nine victims.



PTI: Earlier in response to the question related to the bus blast in Pakistan, you spoke about the difference between Pakistan Taliban and Afghan Taliban. Does China suspect that the Pakistan Taliban is behind this blast? 


Zhao Lijian: As I just said, the incident is under further investigation. The instigator and the nature of the incident has not yet been determined. There has been no conclusion yet.



Prasar Bharati: A follow up question on this blast. So within the span of a few days after this blast, there was this incident of the kidnapping of Afghan ambassador's daughter in Pakistan. Looking at the situation and back-to-back incident related to terrorism, is China concerned about its investments and its people in Pakistan? Second, The Chinese company has suspended Pakistani workers from the Dasu hydropower project. What was the reason? Is there suspicion to do with their suspension?

赵立坚:中方已经多次阐述关于中巴关系和对中巴经济走廊建设的立场。这一事件是一个孤立事件。我们相信巴基斯坦完全有能力,保障中国在巴人员安全和财产安全。 Zhao Lijian: The Chinese side has repeatedly stated its position on China-Pakistan relations and the CPEC. This is an isolated incident. We believe that Pakistan is fully capable of protecting the safety and security of Chinese personnel and property in Pakistan.
关于你提到的阿富汗驻巴基斯坦大使之女在巴遭不明人员绑架,我们强烈谴责绑架阿富汗驻巴大使女儿的行径,希望受害者早日康复,相信有关罪犯会被尽快绳之以法。 As to the kidnapping in Pakistan of the daughter of the Afghan ambassador to Pakistan by unknown personnel, we strongly condemn the kidnapping and wish the victim an early recovery. We are convinced that the criminals will be brought to justice as soon as possible.
关于第二个问题,你说的情况不存在。达苏水电站通勤班车遇袭后,项目部当日起暂停现场施工作业,把主要精力投入救治伤员和遇难者善后等应急处置工作,同时全面排查安全隐患,强化项目安防措施。待条件具备后,项目将有序复工复产。 On your second question, what you mentioned is non-existent. After the attack on the Dasu Hydropower Project bus, on-site work was temporarily halted so as to channel more resources into handling the emergency such as rescuing the injured and attending to the matters of the deceased. At the same time, efforts were made to comb through security risks and shore up security measures. Work at project will be resumed once the conditions are ripe.
据了解,目前项目部巴基斯坦籍员工并未被解除劳动合同,仍在工作。巴基斯坦外交部发言人18日也已经发表声明予以澄清,并表示巴中双方将继续致力于完成达苏水电站等两国合作项目。 As to the Pakistani employees with the project, we understand their contracts are still valid and they remain at their posts. Pakistani Foreign Office Spokesperson also made the matter clear in a statement on July 18 and reaffirmed the two sides' commitment to timely completion of the Dasu Hydropower Project and other bilateral cooperation projects.

还有很多人误认为达苏水电站是中巴经济走廊框架下的项目,我也可以在这里澄清,该项目不在中巴经济走廊框架下,这只是巴中两国之间的经济合作项目。 Some people are under the false impression that the Dasu Hydropower Project is under the framework of the CPEC. I'd like to clarify the matter here. It is not a CPEC project, but just a economic cooperation project between China and Pakistan.


印度报业托拉斯记者:王毅国务委员兼外长访问杜尚别期间敦促塔利班兑现同国际恐怖组织切割的承诺。刚才你也提到阿塔公开表示禁止任何组织或个人利用阿富汗领土威胁其他国家。中方认为阿塔能说到做到吗?阿塔是否能与“巴塔”及“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动”(ETIM)划清界限? PTI: State Councilor Wang Yi made a statement during his Dushanbe visit that Taliban should renounce its friendships or its associations with terrorist groups in Afghanistan. You have already made a reference to Afghan Taliban's commitment to rather not to allow its territory to launch terrorist attacks. Does China really believe that Taliban will do so, especially when it comes to groups like Pakistan Taliban and the ETIM?  赵立坚:王毅国务委员的有关表态已经充分阐明了中方的立场。 Zhao Lijian: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has fully elaborated on China's position in his remarks.

以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-19的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!


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