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【双语】例行记者会 2020年12月10日 华春莹(下)





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Prasar Bharati: India’s External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar has said that China has offered differing explanations for its deployment of thousands of soldiers on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) that pushed bilateral ties into their most difficult phase ever. He also said that for some reason, China has violated multiple agreements signed between the two sides since 1993 that committed both parties not to bring large forces to the LAC. Does the ministry have any comments on this?



Hua Chunying: China and India are neighbors and the two largest emerging markets in the world. Maintaining good relations serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, which also calls for joint efforts from both sides to meet each other half way. The rights and wrongs of what has happened in the China-India border area are very clear and the responsibility lies squarely with the Indian side. China is committed to resolving the boundary issue through negotiation and consultation and maintaining peace and tranquility in the border areas. At the same time, China is firmly committed to safeguarding China’s territorial sovereignty. We hope that India will work with China in the same direction and do more things conducive to solidarity, cooperation and common development.



Beijing Youth Daily: On December 8, US Republican Senator Marc Rubio and another US Representative sent letters to the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of both Intel Corporation and NVIDIA. The letters seek additional information with regard to the sale of advanced computer chips that power a supercomputer used by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) security forces, including whether they knew that their technology would be used to support surveillance activities conducted by the PRC police forces and security entities. Some reports say that China’s local governments use facial recognition apps that could warn the appearance of Uyghurs. What is China’s comment on this?



Hua Chunying: We all know Rubio is anti-China. He takes as his mission concocting all kinds of lies to discredit China and serve his political self-interest. He has no political integrity to speak of.



As we all know, harnessing modern scientific and technological development, like using big data, to improve social governance is a common practice of the international community, and the United States is no exception. Cameras lawfully installed in relevant public places in Xinjiang are not aimed at monitoring any particular ethnic group, but improving social governance and effectively preventing and fighting against crimes. In fact, people feel more safe because of this measure which has won the general support of all ethnic groups.



When it comes to “surveillance”, in fact, the United States has been criticized by the world for using high-tech means to implement large-scale surveillance activities. In 2017, the U.S. government has asked 20 airports across the nation to scan passengers for face recognition, according to their own reports. The New York police has built a city-wide surveillance system that every pedestrian and every vehicle at every corner is monitored and what’s going through a person’s mobile phone is also tracked. Eight secret surveillance centers have been set up in Texas alone for intelligence sharing and the monitoring of social media and online forums. The FBI’s massive facial recognition apparatus can match against over 640 million photos without a warrant or probable cause, according to a June 4 report by the United States Audit Office. About half of American adults (more than 117 million people) are included in face recognition systems used by law enforcement agencies, and African Americans are more vulnerable to be flagged than other ethnic groups, according to a study published by Georgetown University. I also saw a Guardian report published on July 17, 2020 that at least 1/4 of law enforcement agencies in the United States can use the facial recognition technology without supervision. In New York City alone, the NYPD used facial recognition more than 8,000 times last year, including in conjunction with its so-called “gang database” of 42,000 New Yorkers, overwhelmingly New Yorkers of color. Police could potentially retaliate against protesters by adding their names to databases and singling them out for unjustified, follow-up monitoring and “selective enforcement of unrelated matters”. Another open secret, as we all know, is that relevant US agencies have long violated international law and the basic norms of international relations by carrying out large-scale, organized and nondiscriminatory cyber theft, surveillance and attacks on foreign governments, enterprises and individuals. This is what the world already knows.



We urge some people in the United States to abandon double standards, stop political manipulation, and stop fabricating lies related to Xinjiang and stops interfering in China’s internal affairs by taking advantage of Xinjiang-related issues.



Reuters: The United States’ Treasury slapped sanctions on Macao ringleader Wan Kuok Koi, saying he is a CPPCC member and that the 14K Triad under his control is committing crimes in the BRI program. What’s your response? Can you confirm that he is not a CPPCC member?



Hua Chunying: You just said this person is a ringleader. I saw relevant reports and as I understand, he is anyone but a member of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), either at the national or local level. This is another proof that some people in the US are fabricating lies and unscrupulously attacking and smearing China. It’s just despicable.



