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【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-29





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2021年3月29日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on March 29, 2021


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will jointly hold the "Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Cooperation to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic" in Beijing on March 30. Vice Premier Sun Chunlan of the State Council will address the event via videoconference.


CCTV: Could you offer more information on the "Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Cooperation to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic", which, as you just announced, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan will address virtually?

赵立坚:新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,中医药积极参与全球抗疫,被多个国家借鉴和使用,成为疫情防控“中国方案”的一大亮点。为进一步深化中医药交流合作,构建人类卫生健康共同体,外交部和国家中医药管理局将联合举办“中医药与抗击新冠肺炎疫情国际合作论坛”,论坛的主题是“深化中医药交流合作,构建人类卫生健康共同体”。包括津巴布韦、乌克兰在内20多个国家和地区的政要、卫生主管部门高级官员和专家学者将通过视频连线方式深入交流。中方愿同各国一道,继续推进疫情防控国际合作,保护各国人民的生命健康。  Zhao Lijian: After COVID-19 broke out, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been playing an active role in the global fight. Many countries have drawn upon and applied it in their anti-epidemic efforts, making TCM a highlight in China's solution to prevent and contain the pandemic. With a view to deepening exchange and cooperation in this area and to fostering a community of health for all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will jointly hold the "Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Cooperation to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic" under the theme of "Deepen TCM Exchanges and Cooperation, Build a Global Community of Health for All". Political leaders, senior health officials and experts from more than 20 countries and regions including Zimbabwe and Ukraine will have in-depth exchanges through video link. Going forward, China stands ready to advance international cooperation in fighting COVID-19 and protecting the life and health of people all over the world.

2 澎湃新闻记者:3月27日,王毅国务委员兼外长访问伊朗期间,同伊朗外长扎里夫共同签署了《中华人民共和国和伊朗伊斯兰共和国全面合作计划》。请介绍这份计划的相关情况? The Paper: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday signed a plan for China-Iran comprehensive cooperation with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif during his visit to Iran. Do you have more details on this agreement? 赵立坚:2016年1月,中国和伊朗就建立全面战略伙伴关系发表联合声明,双方同意达成一份全面合作计划。经过沟通商谈,不久前,双方就全面合作计划内容达成一致。3月27日,王毅国务委员兼外长在应邀对伊朗进行正式访问期间,同伊朗外长扎里夫共同签署了中伊全面合作计划。该计划重点是挖掘两国在经济、人文等领域的合作潜力,规划长远合作前景和路径,不包括量化的具体合同或指标,不针对任何第三方。这将为中伊未来合作提供宏观框架。  Zhao Lijian: In January 2016, China and Iran issued a joint statement on establishing comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries and agreed to sign a plan for comprehensive cooperation. Through communication and consultations, the two sides reached agreement on the content of the comprehensive plan recently. On March 27, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi signed the plan for comprehensive cooperation with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during his official visit to Iran upon invitation. The plan focuses on tapping the potentials in economic and cultural cooperation and charting course for long-term cooperation. It neither includes any quantitative, specific contracts and goals nor targets any third party, and will provide a general framework for China-Iran cooperation going forward.



AFP: I just have a follow-up question on this China-Iran deal. Can you tell us if there will be any total amount on how much China is planning to invest in Iran? 


Zhao Lijian: I just talked about the content of the cooperation plan and I have no further detail to offer. 



Shenzhen TV: After the Chinese people initiated a boycott against foreign companies that refuse to use Xinjiang cotton, a US State Department spokesperson said this is "state-led" and condemned it, while the White House Press Secretary said that China is using private companies' dependence on its markets to stifle free expression. I wonder if you have any comments on these remarks?


Zhao Lijian: I've taken note of the news. Some in the US are not only stigmatizing Xinjiang cotton in an attempt to undermine the interests of cotton growers in the region and China's overall economic interests, but also trying to pit the Chinese people against the government. How venomous!


As we've repeated so many times, there is no forced labor in Xinjiang. Cotton-picking is highly-paid work. Pickers all sign labor contracts with planters voluntarily through consultation on an equal footing. There is no need whatsoever for "forced labor". 


