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【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-30





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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on April 30, 2021

总台央视记者:据报道,中国正式启动新中国纪念恢复联合国合法席位50周年系列活动。能否介绍相关情况? CCTV: It's reported that China has officially launched a series of activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's legitimate rights at the UN. Could you give us more details?  汪文斌:1971年,联大通过第2758号决议,恢复了中华人民共和国在联合国的合法席位。这是具有重大历史意义的事件,也标志着联合国真正成为最具有普遍性和代表性的国际组织。50年来,中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者,不断为联合国的崇高事业添砖加瓦,作出了积极贡献。 Wang Wenbin: In 1971, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758, restoring the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China at the United Nations. This is an event of great historical significance and marks that the United Nations has truly become the most universal and representative international organization. Over the past 50 years, China has been a promoter of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order, making positive contributions to the noble cause of the United Nations.


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's legitimate rights at the UN, China will hold a series of activities in the fields of UN peacekeeping operations, economic development, social and cultural development, poverty alleviation and ecological environment. As you can see, China launched the Group of Friends on the Safety and Security of United Nations Peacekeepers on April 27 and took the chair. Yesterday, the peacekeeping affairs center of the Chinese defense ministry and the UN Department of Peace Operations jointly held an online meeting for sharing peacekeeping experience. For other commemorative activities, we will release relevant information in time.


Standing at the new historical starting point, China will continue to uphold the UN-centered international system, the international order based on international law, the authority and status of the UN and the core role of the UN in international affairs. We will continue to deepen cooperation with the UN system and other countries in the world, practice multilateralism in real sense, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


彭博社记者:美国国家情报总监海恩斯表示,她认为台湾内部支持“独立”的观点正在强化。外交部对此有何评论? Bloomberg: The US Director of National Intelligence said that she sees views in Taiwan hardening in favor of independence. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 


Wang Wenbin: The root cause of the tension across the Taiwan Strait is that the DPP authorities and "Taiwan independence" separatist forces are making provocations by seeking independence. I want to stress that China is firmly resolved in upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity and has every confidence and capability to frustrate all forms of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. The US should fully recognize that "Taiwan independence" is harmful and dangerous, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, be prudent with its words and actions, avoid sending any wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces, and refrain from undermining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and China-US relations.



Xinhua News Agency: You mentioned the Group of Friends on the Safety and Security of United Nations Peacekeepers. This is the first mechanism of its kind led and co-chaired by China. Could you give us more details of this group?


Wang Wenbin: UN peacekeeping operations are a major instrument for maintaining international peace and security, and peacekeepers are valuable assets for international peace. Over the past 70 years, more than 3,000 peacekeepers from over 120 countries have lost their lives. This year alone has witnessed 49 peacekeepers giving their precious lives to the cause of peace, which is heartbreaking.


As the second-largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget and a major troop contributor for UN peacekeeping operations, China attaches great importance to the safety and security of peacekeepers. The Group of Friends brings together 49 countries and regional organizations, including permanent members of the Security Council, major regional countries as well as host countries, troop- and police-contributors and financial contributors to the UN peacekeeping operations. It aims to provide a platform to strengthen information sharing, policy coordination, and capacity building so as to make substantive progress in enhancing the safety and security of UN peacekeepers. This platform is an open one, and should any other UN member states are interested, they are most welcome to contact us. Together and with unremitting efforts, we can make a difference, and better protect our peacekeepers.


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's legitimate rights at the UN. China will take this opportunity to firmly safeguard multilateralism, deepen cooperation with the United Nations and make greater contributions to international peace and security.



RIA Novosti: US Defense Intelligence Agency chief Scott Berrier accused Russia and China of using the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct information warfare against Western governments. I wonder if China has any comment.


Wang Wenbin: The virus is a common enemy of all mankind that necessitates concerted efforts from the international community. China has been promoting international anti-epidemic cooperation with an open and transparent attitude.


In contrast, some US politicians, instead of adopting a science-based and cooperative attitude after the COVID-19 outbreak, politicized the anti-epidemic efforts, willfully withdrew from treaties and organizations, and spread false information to shift the blame to others with stigmatization. The US is equipped with the world's most advanced medical technology, but it also has the highest number of COVID-19 infection cases and death tolls. As the world's No.1 superpower, the US has done much damage to the international anti-epidemic cooperation, which has made the American people and many more in the world pay a heavy price. The US should learn its lesson, stop political manipulation, and act in ways conducive to its own fight against the epidemic and international cooperation on this front. 