China Daily: US Secretary of State Pompeo said yesterday that more than 60 countries, including 27 EU countries, and about 130 telecommunications companies have abandoned China’s 5G technology. What is China’s comment on this?



Hua Chunying: He keeps bragging about more and more countries joining the so-called “clean network” and “abandoning China’s 5G technology.” Can he list which these countries are? As far as I know, the U.S. side has been lobbying countries around the world with carrot and stick to join the so-called “network”, and some countries have in fact been included in this “network” under duress.



Facts have proved that Chinese companies have been maintaining a very good record on network security. Take Huawei as an example. In the past 30 years, Huawei has built more than 1,500 networks in more than 170 countries and regions, partnering with 228 Fortune Global 500 companies and serving more than three billion people around the world. There have been no such network security incidents as the Snowden incident and WikiLeaks, no such cyber surveillance programs as “Prism Gate”, “Formula Organization” and “Echelon System”, and no country has been able to come up with evidence to prove Huawei products have back doors. Huawei has long publicly expressed its readiness to sign a “no back door” agreement and to set up a cyber security assessment centre in any country. Which American company can make the same commitment? Can they?



As AFP reported in October, the United States and other Five Eye countries have publicly requested that backdoors be set up in encryption applications such as Signal and Telegram to provide access to law enforcement agencies. So far, the United States has not given an explanation.



The so-called “clean network” concocted by the US side is in fact a “dirty network”, because its real purpose is to crack down on non-American enterprises that have gained an edge over American ones, and to suppress the legitimate development rights of other countries, so as to safeguard the monopoly, self-interests, and scientific and technological hegemony of the United States. A bully will not be welcomed wherever he goes, and no purpose will be served by coercion. We believe that after recognizing the truth, most countries will take an objective and impartial stand and make independent judgments.



Kyodo News: You just talked about Hong Kong-related issues. Is the sanctions on the US side put in place today? Any details of those sanctioned?



Hua Chunying: Like I just said, the Chinese side decides to impose reciprocal sanctions on U.S. officials of executive branch, people of Congress and NGOs who act egregiously and bear major responsibilities on Hong Kong-related issues and their immediate family members. As to who will be covered, I’m sure those who fall under this category know very well.



PTI: While replying to the question related to the Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments, you spoke of common efforts. One key point of Mr. Jaishankar’s interview was that the two countries have worked out agreements on several important areas, including trade, travel, et cetera, even while negotiating the boundary issue, and he said that probably life can go on with this kind of situation at the border. So what kind of common efforts do you think the two countries can now contemplate? Previously they worked out so many agreements. And obviously, you have a new situation. Can you elaborate on the common efforts that the two countries can now think about to resolve this border issue and more beyond that?



Hua Chunying: With regard to the border issue, as I have just said, the rights and wrongs of the events that have taken place in the border areas between China and India are very clear. China has always strictly complied with the agreements signed with India. We are committed to resolving the border issue through negotiations and consultations and to safeguarding peace and tranquility in the border areas. At the same time, like any sovereign country, China’s determination to safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering. It is the Indian side that needs to seriously think about why it is faced with the current situation.



At present, China-India relations do face difficulties and challenges, but China’s policy towards India has not changed. We always believe that it is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples to maintain good relations, as two neighboring countries and emerging economies, each with a population of more than 1 billion. China will, as always, be committed to maintaining and developing relations with India and upholding peace and stability in the border areas. With regard to issues left over from history, such as the border issue, China has always advocated finding a just and reasonable solution that is acceptable to both sides through peaceful and friendly consultations, and at the same time placing the border issue in an appropriate position in bilateral relations. We hope that the Indian side will work with the Chinese side, earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, properly manage differences, enhance political mutual trust, strengthen practical cooperation, and strive to return China-India relations to the track of healthy and stable development.



Hubei TV: Chinese Ambassador to Egypt and Representative to the Arab League Liao Liqiang recently handed over to the headquarters of the Secretariat of the Arab League the second batch of anti-epidemic supplies donated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Can the spokesperson give more information?