Besides, according to data from Xinjiang's agricultural sector, 70% of all cotton were harvested mechanically instead of manually in 2020. I've also got to know about an APP through which planters can order mechanical cotton-pickers, a true symbol of the Internet+ era in cotton harvest. And yet, a handful of countries and individuals are still weaving stories about "forced labor". Do they mean "forced machinery labor"?


I noticed the statement released by the BCI representative office in Shanghai which said that "Since 2012, the Xinjiang project site has performed second-party credibility audits and third-party verifications over the years, and has never found a single case related to incidents of forced labor." We cannot help but wonder, since no case of forced labor was found, how was the conclusion of "forced labor" reached? Why not show your evidence?! 


Some accuse the Chinese government of fanning nationalism and calling for a boycott. Certain foreign brands refuse to use Xinjiang cotton based merely on lies. This negative act itself is more than enough to trigger opposition and indignation among the public. There is no need whatsoever for any "state-led" campaign. The smears and rumors inspire patriotism better than anything.


The US falsely implies that the Chinese government is engaging in backstage manipulation. This reminds me of the video my colleague played here last week, showing remarks by Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell and retired US Army Colonel, at the Ron Paul Institute in August 2018. It exposed the shocking conspiracy of the US and the West on Xinjiang, which is to destabilize Xinjiang and contain China's development. The cotton smears are just part of the bigger plot.


Coming back to Xinjiang cotton, I'd like to stress the importance of respect in doing business. Certain retailers want to smear and attack China and hurt Chinese interests while making profits in the Chinese market. They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this. The Chinese market is always open. We welcome foreign companies to operate and invest in China with a sound business environment. We hope they will comply with laws and regulations, refuse to be weaponized by certain political forces, and refrain from testing public opinion in China.

5 彭博社记者:上周日,拜登政府高级别官员对世卫组织新冠病毒溯源国际专家组即将发布的赴华考察报告表达关切,称中方应更加透明。美国国务卿布林肯接受CNN采访时称,美方对这份报告背后的方法和过程表示关切,中国政府显然帮助撰写了这份报告。中方对此有何评论?  Bloomberg: My question is about the upcoming WHO report. Top Biden administration officials on Sunday expressed concern about the WHO report, which is examining the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and said the Chinese side should be more transparent. Speaking to the CNN, Secretary of State Blinken said the US had real concerns about the methodology and the process of the report, including that the Chinese government "helped to write it". What's the foreign ministry's comment on Mr. Blinken's statement on the WHO report?


Zhao Lijian: We never accept the groundless accusations and wanton denigration on the epidemic issue by the US side.

我们多次说过,中方最早向世界卫生组织报告疫情,第一时间发布新冠病毒基因序列等关键信息,第一时间公布诊疗方案和防控方案。2019年12月27日武汉地方有关部门首次接到可疑病例报告,2020年1月3日,中方就开始定期向美方通报疫情信息和防控举措,此后持续向美方通报,双方保持密切沟通。这一点,美方心知肚明。  As we have said many times, China was the first to report the epidemic to the World Health Organization, and China released key information such as the gene sequence of the novel coronavirus, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention and control plans at the earliest time possible. The first suspicious case was reported to local authorities in Wuhan on December 27, 2019. On January 3, 2020, the Chinese side began to inform the US about the epidemic and its prevention and control measures on a regular basis. Since then, the Chinese side has kept the US informed and the two sides have maintained close communication. The US side is well aware of this.


As for origin-tracing studies, the China-WHO joint mission visited nine institutions or sites during their trip for joint research, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They had exchanges with medical staff, researchers, recovered patients, families of deceased medical staff, ordinary people, etc. These arrangements were all made at the request of the joint mission. The Chinese side also presented item by item raw data of particular concern. The WHO and international experts gave positive comments on the joint research, stressing a level of openness they hadn't anticipated. The drafting of the origin-tracing report has been carried out between experts from both China and WHO, and conclusions have been reached through repeated research in a science-based way. 

