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2020考研英语阅读理解精读100篇:Unit 69





Unit 69

When Gina Garro and Brian Duplisea adopted 4-month-old Andres from Colombia last month, they were determined to take time off from work to care for him. Six years ago, after their daughter, Melina, was born, the family scraped by on Duplisea’s $36,000 salary as a construction worker so Garro, a special-education teacher, could stay home. Now, since Garro’s job furnishes the family health insurance, she’ll head back to work this fall while Duplisea juggles diapers and baby bottles. His boss agreed to the time off—but he will have to forgo his $18-an-hour pay. It won’t be easy. Though Garro’s $40,000 salary will cover their mortgage, the couple will have to freeze their retirement accounts, scale back on Melina’s after-school activities—and pray that nothing goes wrong with the car. “It takes away from your cushion and your security,” says Garro. “Things will be tight.”

The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed to help families like Garro’s, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives. But while the law guarantees that workers won’t lose their jobs, it doesn’t cover their paychecks. One survey last year showed that while 24 million Americans had taken leaves since 1999, 2.7 million more wanted to, but couldn’t afford it. That may change soon. In response to increasing demands from voters, at least 25 states are now exploring new ways to offer paid leave. One possibility: tapping state disability funds. A handful of states—New York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island and Hawaii—already dip into disability money to offer partial pay for women on maternity leave. But that doesn’t help dads or people caring for elderly parents. New Jersey and New York may soon expand disability programs to cover leave for fathers and other caretakers. Thirteen states, including Arizona, Illinois and Florida, have proposed using unemployment funds to pay for leave.

Massachusetts has been especially creative. When the state’s acting governor, Jane Swift, gave birth to twin daughters in May, she drew attention to the issue with her own “working maternity leave”: she telecommuted part-time but earned her usual full-time salary. Even before Swift returned to work last week, the state Senate unanimously passed a pilot plan that would use surplus funds from a health-insurance program for the unemployed to give new parents 12 weeks off at half pay. Another plan, proposed in the House, would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up a “New Families Trust Fund.” Businesses would get tax credits in return. This week Swift is expected to announce her own paid-leave plan for lower-income mothers and fathers. Polls show widespread public support—another reason Swift and other politicians across the country have embraced the issue.

Still, not everyone’s wild about the idea. People without children question why new parents—the first group to get paid leave under many of the proposed plans—should get more government perks than they do. Business groups are resistant to proposals that would raid unemployment funds; several have already filed suit to block them. As the economy slows, many companies say they can’t afford to contribute to proposed new benefit funds either. Business lobbyists say too many employees already abuse existing federal family-leave laws by taking time off for dubious reasons or in tiny time increments. The proposed laws, they say, would only make matters worse.

For Garro and Duplisea, though, the new laws could make all the difference. As Melina fixes a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, Duplisea hugs a snoozing Andres against his T T-shirt. “We’re trying to do the right thing by two kids, and we have to sacrifice,” Duplisea says. In Massachusetts and plenty of other states, help may be on the way.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:第1、2、4、5、3题分别模仿2013年真题Text 2第1、3、2、5题和Text 3第1题。

1. From the first paragraph, we learn that ______.

A) Garro and Duplisea used to live a comfortable and easy life

B) Duplisea’s boss is so considerate as to allow him to keep his job

C) Garro can earn more money so she should go back to work

D) the couple have made a lot of sacrifices to take care of their children

2. When Garro says “It takes away from your cushion and your security”(Lines 8~9, Paragraph 1), she means ______.

A) it exhausts her family savings

B) it plunges her family into financial trouble

C) it deprives her children of health insurance

D) it makes her feel insecure

3. If Garro lives in Massachusetts, she will ______.

A) have 12 weeks off at half pay

B) telecommute part-time but earn full-time salary

C) leave her job without pay to take care of her kids

D) get $20 from her employer for her leave

4. The word “perk”(Line 2, Paragraph 4)most probably means ______.

A) grant

B) policy

C) encouragement

D) reward

5. The author’s attitude towards paid leave seems to be that of ______.

A) opposition

B) suspicion

C) approval

D) indifference




scrape /skreɪp/ v. (常与along, by, through连用)勉强维持生计;勉强通过

furnish /ˈfəːnɪʃ/ v. 供应,提供

juggle /ˈdʒʌg(ə)l/ v. 耍,弄

diaper /ˈdaɪəpə(r)/ n. 尿布

forgo /fɔːˈgəʊ/ v. 抛弃;放弃

cushion /kuʃən/ n. 缓冲,缓和不利后果的东西

tap /tæp/ v. 开发;利用

maternity /məˈtəːnɪti/ adj. 母性的,孕妇的;适合于孕妇的

telecommute /ˌtelɪkəˈmjuːt/ v. (在家里通过使用与工作单位连接的计算机终端)远距离工作

pilot plan 试点方案

kick in 参与提供资金和其他帮助的活动

tax credit 税金免除

perk /pɜːk/ n. (= perquisite)额外津贴

raid /reɪd/ v. 侵吞

lobbyist /ˈlɒbiɪst/ n. 院外活动集团成员;说客

increment /ˈɪnkrɪmənt/ n. 增加,增量


The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed to help families like Garro’s, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives.

主体句式:The Act was supposed to help...

结构分析:本句是一个复杂句,既包括从句,也包括分词结构。Be supposed to do something表示“应该做某事”,通常强调义务、责任等。Safety net原意是防止坠落受伤的“安全网”,在此引申为“安全保障”。



1. D 推理题。从第一段的内容来看,为了照顾两个孩子,这一对夫妇做出了许多选择。这些选择大都意味着做出一定牺牲,比如请假在家照顾孩子,收入减少,冻结退休金账户,减少孩子课外活动开支等。

2. B 语义题。从第一段列举的事实来看,加罗夫妇不得不冻结退休金账户,减少梅丽娜的课后活动开支——还要祷告汽车别出问题。可见请假照顾孩子给他们带来了严重的经济问题。答案B正确。

3. A 细节题。内容涉及马萨诸塞州最近通过的一项议案。原文参照第三段第五行。

4. A 语义题。从第二、三段的内容来看,各州政府试图动用各种基金对请假照料新生婴儿的父母进行经济上的帮助,因此A项在意义上最符合。

5. C 情感态度题。本文重点说明了停薪请假人所面临的经济困难,以及各州的解决方案,并在最后一段说明带薪请假政策可能带来的积极变化。从材料的选择来看,作者对于带薪请假政策持积极的态度,所以答案为C。








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