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【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-12





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2021年3月12日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on March 12, 2021


China News Service: The IOC president, Thomas Bach, said the IOC has received a kind offer from the Chinese Olympic Committee to make vaccine doses available to participants at this year's Tokyo Olympics and the Beijing Winter Games in 2022. Also, preliminary data from a study in Brazil indicates that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac Biotech Ltd is effective against the P1 variant of the virus first discovered in Brazil. Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan spoke highly of the efficacy of Chinese vaccine on social media after receiving his first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine donated by China. What is your comment?

赵立坚:从你举的这几个例子可以看出,中国疫苗的安全性、有效性正在得到越来越多国家的认可。中国坚定支持疫苗国际合作。我们响应联合国号召,向各国维和人员捐赠疫苗。我们愿与国际奥委会合作,向准备参加奥运会的运动员们提供疫苗。这是中国积极落实习近平主席将疫苗作为全球公共产品宣示的具体举措。我们真诚期待中国疫苗能为全球抗疫带来更多信心和希望。 Zhao Lijian: These above-mentioned examples show that the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines are earning recognition across the world. China is a committed front-runner in promoting international vaccine cooperation. Responding to a UN appeal, we have donated vaccines to peacekeepers from various countries. We are also ready to work with the International Olympic Committee to provide vaccines to Olympians. These are our concrete steps to make COVID vaccines a public good as pledged by President Xi Jinping. We sincerely hope that Chinese vaccines will inject more confidence and hope into the global fight against the virus.

2 路透社记者:日本奥运大臣丸川珠代周四表示,由于日本尚未批准中国疫苗紧急使用,所以参加夏季奥运会的日本运动员目前尚无法接种中国疫苗。中方对此有何评论?中国是否会加快推动中国疫苗在日获批使用? Reuters: Japan's Olympics Minister Tamayo Marukawa said on Thursday that Japanese athletes at the Summer Olympics won't be eligible for the coronavirus vaccinations offered by China, because Japan has not approved the Chinese vaccines for emergency use. Does China have any response or will China push to have the vaccines approved in Japan for the Olympic? 赵立坚:我不了解你所说的有关情况。中方已经作出了有关决定。下一步,中方会同国际奥委会以及有关国家进行具体的沟通和协调。 Zhao Lijian: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned. China has already made relevant decision. Going forward, China will have communication and coordination on specific issues with the International Olympic Committee and the relevant country.



CCTV: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on March 11 that the Russia-China partnership is "really great" in jointly combating the COVID-19 pandemic. "Our partnership was indeed very close and, most importantly, effective. This partnership and cooperation will continue," he said. What is China's comment on this?


Zhao Lijian: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat the coronavirus. We've been helping each other with anti-epidemic materials at the earliest time possible, sharing practical experience unreservedly, and jointly carried out research and development of vaccines and drugs, and worked hand in hand to resist all kinds of "political viruses". This reflects the high-level operation of China-Russia relations in the new era and the profound friendship between the people of the two countries. China highly appraises this.


At present, the global epidemic is still not over. The global fight against COVID-19 must not stop until the virus gets eliminated in each and every country. As a responsible major country and a comprehensive strategic partner of coordination, China is willing to work with Russia to contribute our efforts to international cooperation against the pandemic, and to offer Chinese and Russian wisdom into the building of a global community of health for all.



RIA Novosti: Ukrainian authorities announced Thursday they plan to nationalize Motor Sich, an aircraft engine manufacturer majority-owned by Chinese companies. I wonder what is the ministry's comment on this and if Chinese companies and investors have asked for any assistance or help from Chinese government?


Zhao Lijian: We have noted relevant reports. We urge the Ukrainian side to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies and investors in accordance with law and properly handle relevant issues.