Global Times: According to the Danish newspaper Politiken, the US Embassy in Denmark tells it to check whether it uses routers or networking gears made by five Chinese electrical equipment manufacturers, namely, Huawei, ZTE, Hytera, Hikvision and Dahua. The US embassy threatens to cancel subscription if the newspaper refuses to provide the requested information or chooses to use the above-mentioned equipment. The Politiken says it's not the only one that has received such request. Apparently, the US embassy has reached out to other service providers in Denmark with similar requests, saying that this will be a coordinated global operation by the US. What is China's comment on this? 

汪文斌:我昨天已经向大家介绍了,胁迫外交这顶帽子,没有国家比美国更适合戴。你提到的这条新闻就是美国奉行“胁迫外交”的生动案例。 Wang Wenbin: Like I said yesterday, no one deserves the title of "coercive diplomacy" better than the US. What you mentioned is just another example of US putting "coercive diplomacy" into practice.


The US side not only maliciously oppresses Chinese enterprises, but also forces other countries to obey its will, and even demands media outlets of other countries to act under its instructions, or else there will be consequences of "termination of subscription". This is coercive diplomacy one hundred percent.


While preaching about democracy and rules, the US coerces other countries into oppressing Chinese enterprises. Does the US have no shame?


CCTV: According to a report by the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, as China's BRI continues to make progress, engaging constructively with China in areas of common interest, such as fighting corruption, managing environmental challenges, and improving economic cooperation, could boost the post-pandemic recovery of countries across Europe and Asia. Could I have China's comment on this report?


Wang Wenbin: This report shows that the international community attaches importance to the BRI cooperation.


The BRI cooperation upholds the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and pursues open, green and clean cooperation. Under the concept of high standard, people-centered and sustainable development, it pursues development, aims at mutual benefits, and conveys a message of hope. In the first quarter of this year, China's non-financial direct investment in countries along the Belt and Road was up by 5.2% year on year. Newly signed contracts went up by 19.4%. The number of journeys made by China-Europe freight trains and the amount of cargo transported rose by 75% and 84% respectively over the same period last year. All these figures show that BRI enjoys strong resilience and vitality. In particular, against the backdrop of COVID-19, BRI international cooperation has played an important role in helping Eurasian countries fight against the epidemic, stabilize the economy and ensure people's livelihood.


In recent years, the OSCE has expressed its desire to develop relations with China on many occasions. China is willing to continue to maintain ties with the OSCE on the basis of equality and mutual respect. We are also ready to work together with all parties including Eurasian countries to tackle the challenges posed by the epidemic, deepen practical cooperation across the board, and strive for more outcomes from BRI cooperation so as to deliver benefits to the people of all participating countries, and lend fresh impetus to global economic stability and growth.


北京广播电视台记者:澳大利亚公民党刊物《澳人警示服务》近日发表题为《澳大利亚政客支持“东突”恐怖主义分子》的文章,披露了澳国内一些政客与“东突厥斯坦澳大利亚协会”勾连推动反华遏华图谋的有关情况。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Media Network: The Australian Alert Service, the weekly publication of the Australian Citizens Party, recently published an article titled Australian politicians back "East Turkistan" terrorism apologists, revealing how local politicians colluded with the East Turkistan Australian Association (ETAA) to advance an anti-China agenda. Do you have any comment?


Wang Wenbin: We also noticed the article. It exposed the separatist, terrorist and extremist nature of "Xinjiang independence" organization in Australia and the collusion of anti-China Australian politicians with terrorist organization for selfish gains. The article points out sharply that the ETAA, an organization closely associated with terrorism and extremism, is "getting a free pass" in Australia just because the country it's targeting is China. The articles ask: "How does Australia deal with threats of extremist violence, and how would Australians feel about a country that promoted organisations that excused extremist violence against us?" As some Western media are awash with lies and smears targeting Xinjiang, such objective and rational voices show that justice will eventually prevail. We urge certain Australian politicians not to stand on the wrong side of history and to stop endorsing anti-China separatist activities and terrorist organizations to avoid getting burned itself. We also believe that more and more people with insight in the world will speak up for justice and tell the truth about Xinjiang.