Hua Chunying: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Arab states have shared weal and woe and helped each other, standing as an example of successful bilateral cooperation in fighting the pandemic and a vivid portrayal of China and Arab states building a community of a shared future. Secretary-General of the Arab League Gheit wrote to State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to express support when China was in the depth of a fight against the pandemic, and Arab states donated more than 10 million masks and other urgently needed medical supplies to China. China also feels for Arab states when they have been hit by the pandemic. President Xi Jinping sent letters expressing support to a number of Arab leaders. Since then, China has provided more than 1 million test kits and more than 18 million masks to Arab states and sent medical expert groups to eight Arab states. The two sides held more than 40 video conferences for medical experts. Vaccine cooperation between China and the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco and others is also going well.



The second batch of supplies donated by the Chinese side includes 130,000 N95 masks, which will effectively support the Arab League Secretariat’s response to another outbreak in winter. Prior to this, China has provided 200,000 general masks and 9,000 N95 masks to the Secretariat of the Arab League. These are our concrete steps to implement the Joint Statement of China and Arab States on Solidarity Against COVID-19.



Zaki, chief assistant secretary-general of the Arab League, said that the donation of the second batch of anti-epidemic materials by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is another testament to the long-standing friendship between Arab states and China, and once again reflects the importance China attaches to the brotherly friendship between the two sides. The Arab League looks forward to the early defeat of COVID-19 with the joint efforts of Arab States and China and the solidarity and cooperation of all countries in the world. The Arab League and China will continue to support each other and jointly promote the in-depth development of friendly relations between the two sides. Through the test of the epidemic, the mutual trust and friendship between China and the Arab League will be further deepened.



Shenzhen TV: US Secretary of State Pompeo again accused the CPC of unleashing the novel coronavirus. US President Donald Trump mentioned the “China virus” again yesterday when he forwarded a tweet on record COVID-19 deaths in Germany. How does China comment on this?



Hua Chunying: COVID-19 is the common enemy of mankind. The WHO and the international community are clearly opposed to linking the virus to specific countries and regions and against stigmatization. I believe everyone has noticed that some recent international studies believe that the novel coronavirus had spread overseas before the outbreak in China, and the timeline was repeatedly moved ahead. This confirms once again that the traceability of the virus is a complex scientific problem, and it is up to scientists to carry out international scientific research and cooperation on a global scale.



Now the cumulative cases in the United States have exceeded 15 million, an increase of more than a million within a week, which means that one in every 22 Americans is confirmed. Deaths in the United States have edged towards 300,000. More than 3,000 new cases were added yesterday. The United States accounts for 4.2 percent of the world’s population, but the number of confirmed cases accounts for 22.2 percent of the world, more than five times the number of cases per million people in the world. I note that reports in the United States say that the pandemic has evolved into a humanitarian disaster in the United States. In order to cover up their incompetence in coping with the pandemic, some US politicians have tried their best to label the virus and politicize the pandemic, engage in political manipulation on the origin of the virus, spread political viruses and lies, and try to dump the blame and shirk the blame. As you can see, the United States is now the greatest emitter of the virus. It turns out that relevant actions by the U.S. side is neither scientific nor moral, harmful to everyone. We urge the relevant US politicians to respect the facts, respect science, stop stigmatizing and politically manipulate the pandemic situation, focus their minds and energy to fighting the virus in their own country, and do their best to safeguard the safety and health of the American people. China is willing to provide the American people with the help and support we can to fight the epidemic.



Reuters: S&P Dow Jones Indices announced today that a group of Chinese companies are removed from their stocks and securities index. What is China’s comment on this?



Hua Chunying: I answered similar questions the other day. This is obviously a result of the relevant executive order of the U.S. government, also another example of the U.S. side using state power and abusing the name of national security to suppress Chinese enterprises. We firmly oppose the relevant practices of the U.S. government. Time will tell that it is the interests of the U.S. side that will be hurt at the end of the day because of their encircling and containing of Chinese enterprises with various excuses and without a bottom line.



Reuters: the Chinese Embassy in the United States said its Twitter was hacked, and denied that on December 9, it retweeted a post of US President Donald Trump accusing the Democrats of rigging the election. What further explanation does the Chinese side have?



Hua Chunying: The Chinese Embassy in the United States has made a statement, saying that the Embassy did not forward any tweets on the 9th.


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