我不禁要问,在疫情和溯源问题上,美方什么时候也能像中方一样开放和透明?什么时候邀请世卫组织专家赴美开展溯源考察?什么时候开放德特里克堡给国际专家参观、调查或研究?美方连续对外喊话,是不是意在向专家组成员施加政治压力?请美方去问问各位专家,报告的哪一部分内容是中国政府“帮助撰写”的?难道中国政府为溯源研究提供便利也成了幕后操纵吗?  I cannot help but ask, when will the US be as open and transparent as China on the epidemic and origin-tracing issues? When will the WHO experts be invited to the United States for a visit on origin-tracing? When will Fort Detrick be opened for international experts to visit, investigate or study? Is the US side making constant barrage of accusations in order to exert pressure on the members of the joint mission? Could the US side please ask the experts the Chinese government "helped to write" which part of the report? How can anyone call the Chinese government's facilitation of origin-tracing research behind-the-scene manipulation?



NHK: First, over 100 protesters were killed in Myanmar the day before yesterday. The UN Special Rapporteur for Myanmar called on Myanmar's military to stop killing civilians. Do you have any comment? Second, Palau's President arrived in Taiwan for a visit yesterday and he is supposed to meet with Tsai Ing-wen. What's your response?

赵立坚:关于第一个问题。我们对缅甸局势感到关切。我们已经多次表示,希望缅甸各方保持冷静克制,采取建设性的态度和行动推动当前局势缓和降温。暴力和流血冲突不符合任何一方的利益,受害的是缅甸人民。我们希望各方从缅甸人民的根本利益出发,坚持通过对话协商实现局势缓和降温,在缅甸宪法和法律框架下解决矛盾分歧,继续推进缅甸国内民主转型进程。  Zhao Lijian: On your first question, we are concerned about the situation in Myanmar. As we have said on many occasions, we hope all parties in Myanmar can keep calm, exercise restraint, and take actions with a constructive attitude to deescalate and cool down the situation. Violence and bloodshed serve no one's interests, and it is the people of Myanmar who suffer. We hope that all parties will bear in mind the fundamental interests of the people of Myanmar, continue to exert efforts to ease tensions through dialogue and consultation, address disputes and differences within the constitutional and legal framework, and continue to push forward the process of democratic transition in the country. 

关于第二个问题,我们也注意到,美国驻帕劳大使也是帕劳代表团成员之一。我想强调的是,一个中国原则是公认的国际关系准则,也是世界上绝大多数国家认同、接受、践行的普遍共识。坚持一个中国原则是人心所向,大势所趋。台湾问题是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的问题。一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础。中方坚决反对任何形式的美台官方往来,这一立场是一贯的、明确的。我们敦促美方充分认识台湾问题的高度敏感性,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,停止美台官方往来,不向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号,不要试图突破中方底线。慎重、妥善处理涉台问题,以免严重损害中美关系和台海和平稳定。  On your second question, we noticed that US Ambassador to Palau is also among the delegation members. I want to stress that the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm for international relations and a common consensus recognized, accepted and practiced by the vast majority of countries in the world. Following the one-China principle is the overriding trend with popular support. The Taiwan question is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations. The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. China firmly opposes any form of official interactions between the US and Taiwan. This position is consistent and clear. We urge the US side to fully recognize that the Taiwan question is highly sensitive, and that it should abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués. It must stop any official interaction with Taiwan, refrain from sending any wrong signals to Taiwan independent forces, stop any attempt to cross the bottom line, and properly handle Taiwan-related issues with prudence, lest it should damage China-US relations as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

7 巴通社记者:上周,巴基斯坦总统阿里夫·阿尔维在“巴基斯坦日”阅兵式上发表演讲称,中国是我们“最亲密、最友好的国家”。中方对此有何评论?  Associated Press of Pakistan: Last week, President of Pakistan in his speech delivered at the National Day military parade said that "China is our closest and friendliest country". I wonder if you have any comment?  赵立坚:中方对巴基斯坦第82个国庆日表示热烈祝贺,相信巴基斯坦政府和人民将在国家建设和民族振兴的道路上不断前进。 

Zhao Lijian: China warmly congratulates Pakistan on the 82nd Pakistan Day, and believes that the Pakistani government and people will make steady progress on the path of national development and rejuvenation.