凤凰卫视记者:我们看到王毅国务委员兼外长就印度新冠肺炎疫情形势向印度外长苏杰生致慰问电,你能否介绍有关情况? Phoenix TV: We've noted the message of condolences from State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to India's External Affairs Minister Jaishankar over the COVID-19 situation in India. Can you offer information more on that?


Wang Wenbin: China closely follows the evolving epidemic situation in India. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi sent a message of sympathy to Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar over the worsening situation of COVID-19 in India. He said that China would maximize its efforts to provide support to India.


All social sectors in China are busy taking actions. The Red Cross Society of China, local governments, many non-governmental organizations and Chinese enterprises are trying their best to collect the anti-epidemic supplies urgently needed by India, and deliver them to the Indian people as soon as possible.


According to incomplete statistics, since April, China has exported more than 26,000 ventilators and oxygen concentrators, more than 15,000 monitors, and nearly 3800 tons of medicinal materials and drugs to India. Chinese manufacturers of anti-epidemic supplies and medical equipment are racing against the clock in full speed to ensure production. In the next few days, more anti-epidemic materials will be sent to India. As many donations and procurement are made through unofficial channels, I suggest you also refer to the Indian government, which should help you better understand the actual situation.


To my knowledge, freight air routes from China to India are operating normally. In the past two weeks, a number of freight flights from China to India remain in operation. Relevant Chinese authorities have provided and are providing convenience in customs clearance and transportation for India to transport liquid oxygen tanks, oxygen concentrators and other materials from many cities in China. China will continue to ensure the smooth functioning of the export channel of materials to India.


彭博社记者:第一,本周早些时候,欧盟方面表示正考虑应对中国日益严峻的经济威胁,出台针对外国国有企业的新政策。中方是否认为这表明欧方采取了更加强硬的对华立场,且与美联手对华?第二,中方是否担心德国绿党赢得今年九月的大选,从而使欧洲最大经济体对华疑虑上升? Bloomberg: A question on the European Union. Earlier this week, the EU said it was looking to strengthen its hand against the growing economic threat posed by China and proposed new rules targeted at foreign state-owned companies. Do you see this as evidence of Europe getting tougher or more aligned with the US in its approach to China? How much concern is there that the Green Party could win Germany's election in September, turning Europe's biggest economy more China-skeptic? 汪文斌:关于第一个问题,我并不了解你提到的欧方将出台有关政策的具体情况,建议你向中方主管部门了解。作为原则,我可以告诉你的是,中欧都是构建开放型世界经济的重要力量,双方应不断扩大市场准入,推动贸易投资的自由化、便利化,减少贸易壁垒,特别是避免增加新的壁垒,为企业投资发展提供开放、透明和非歧视性的营商环境。 Wang Wenbin: On your first question, I'm not aware of the specifics concerning proposed new rules by the relevant EU agency you mentioned and refer you to the competent authorities. In principle, I can tell you that China and Europe are both important forces for the building of an open world economy. We should further expand market access, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, reduce trade barriers, in particular avoid erecting new ones, and provide an open, transparent and non-discriminatory environment for investors.

关于第二个问题,中方重视同包括绿党在内的德国政党开展交流与对话,增进彼此了解,不同的价值观不应成为交流与对话的阻碍。中方反对基于谎言和谣言对中方进行无端指责,反对将正常的经贸投资和企业合作政治化。 On you second question, China attaches importance to exchange and dialogue with German political parties including the Green Party to enhance mutual understanding. Difference in values should not impede exchange and cooperation. China opposes wanton allegations based on lies and rumors and reject politicizing normal trade, investment and commercial cooperation.


新华社记者:据报道,吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦边境昨日发生武装冲突,造成大量人员伤亡,中方对此有何评论?  Xinhua News Agency: According to reports, armed conflict broke out in the border area between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan yesterday, causing massive casualties. Does China have a comment? 


Wang Wenbin: We've noted relevant reports. We understand Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have reached a comprehensive ceasefire agreement regarding the border clash, and leaders on both sides have said that they will resolve the conflict through negotiation.


Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are both China's friendly neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners. We hope and trust that they will properly resolve differences and disagreements in the spirit of mutual respect and friendly consultation to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.


In observance of the Labor Day, the MFA regular press conference will be adjourned from May 1st to 5th, and resumed on May 6th. During the holiday, you can reach the spokesperson's office by fax, email or Wechat.


I wish everyone a happy Labor Day. While enjoying the holiday, you are kindly reminded to keep up anti-epidemic measures and stay healthy.

以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-4-30的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!


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