5 美国专题新闻社记者:第一个问题,据《环球时报》昨日报道,加拿大公民康明凯、迈克尔案即将庭审。你能否证实并提供更多细节?第二个问题,中美双方在阿拉斯加举行高层对话时是否会谈及孟晚舟案? FSN: Two questions. First of all, the Global Times reported yesterday that the trial for the Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig would take place soon. Would you be able to confirm whether that's correct or not and also provides any other possible details? The second question is will China bring up the topic of Meng Wanzhou when it meets with the U.S. side in Alaska later this month? 赵立坚:关于第一个问题,中方已多次就有关加拿大公民个案阐明立场。中国司法机关依法办案,并充分保障有关人员各项合法权利。关于你提到的具体情况,目前我没有可以向你提供的信息。 Zhao Lijian: On your first question, the Chinese side has made clear its position on the cases of the Canadian citizens on many occasions. The Chinese judicial authorities handle the cases in accordance with law and fully protect the lawful rights and interests of the relevant personnel. As for the specific situation you mentioned, I have no information to offer at present.
关于中美高层战略对话,具体议题有待双方商定。 As for the China-US high-level strategic dialogue, the specific agenda has yet to be decided by the two sides.



Reuters: Has the Chinese side been in contact with the Canadian foreign ministry in relation to this recent development and are two Canadians permitted visits from the Canadian Embassy given that their trial could be upcoming?

赵立坚:我刚才说过,中国司法机关依法办案,二人合法权利得到充分保障。加拿大使馆多次对二人进行了领事探视。 Zhao Lijian: As I said just now, China's judiciary handles the cases in accordance with law and their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected. The Canadian Embassy in China paid consular visits to the two individuals on multiple occasions.



The Paper: I wonder if you have a comment on the statement by the President of the UN Security Council on Myanmar released on March 11?


Zhao Lijian: The Security Council issued a presidential statement on Myanmar through consensus. China participated in a constructive manner in relevant consultations. We hope the message from the Council will help ease the situation. The immediate priority is to prevent further conflict and bloodshed, deescalate the situation and bring down the temperature as soon as possible, step up diplomatic mediation and facilitate dialogue and reconciliation. The international community should create enabling conditions for this.


We hope parties in Myanmar will remain calm, exercise restraint, act in the fundamental interests of the people, strive to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation within the constitutional and legal framework, and continue to advance democratic transition. China supports ASEAN in mediating in the ASEAN Way to seek common ground following the principles of non-interference and consensus building. The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General on Myanmar should play a constructive role and engage in active diplomatic mediation.


China and Myanmar are "pauk-phaw" brothers connected by the same mountains and rivers, and are a community with a shared future through thick and thin. We stand ready to engage and communicate with parties in the country to play a constructive role in easing tensions. China's friendship policy toward Myanmar is for all the people of Myanmar. Over the years, we have maintained friendly exchanges with various political parties in Myanmar, including the National League for Democracy. And developing friendship with China has also been a consensus across all sectors of Myanmar. No matter how the situation evolves, China will not waver in its commitment to advancing China-Myanmar relations, and will not change the course of promoting friendship and cooperation.

8 彭博社记者:美国、澳大利亚、印度和日本领导人将于周五举行“四边机制”首次会晤,会晤部分内容将讨论应对中国的经济和军事影响力。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Diplomats from the US, Australia, India and Japan, the Quad group, will meet Friday for the first time. Part of the rationale for this grouping is to counter China's economic and military influence. Would you like to comment on this meeting?


Zhao Lijian: State-to-state exchanges and cooperation should help enhance mutual understanding and trust among regional countries, instead of targeting against or undermining the interests of any third party. We hope relevant countries will follow the principles of openness, inclusiveness and win-win results, refrain from forming closed and exclusive "cliques" and act in a way that is conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

9 巴通社记者:据报道,巴基斯坦高级官员在一次会议中向在场的东盟成员国代表呼吁,希望他们能发现中巴经济走廊带来的机遇。中方对此有何评论? Associated Press of Pakistan: According to media report, a senior Pakistani official has urged representatives of ASEAN countries to promote China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. I wonder if you have any comment on this? 赵立坚:中巴经济走廊作为“一带一路”重要先行先试项目,是秉持共商、共建、共享原则的开放倡议。中巴欢迎任何支持“一带一路”和中巴经济走廊建设、希望与中巴开展互利合作、实现共同发展的国家和国际组织,在协商一致基础上参与到走廊建设中来,共享“一带一路”建设红利。 Zhao Lijian: As an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an open one guided by the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits. All countries and international organizations that support the BRI and the CPEC, and want to have mutually beneficial cooperation with China and Pakistan for common development, are welcome to participate in the building of CPEC on the basis of consensus and share the dividend of BRI cooperation.