China has noted and highly appreciates President Arif Alvi's positive comments on China-Pakistan relations in his speech delivered on the occasion of the Pakistan Day military parade. China also cherishes its all-weather strategic cooperative partnership with Pakistan. We are ready to take the 70th anniversary of our diplomatic ties as an opportunity to work together in the fight against COVID-19, carry forward our traditional friendship, deepen all-round cooperation, and build an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future for the new era.


President Alvi also stressed in his speech that Pakistan will focus on development, and remain committed to peaceful coexistence with the outside world. He called on world leaders, especially South Asian leaders, to discard hatred, prejudice and religious extremism, and jointly safeguard regional peace and prosperity. To pursue peace and development is the shared aspiration of all countries in the region. China supports Pakistan's foreign policy of peace and good-neighborliness as well as it commitment to advancing the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan. China is happy to see Pakistan's recent positive interactions with India. We are ready to work with Pakistan, and continue to inject positive energy into regional peace, stability and development.



AFP: Got a question on Xinjiang. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, said this weekend the UN is holding negotiations with China for UN visit in Xinjiang. He said this visit should be without restrictions. Can you confirm the negotiations? Is China ready to welcome the UN without restrictions in Xinjiang, or do you think there should be conditions or restrictions?


Zhao Lijian: I've noted the report. I want to point out that the door of Xinjiang is always open. We welcome the visit of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Xinjiang. China has extended invitation long ago to the UN High Commissioner for a visit to Xinjiang and other places in China, and the two sides have been in communication. The purpose of the visit is to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, rather than to conduct the so-called "investigation" based on presumption of guilt. At the same time, we oppose political manipulation to pressure China on this matter. 追问:你的意思是联合国秘书长想要在中国进行政治操弄吗?  Follow-up: You mean the UN Secretary-General want to do political manipulation in China? Is that what you mean?

这是你自己的理解。国际上有个别西方国家一直利用联合国人权高专访问新疆的问题搞政治操弄,向中方施压。中方欢迎不抱任何偏见的人士访问新疆,但坚决反对搞有罪推定式的所谓“调查”。 Zhao Lijian: That is your understanding. Some Western countries have been using the visit of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Xinjiang to engage in political manipulation and put pressure on China. China welcomes anyone free of prejudice against China to visit Xinjiang, but firmly opposes the so-called "investigation" based on presumption of guilt.



Bloomberg: A question about Myanmar again. Over the weekend, there were reports that Myanmar was striking against ethnic Karen rebels. What's your response?


Zhao Lijian: I've already made China's position very clear on the Myanmar issue. I have nothing more to add.

10 法新社记者:据阿联酋当地媒体报道,中国国药集团计划在阿联酋生产新冠病毒疫苗。你能否证实?  AFP: I got a question on the UAE and vaccines. According to local media reports, the Chinese vaccine producer Sinopharm will produce COVID-19 vaccines in the UAE. Can you confirm that? 


Zhao Lijian: As you know, Sinopharm has cooperated with the United Arab Emirates in phase III clinical trials. They work very closely together on vaccine research and development. As for the specific information you mentioned, please check with Sinopharm, but I would not be surprised if they had such a plan.

11 彭博社记者:日本首相菅义伟将于近期与美国总统拜登举行首次面对面会见。在是否与其他主要民主国家一道,以侵犯人权为由对中国实施制裁的问题上,菅义伟首相面临巨大的压力。其所在执政党内一些成员也呼吁他在即将在英国举行的G7峰会上采取更强硬的立场。中方对此有何评论?  Bloomberg: A question on Japan. The Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is under pressure to join other major democracies in imposing sanctions on China over human rights violations. This is coming as he prepares for his first face-to-face summit with the US President Joe Biden. In particular, some in Suga's ruling party are calling for him to take a more radical line ahead of the G7 summit in the UK. What's the foreign ministry's comment on pressure on the Japanese Prime Minister to consider imposing sanctions on China over human rights issues?


Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of what you mentioned. But China has stated its solemn position and taken countermeasures in response to the imposition of unilateral sanctions by the US and its small handful of western allies on Chinese individuals and entity based on lies and disinformation. We hope the Japanese side will act in a prudent manner, and refrain from joining the US in attacking China just because it is a US ally. It is not in Japan's interest to do so.

以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-29的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!


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