Bloomberg: Washington has apparently told some suppliers to Huawei Technologies of tighter conditions on previously approved export licenses that prohibit items for use in or with 5G devices. The ban, effective this week, creates a more explicit prohibition on the export of components like semiconductors, antennas and batteries for Huawei's 5G devices. What is the ministry's comment on this ban? Does the ministry have any comment on Washington's approach to Huawei?

赵立坚:中方已多次就此表明严正立场。美方泛化国家安全概念,滥用国家力量,不择手段打压中国高科技企业,严重违反市场经济和公平竞争原则。事实一再表明,美国是一个不可靠、没有可信度的国家。这种做法不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害美国和其他国家企业的利益,将严重干扰两国乃至全球正常的科技交流和贸易往来,对全球产业链、供应链造成破坏。 Zhao Lijian: The Chinese side has made clear its stern position on this issue many times. The previous U.S. administration abused the concept of national security and left no stones unturned to suppress Chinese hi-tech companies with state power. In doing so, the U.S. side is negating its much-flaunted principles of market economy and fair competition. Such actions will damage the legitimate interests of not only the Chinese companies but American ones and those from other countries, seriously disrupt scientific, technological and trade exchanges between the two sides and around the world and wreak havoc over the global industrial and supply chains.
美方应立即停止对中国企业的无理打压,公平、公正、非歧视地对待中国企业,多做有利于中美科技交流和经贸合作的事。 The U.S. side should stop its crackdown on Chinese companies, treat them in an open, fair, unbiased and non-discriminatory manner, and do more to enhance China-U.S. scientific and technological exchanges and economic and trade cooperation.



Reuters: The White House made several comments about the upcoming meeting between China and the US in Alaska. The White House spokeswoman said the meeting would be difficult and Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan plan to discuss topics including Xinjiang, Hong Kong and other issues during the upcoming talks. What's the ministry's comment on this?

赵立坚:昨天我们已经发布了中美将于近期举行高层战略对话的消息。举行中美高层战略对话系美方提议。这是中美元首除夕通话后首次高层接触,也是美国新政府执政以来中美首次面对面会晤。我们希望通过对话,双方能按照两国元首通话精神,聚焦合作、管控分歧,推动中美关系健康稳定发展。 Zhao Lijian: Yesterday we announced that China and the United States will hold a high-level strategic dialogue in the coming days. Proposed by the U.S. side, it will be the first high-level contact between the two sides after the two presidents had a phone call on the eve of the Chinese lunar new year, and the first face-to-face meeting between the two sides since the new U.S. administration took office. We hope that through dialogue, the two sides can build on the spirit of the phone conversation of the two heads of state, focus on cooperation, manage differences and promote the sound and steady development of China-US relations.
此次战略对话具体议题有待双方商定。我们希望双方能就共同关心的问题坦诚对话,中方也将表明我们的立场。双方应准确把握彼此政策意图,增进相互了解,管控分歧问题,推动中美关系重回正轨。 The specific topics of the dialogue have yet to be decided by the two sides. We hope that the two sides can have candid talks on issues of common concern. China will make its position clear. The two sides should accurately understand each other's policy intentions, enhance mutual understanding, manage differences and bring China-US relations back to the right track.
中方在涉疆、涉港问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。中方多次说过,新疆地区的大门始终敞开。近年来已有100多个国家的1200多名外交官、国际组织官员、记者、宗教人士等访疆。他们通过实地访问了解到新疆的真实情况,认为自己在新疆的所见所闻同一些西方媒体的报道和政客的指责完全不一样。我们欢迎任何不带偏见的外国人士访疆,通过亲身经历更好地了解新疆。在事实和真相面前,国际反华势力炮制的各种反华谎言和虚假信息都将不攻自破。 China's position on issues related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong is consistent and clear. China has said many times that the door to Xinjiang is always open. In recent years, more than 1,200 foreign diplomats, international organization officials, journalists and religious personnel from over 100 countries visited Xinjiang, and they agreed that what they saw and experienced in the region was entirely different from Western media reports and politicians' accusations. We welcome unbiased foreigners to visit Xinjiang and get a better understanding of Xinjiang through personal experience. In the face of these facts and truths, all the lies and disinformation cooked up by anti-China forces will collapse.
香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政,任何外国无权干涉。我们敦促美方停止插手香港事务,停止干涉中国内政,不要在错误的道路上越走越远。中方将坚定捍卫自身主权、安全、发展利益。 Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, and no foreign country has the right to interfere. We urge the U.S. side to stop interfering in China's Hong Kong affairs and refrain from going further down the wrong path. China will firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests.



Global Times: Yesterday, the Japanese government held a commemorative ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of the March 11 earthquake in Japan. I wonder if you have any comment on this?

赵立坚:10年前的3月11日,日本东北地区遭受强烈地震和海啸袭击,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。昨天中国外交部发言人已通过社交媒体向日本人民表达了诚挚慰问,期待在日本政府和各界共同努力下,受灾地区早日完成重建,实现复兴。 Zhao Lijian: On March 11, 10 years ago, the northeastern region of Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami, causing heavy casualties and property losses. Yesterday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson expressed sincere condolences to the Japanese people through social media, hoping that with the joint efforts of the Japanese government and all social sectors, the disaster-hit areas will be rebuilt and revitalized at an early date.
灾害无情人有情。中日作为一衣带水的友好邻邦,在危难时刻有着同舟共济、守望相助的良好传统。2011年那场大地震发生后,中国政府和人民及时伸出援手,向日方提供了力所能及的帮助和支持。我们也不会忘记,2008年四川汶川地震发生后,日本政府和人民向中方提供的宝贵支援。突如其来的新冠疫情发生后,中日两国人民相互支援,共同谱写了“山川异域、风月同天”的时代新篇,同样是两国这一优良传统的生动体现。中方愿同日方进一步深化防灾减灾救灾等领域的务实交流与合作,共同维护两国人民的生命财产安全,为加强地区和世界灾害防御体系建设作出积极贡献。 Crushing disasters only highlights the compassion of humanity. As friendly neighbors separated by a strip of water, China and Japan have a fine tradition of standing in solidarity and helping each other in trying times. After the devastating earthquake in 2011, the Chinese government and people extended a helping hand to Japan in a timely manner and provided support and assistance to the best of our capability. Likewise, we will never forget the valuable support provided by the Japanese government and people to China in the aftermath of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. In the wake of the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese and Japanese people supported each other and jointly wrote a chapter of the new era, which gives true meaning to the verses "though we live in different lands, the same moon and sky make us one" and attests to our fine tradition. China is ready to further deepen practical exchanges and cooperation with Japan in disaster prevention, reduction and relief, and protect the life and property of the two peoples as part of contributions to strengthening the regional and global disaster prevention system.

13 《中国日报》记者:10日,利比亚国民代表大会投票通过过渡政府总理德拜巴提交的组阁名单。有报道称,这是多年来解决利比亚冲突的最大机遇,请问中方对此有何评论? China Daily: Libya's parliament voted on Wednesday to approve Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibeh's cabinet, which some believe represents the biggest opportunity in years for a resolution to Libya's conflict. Do you have any response? 赵立坚:日前,利比亚国民代表大会通过对新的过渡政府的信任投票,中方对此表示欢迎。我们希望利比亚新的过渡政府能够团结各方,凝聚共识,推动利比亚问题政治解决取得新进展。中方愿继续发展同利比亚的友好合作关系,并同国际社会一道,为恢复利比亚和平稳定发挥积极作用。 Zhao Lijian: China welcomes the Libyan parliament's vote of confidence to the new interim government. We hope the interim government will work collaboratively with other parties, consolidate consensus and promote new progress in political settlement of the Libyan issue. China is willing to continuously develop friendly cooperative relations with Libya, work with the rest of the international community, and play an positive role in restoring peace and stability in Libya.

14 总台国广记者:据报道,科特迪瓦总理兼国防部长巴卡约科10日因病在德国去世。中方对此有何评论? CRI: The Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Hamed Bakayoko, has passed away due to illness in a hospital in Germany on March 10. Mr Bakayoko was also the country's defence minister. What is China's comment? 赵立坚:巴卡约科总理兼国防部长对华友好,为推动中科友好合作作出积极贡献。中方对他不幸逝世表示哀悼,并向巴卡约科总理家属以及科特迪瓦政府和人民表示诚挚慰问。我们重视中科关系,愿同科方共同努力,推动两国关系取得更大发展。 Zhao Lijian: Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Bakayoko was friendly to China and he made positive contributions to promoting friendly cooperation between China and the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. China expresses its condolences on his passing-away and sincere sympathies to the family of Prime Minister Bakayoko and to the government and people of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. We attach importance to our relations with the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and are willing to make joint efforts to promote greater development of bilateral relations.

15 彭博社记者:微软公司发布公告称,上周发现有恶意软件攻击有漏洞的服务器,此后微软公司发布了最新补丁。目前全球仍有上万台服务器没有打这种最新的补丁,在中国有7000台这样的服务器。专家称,在发达国家的服务器打了补丁之后,中国的企业可能会受到影响。请问中国政府是否已向企业发布相关提醒?现在一个多星期已经过去了,中方是否担心未打补丁的服务器仍会受到恶意软件的攻击? Bloomberg: Microsoft has put out an advisory saying that a family of ransomware is exploiting vulnerabilities last week and has issued more update. There are thousands of servers that haven't been patched at all. In China there are 7,000 servers. Experts say this will impact businesses in China after developed countries in the world have been patched. Can we ask if the government has issued notices to businesses to install patches regarding this ransomware? And if they're concerned that it's been over a week and these new campaigns will continue to target vulnerable businesses until their systems have been patched? 赵立坚:我不了解你提到的有关情况。你提到的这些情况很重要,我会向有关部门转达。 Zhao Lijian: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned. This information you mentioned is very important and we will relay it to relevant department.

16 韩联社记者:第一个问题,据报道,朝鲜新任驻华大使日前已抵达中国,中方能否确认?第二个问题,有报道认为中国和朝鲜将恢复此前人员往来,中方对此有何评论? Yonhap News Agency: First, it is reported that the new DPRK Ambassador to China has arrived in China. Can you confirm it? Second, there are reports that China and the DPRK will return the exchange of personnel to the previous state. What is China's comment on this? 赵立坚:关于第一个问题,朝方任命李龙男为驻华大使,中方对此表示欢迎。关于李龙男大使来华履新等后续动态,我目前没有要发布的消息。 Zhao Lijian: On your first question, the DPRK appointed Ri Ryong Nam as DPRK ambassador to China, and China welcomes this. With regard to Ambassador Ri Ryong Nam's arrival in China and other follow-up developments, I have no information to release at present.
关于第二个问题,作为友好邻邦,中方愿同朝方一道,维护好、巩固好、发展好中朝传统友好合作关系。 On the second issue, as a friendly neighbor to the DPRK, China is willing to work with the DPRK to safeguard, consolidate and develop well the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two sides.

17 日本广播协会记者:刚才有记者问到,中方决定向参加东京奥运会和北京冬奥会的人员提供疫苗。请问中方计划何时开始提供?具体是哪家企业的疫苗?具体数量是多少? NHK: Just now a reporter asked about China offering vaccines to athletes participating in the Tokyo Games and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. When, which and how many Chinese vaccines will be provided to the athletes? 赵立坚:谢谢你对这件事的关心。目前我还没有具体的信息向你提供。 Zhao Lijian: Thank you for your interest in this matter, but at present I have no specific information to offer.




以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-12的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!


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